Bryan Rabeler and Part Ways
Posted on 5 March 1999, 03:42 GMT
We are sorry to announce that Bryan Rabeler, a member of our staff for the past two years, will no longer be contributing to the project. While Bryan has played a tremendous role in making our site a success, we are no longer able to collaborate with Bryan in a beneficial way. We wish Bryan the best of luck for the future and once again would like to acknowledge the considerable commitment he has made to the site in the past.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Bryan Rabeler and Part Ways
(Unknown User)
Bryan Rabeler did a lot better job with the news and archives. He shouldn't have been fired.
10 October 1999, 02:36 GMT
Re: Bryan Rabeler and Part Ways
Chris Moultrie
(Web Page)
Sorry, to hear he's leaving... I hope he has a good time with whatever he does in the future. Good luck Brian, be save, and have fun!
Chris Moultrie
5 March 1999, 03:53 GMT
See ya around, Bryan. To Just a bump in the road.
Shaun (Emp) McCormick
(Web Page)
Now, as a longtime active member in the TI world, I have some comments I'd like to make on this subject. First of all, Bryan Rabeler deserves all the credit he should be given. He devoted much time to However, he was not The staff of is one of the most organized, disciplined, and hard-working staffs I have seen in a long time. This is the staff most sites wish for, the staff where everyone picks up their quota and more, doesn't complain, and most importantly, does it for the whole, the site. Not for themselves. Now, Bryan's hack on the TI-Files was selfish and immature, but the staff was just in executing discipline against Bryan. Even though rumors are flying about Bryan being kicked for the hack, I do not, however, believe that his hack had anything to do with his 'firing.' Many problems plague all staffs, no matter how good they are. The true staffs are the ones that can keep those problems from the public and move on. Such did And their site flourished. People came back because they knew they could always depend on to be there for them when they needed them. Also, I on behalf of the TI-Files staff apologize for the comments made by my fellow staff member Jeepman98. He was acting selfish and was not thinking of the whole. Bryan, it's sad to see you go, you've been such a big part of the TI community. But, everyone has their time, and your end was decided by fate to be this day. Now, on the vs. controversy, there is no hatred. I never hated I never will. I just prefer over the other. (Now I know you'll say because you designed the site, you're a member, etc. No, I like it because of its friendly and personal atmosphere. Also, they hold nothing from the public. They tell you what really goes on, and they have enough trust in their visitors to befriend them for it. Those who don't, well, what importance to ti-files are they if they don't like them?) But on the other hand, I strongly believe in competition. I don't think that this resignation of Bryan from will slow much at all, if any. But this will be a boost for TI-Files morally, and TI-Filies, or visitors to TI-Files, as we like to call them. So I do not care if one insults the other, for it is all in the spirit of competition. But when one such as important as Bryan resigns, we should all show him the same respect that we would want them to show us if we were in that position. So, Bryan, without further adieu, see ya around., let's see what ya still got. ;)
-Shaun (Emp) McCormick
6 March 1999, 03:48 GMT
Re: See ya around, Bryan. To Just a bump in the road.
(Web Page)
I agree with most of what you said, but there are a few things I think could be fine-tuned.
I don't think anyone except members themselves can judge of how much of a central part Bryan was on the staff. They alone know how much they work. From reading the front page and seeing what happens on IRC, I'd have to agree that Bryan was holding everything together. But only the staff can know if that is true. Of course, over the course of the following few months, the rest of the community will find that out.
I've stated several times in other posts that I agree that the "hack" had absolutely nothing to do with this. Read my other posts, I don't want to type it again :P
I find it interesting how everyone, particularly you, Emp, think Bryan is dead. He isn't, and far from it. Knowing him, he will still help out the TI-Community, be it starting a new site, programming, or even helping an existing site. "Your end was decided by fate to be this day" is totally untrue, since he is not leaving, getting a life, or any of that. I guess I don't have proof for this, but again, we'll see over the following few months.
I also beleive in competition; without it, none of the big sites would be what they are. And I admit, it is a moral boost for me too.
Only time can tell what will happen henceforth. Bryan may leave the TI-Community, or make a "comeback" in whatever form that will be in. may lose some of what it had, but it may recover easily. There's no use arguing about what we will know for sure in the weeks to come.
6 March 1999, 07:25 GMT

Re: Bryans ''Release''
(Web Page)
When I entered the TI-Community about a year and a half ago, I came to Ti-files, then Dimension TI, and then I noticed that was much more freqentaly updated and had better archive structure than any other sites at that time. Now, even then, Bryan Rabeler was responsible for MUCH of the work done on Im not saying that heis the only contributor, but ceratinly a major one. I really don't think we have the place to go bashing him. It is true what they say. Out of all of the and ti-files members that I have emailed, only bryan has responded. He was a great worker, and a respectable person. Sure he had his faults, but he always was man enough to apologize for what he has done wrong and we should wish him well.
7 March 1999, 22:21 GMT
Re: Bryan Rabeler and Part Ways
Nick Clark
I wish the site the best of luck without him.
5 March 1999, 03:59 GMT
Re: Bryan Rabeler and Part Ways
Alan Johnson
(Web Page)
I can't believe this. I'm really sorry to hear this news. I hope you go on to good things.
5 March 1999, 04:09 GMT
Re: Bryan Rabeler and Part Ways
Does anybody know why he is leaving?
5 March 1999, 04:43 GMT
Re: Bryan Rabeler and Part Ways
Sounds to me like Bryan was fired. Look at the wording "we are no longer able to collaborate with Bryan in a beneficial way". They're basically saying they don't want him around anymore. Notice all the references to the "past". Implying that recently, Bryan and other staff members have been quarelling. It's really too bad, as most of the members don't seem to visibly contribute much.
5 March 1999, 04:49 GMT

Re: Re: Bryan Rabeler and Part Ways
Nathan Haines
(Web Page)
This had nothing to do with TI-Files at all.
I am not a coordinator, and so I do not yet know the full details (I expect I'll get more info soon), but I do have some background knowledge of everything that's been happening.
I'm not, of course, going to divulge any information myself, but I'm very sad and disappointed to see him go.
Bryan was a very dedicated member, and a really cool guy, and I will continue to talk to him on ICQ and IRC. Meanwhile, is reorganizing and there'll be no problems continuing without him--our backup file archiver will be able to handle the updates for now, in case anyone was worrying about that. :)
5 March 1999, 07:28 GMT
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