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Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
Posted on 24 October 1998, 20:43 GMT

I, Kirk Meyer, have permanently retired from all coding of calculators and computers. Some great changes have happened in my life such that these items are no longer at the top of my list, and never will be again. With that in mind, I will be releasing most, if not all, of my source code to the public. Note that I will attempt to finish Cymbol because I realize how many people need it. Realize that this does not mean that I will retire from the staff here; I hope to continue to work for ticalc.org at least through the end of high school. I will be revising my web page soon to reflect these changes and give you some more information.


The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.

Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career

Well i would like to thank you kirk many of your programs comein very handy when you have nothing better to do in math class. whatever you decide is fine with me. you have got to make your own decisions in life.


     25 October 1998, 02:04 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career

Kirk, you da man. I respect your talents and am sure whatever reason you're quitting for its a good one. Good luck and hey, maybe someday you'll pull a Jordan and come out of retirement, eh? (Can you see an Air Kirk?)


     25 October 1998, 02:10 GMT

(Web Page)


that's all I have to say.

     25 October 1998, 02:16 GMT


Of course it is, it's a superior calculator. I believe it has a different chip too, the "saturn." But what I want to know is what it has to do with Kirks retirement.

     25 October 1998, 21:46 GMT

Re: Re: HP48 are KICKING OUR ASS!!!

I think what Chernobyl is trying to say is by Kirk retiring, it is making the gap wider between the HP48 programming and the TI programming. He is right, since by losing Kirk the community is losing a great programmer.The TI community will fall behind even more the HP COmmunity now.

     26 October 1998, 00:11 GMT

Re: Re: HP48 are KICKING OUR ASS!!!
Are not

You are on more crack than some are ascribing to Kirk if you think this couldn't be pulled off on a TI calculator. My 89 kicks the SHIT out of a hp48, even without many games and NO link cable (grumble grumble)

     26 October 1998, 00:59 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career

have you listened to his music, it all sounds the same to me(sucky). and i have taken piano so i know a song that is different from another.

     25 October 1998, 02:18 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career

where will your source codes be posted by the way

     25 October 1998, 02:19 GMT

Re: Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
Bryan Rabeler
(Web Page)

They have all been posted on this site.

     25 October 1998, 22:20 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
Jeff Min
(Web Page)

He'll come back, they always come back...

BTW, for all you losers that are criticizing all the lame posts, I think that they were just joking (although their jokes weren't that funny) so just shut up about it.

     25 October 1998, 02:27 GMT

Re: Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
Jonathan Whitfield

In actuality, you are criticizing lame posts, and so am I. So we should both shut up and not voice our opinions. (So says you)

     25 October 1998, 20:40 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
sean "pops" froyd

leave the man alone. it is his decision and we cannot judge him for it.

     25 October 1998, 02:46 GMT

Gotta respect it.

Good luck with the fish, man. I respect you for leaving, whatever the reasons; halibut, trout, sworfish, etc.

Thanks for the games, my time has never been wasted so wonderfully. :-)

     25 October 1998, 02:48 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career

I read your poem. As noted previously, I believe that the fish symbolize the opposite sex. You at first view them as the enemy, one you must conquor. When they grab on to you, you see their other qualities, and finally notice that they do not hurt your life, they rather lift your hopes and spirits. The last line with the mention of spouse leads me to believe hat you have fallen in love.
That's great for you, but don't be a fool to love. As best said by Francesco Petrach in his Canzoniere, "to her hath concealed his bow". It's referring to cupid, the man with a bow. Petrach fell in love with this girl and was inspired to write hundreds of sonnets about her. He obsessed and filled his life with her, but she did not love back.
Don't let your mind be played a fool by your heart. Be wise. Thanks.

     25 October 1998, 03:40 GMT

Re: Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
(Web Page)

I wish people like you would stop trying to draw conclusions about what happened in Kirk's life. Whether it be about being gay, falling in love, discovering a religion, drugs or whatever. Whatever happend or changed or whatever is not ours to speculate on.

     25 October 1998, 05:54 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
Alan Wong / Damnation


After reading this poem several times, and after he said that things in his life caused him to write this poem, so his life in some way must parallel the poem, literally or in inference. Fishing is the surface story and not the real story, but he may have picked this since either it is the best analogy he thought of, or he likes fishing.

The next part to analize is the last sentence, which most were confused on. "My friend, my spouse, and I were tails"(line 42). But if you recall to before, the fish he notices are heads. "The head of fishes swimming there"(line 17). So these head might be the "leaders" and he, his spouse and friend are the "followers". Due to the circumstances, this DOES NOT mean that he is in a religious cult or anything of the sort. Maybe a high school frat or something "benign" like this is a possibility. Or he may have been selected to server in some position in school. But then note that he said spouse. Wife? Maybe more like a girl friend, but then spouse is a strong word. So I believe that he is going steady with her, rather than actually finally finding her.

Also, he talks about being dragged into another "world" that is the upsidedown of his, since his world turned around, and the fish dragged him down, thus interpreted as up. I see this as, he was naive at first, found out part of the BIG PICTURE and was confused. The others that saw this big picture also were confused. This confusion can be shown by him falling in (or getting rushed with water). But the fish helped him get back with the pack. So these that also were confused (now not confused) were able to cause him to be not confused.

In final thought, using the entire passage for this, it seems that he was at first an introvert, lost in himself. This was due to being naive about something, a problem in life, or something along those lines (maybe due to age, but nothing bad, but is something that happens to everyone). Then he discovers the truth or answer (as most do), and is confused, or gets "drowned" in the water. The ones that have already found the truth and have adapted to it help him adapt to the truth. Then they live happily ever after.

What is this related to? I don't want to sound too serious on the issue, and I don't want to offend the author, but this is what I think the real world situations are that the poem address:

GETTING A LIFE, including girl-friend (possibly steady... with a ring and everything), getting a job, doing stuff rather than anything related to electronics, and just being as close to an adult as possible without being an adult.

Well, that was my 2 cents, plus another 10 bucks worth. And to the author (who I now address as Kirk Meyer), I hope you took no offense in this essay on your poem (and in your life expressed in the poem). If you did, I am sorry, since these are only speculations from the poem. You can deny all if you want (which the government does with the aliens, but anyway, just to lighten up a bit). And I hope you have a great future with what ever it is you have chosen...

Alan Wong
10:51 PM Eastern Time

<This concludes this months critical essay review of some famous guys poem.>

     25 October 1998, 03:42 GMT

Re: Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
Jean V�squez
(Web Page)

Hum, you are good. I mostly agree with the whole comment. Sure, I could have said basicly all that you have said, but we all know that by the looks of the other comments, most of the people that come here wouldn't have understood half of what you said. Well, I did, and I am sure that there will be others. In short, I am glad Kirk has found a new view and meaning in life. We shall all come across it sooner or later, and we shall see how plain and uninviting life was before we found a new perspective.

     25 October 1998, 05:16 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
(Web Page)

Could send the source for your brain. All that assebly talent and you are going to just quit, well I would like the talent. I'm not criticising Kerk, I would just like his talents.

Some advice(I'm not saying these are his reasons)...
Don't let religion and women control your thoughts.

     25 October 1998, 05:32 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
Richard Lewis

Good luck dude!

I can understand his decision. Sometimes you just have to give things up. We shouldn't judge him, or make fun of him. His life is his own.

On a similar side note, I'm pretty much quitting programming for the 85, too. I'm moving on to 80x86 assembly...

     25 October 1998, 06:34 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
Dux Gregis
(Web Page)

Ahh... assembly is the deepest of depravities; can you know how many nights I spent disassembling my ROM and wishing for Pat Milheron's head on stake? It's daylight savings today, btw, we gain an hour (woo-hoo!).

     25 October 1998, 07:22 GMT

Re: Kirk Meyer ends his TI programming career
Tony D

I thought you were supposed to care of things by just dropping ou of site? Relax and be cool, and never write anything again, then, if you came back, people would adore you.

     25 October 1998, 16:58 GMT

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