TI-82 and TI-83 in New Case
Posted by Nathan on 29 April 1999, 09:39 GMT
The images on Texas Intrument's TI-82 Product Information Page now shows the calculator in a new case similar to the TI-89's case with wider, rounder buttons, and the new high-contrast LCD screen. Texas Instruments gives the following reason for the new cases: The slightly different look of the popular TI-82 and TI-83 graphing calculators is in response to the very positive educator reaction to the design, display viewability and rugged construction of the new TI-73 middle grades graphing calculator. Appearance changes to the TI-83 are limited to rounder key shapes and a raised display. The TI-82 change is more dramatic, as the product looks much rounder than the original boxy style. The key shapes for the TI-82 are also rounded. Source: Texas Instruments
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-82 in New Case
Yamad al Aphta
The attitude of TI seriously becomes to irritate me.
Instead of produceing slightly improved versions of their calculators(like CASIO this also make me think to Street fighter series) they should:
-Stop the productions of the TI82 and of the TI85
-Strongly improve the OS of their Flash caclculators(especially TI89/92+) as well as providing valuable applications
-Start the developpement of their next top of line
because their actual calc will be certainly blown
away by the next HP
That's all !
28 April 1999, 16:43 GMT

Re: TI-82 in New Case
(Web Page)
First of all, why would anyone want to upgrade their old calculators to be excessively different. If you upgraded a TI-82 to have more memory, higher resolution, or other things. If they did this then calculators would become incompatible amoung a series. Who would want to have to port their programs to every new version of a calculator that comes out? No one. I think it's a good idea that TI put the 82 in a new case, a lot of school purchase them, (for good reason, because they're cheap, and effective) So long as the price remains the same, then I say: "Go for it TI!" Why not change the case, it's not like it's gonna cost more money to make (no new internals, just new outside) And it's an imitation of the 89, so they probably have everything there ready to use it to change the case.
1 May 1999, 06:04 GMT
Re: TI-82 in New Case
I'm happy with my 89 :-)
28 April 1999, 17:14 GMT
Re: TI-82 in New Case
(Web Page)
Could it be that TI plans on updating the look of all of its calculators that it plans to keep in production? Could be...
So does that mean the TI-85 could be discontinued next? Very possible. And the same might be said for the TI-86 too, unless TI plans on giving a press release on the TI-86 Plus (PLEASES!!).
28 April 1999, 20:20 GMT
Re: TI-82 in New Case
adam b
(Web Page)
What I don't understand is why ticalc didn't announce this for the 83. It's been in the new style case/buttons for a while. Maybe it's because they already announced about the TI-83+, but I'm not sure. Anyways, why update the case of an old calc? I mean, a TI-82 is fine for people who already have them, but I don't think many of us would buy one new anymore, at least, not with the 83+ out. Anyways, yes, the TI-85 probably will be next.
28 April 1999, 21:03 GMT
The TI-82 Legacy Continues
Danny Nguyen
I still own my 3 1/2 year old TI-82 and still use it and I think it's kind of cool that a new case is being made. But in my opinion, TI is just wasting their time although TI fanatics will buy the calculator. On another aspect, is it known whether the new 82 will have a new ROM?
28 April 1999, 21:08 GMT
Re: TI-82 in New Case
Ed Fry
(Web Page)
most likely, the only reason their doing this is to cut costs. Right not their making 4 different Chassis and 2 types of screens, If they change all of the Ti-8x calculators to be similar to the Ti-89, they will only be making 2 different Chassis and 1 type of screen. This may be a good thing in the way of lower prices on the calculators.
28 April 1999, 21:27 GMT
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