Zelda 89 v0.03 Beta released
Posted on 31 December 1998, 14:59 GMT
CCIA (Calculator Central Intelligence Agency) has released Zelda 89 v0.03 Beta for the TI-89. This is a clone of the classic RPG for Nintendo, Gameboy, NES, etc. It features 4-level grayscale, real-looking sprites, and the ability to save your game. Future versions promise to comprise of many more features and abilities.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Zelda 89 v0.03 Beta released
I fuck Texas Calculators
Si tu ne comprend pas j'encule les calculatrices Texas
26 May 1999, 03:08 GMT
Re: Zelda 89 v0.03 Beta released
Cody Clark
I can't wait to install and play it. Those graphics are great.
31 December 1998, 15:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Zelda 89 v0.03 Beta released
Eddie Hazell
Well, I might not know the full capabilities, but I know enough to make a nice BASIC program. Check out PhoneBook/86 at the TI-BASIC/misc programs archive for the TI-86...It's got a nice interface, and a good saving engine. I just want a TI-89 because I want to learn to program in it, possibly in ASM. I think Zelda89 is a really awesome example of the capabilities of the 89, and of what good programming can do. I don't think anyone should buy the 89 just to play Zelda89, I mean, a new GameBoy is just 40 bucks, and I've seen Zelda: A Link to the Past for about 20 bucks, that's 60. But anyone willing to learn how to make quality games and programs for it should give it a try, as long as they can afford it.
7 January 1999, 04:07 GMT
Re: Zelda 89 v0.03 Beta released
Andy D.
(Web Page)
From what I've seen of those graphics, this looks like it could be one of the best games ever. Better than Mario, you say? Well, yes.. I mean, that looks *exactly* like the game-boy version. This is certainly a programming feat unmatched. I was planning on getting a TI-89 cause I heard great things about it, but now that I've seen this, I'm gonna have to get the 89.
31 December 1998, 15:27 GMT
Re: Zelda 89 v0.03 Beta released
I will download it now and try it. I hope it's good.
31 December 1998, 15:45 GMT
Re: Zelda 89 v0.03 Beta released
I just installed it. It is far from being done, with a lot of areas that need work, but it shows real promise, and has some of the best if not the best graphics out there. The finished product will definetly be worthy of the name Zelda. Great work, and keep em coming!
31 December 1998, 15:57 GMT
Re: Zelda 89 v0.03 Beta released
Chris VanderKnyff
Just make sure to update it for the LCD size on the 92+...
31 December 1998, 16:12 GMT
Re: Zelda 89 v0.03 Beta released
The README included with Zelda says that "To intall and use the zelda89 v.03b demo you must have plusshell and all the included libraries in the MAIN folder on your calculator." I've run Zelda fine under the latest ver. of Doors. Of the few problems I have found, I don't know if some (or all, or none) were caused by Doors.
31 December 1998, 18:08 GMT
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