| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to Voyage 200 BASIC Files |
| levels | folder | | Voyage 200 BASIC Game Levels |
 | 20qti.zip | 3k | 05-09-06 |  | 20 Questions!!! Finally!!! a 20 questions game for calculators!!!!!. This game is a re-make of the incredibly intelligent 20Q pocket. It features AI, multiple subjects, and also, if you beat the AI, you can update the databases!!!. Also, you can have the AI think of something and you try to guess it!!!!! This program is still under development and probably has a few bugs, so E-mail me if you have questions or comments. Have fun!!! |
 | ahorcado.zip | 81k | 11-07-22 |  | Ahorcado / Hangman Español: El ahorcado es un juego de 2 jugadores, uno adivina las letras correctas de una palabra y otro define la palabra secreta, escribe las letras correctas y dibuja cuando haya un error. En este programa, el segundo jugador solo tiene que definir la palabra secreta, y el programa hara el resto. Dibujos incluidos :) English: Hangman is a game for two players. One guesses the correct letters of a word and the other one sets the secret word, writes the correctly guessed letters, and draws a part of the stick figure whenever the guesser makes a mistake. With this game, the second player only needs to define the secret word, and the program will make the rest. |
 | bosswarszip.zip | 3k | 04-01-03 |  | Boss Wars One day in A.P. Statistics, I was playing Space Wars on my Voyage 200 and a really dumb kid walked up to me and asked what I was playing. I said Space Wars, but he thought I said Boss Wars. I then had the idea to create a crappy, yet hilarious game called Boss Wars, starring the dumb kid, Mike, as the high-school-dropout/not-quite-hero! Here it is for all to play and enjoy for 5 minutes |
 | boxworld.zip | 3k | 03-12-30 |  | BOXworld Boxworld is a small cool game which you can compare with block dude, but it's different. The goal of the game is to put all boxes into the squares. At the moment, there are 17 levels, but there will be 40 when it's finished (I'm not sure if level 2 is solveable... if you don't get it, send me an e-mail). Contains complete intoduction and a load/save function. And now start playing!! |
 | calc.zip | 8k | 10-06-27 |  | calc You want to improve your head-calculating skills? Then this program is alright for you. Solve as many calculations as possible in the given time in your head and try to make no mistakes. Save your report if you want and compare it with your friends. |
 | castle.zip | 6k | 03-04-03 |  | Castle v1.0 Castel ist ein Programm das ähnlich ist wie Worms. Es geht darum den Gegner mit der Kugel zu treffen. Das Spiel ist in deutsch, brauch aber wenig Text und kann somit von allen gespielt werden. English: In this game you will have 2 castles and you have to destroy the other castle (Lock at the Screenshot). You can play with the original names in the game or you can change it wenn you know a little bit the Basic programming language. Entjoy it! |
 | chainsaw.zip | 1k | 09-03-13 |  | Todriff the Cannibal Todriff is a hungry fat guy, and he wants children for breakfast! So, armed with his trusty chainsaw, he goes to get himself a kid sandwich. Note from the author: I was working on this a while back when my calc died. Fortunately, I still had this copy on my computer. What the readme says may be slightly different, and I will edit out all the glitches and such to make it better in due time. |
 | crazytictactoe.zip | 34k | 04-04-09 |  | crazyTicTacToe A nice TicTacToe clone, made with flib by Francois Leigner which does not need any pictures to run on the calculator. Link mode is planned. |
 | cyahtz.zip | 8k | 07-01-27 |  | Cullen's Yahtzee v1.0 Version 1.0 of the classic game of Yahtzee for the Voyage 200 calculator. Nice graphics, easy controls, graph settings backup, and no variable 'litter'. Standard rules apply so no bonus Yahtzee in this version. |
 | dbzpack.zip | 90k | 05-05-26 |  | DBZ for V200 Version BETA 2.0 It's a great game with beautiful pics. Choose your player (in this version you can play with Vegeta, Yamcha, Tenshihan, Tortue Géniale, Picolo, Trunk, Krilin) and your ennemis (in this version yo can choose Cell, Reecom, Raditz or Vegeta M, Broly, Boo M)...if you like DBZ, you will like this game! |
 | dodger.zip.zip | 1k | 09-01-08 |  | Dodger! Dodger is a simple but addicting arcade game I developed and programmed myself. The goal of Dodger is that you are a circle and you need to dodge randomly appearing squares to get to the other side. Have fun! |
 | dodge.zip | 1k | 15-05-11 |  | Dodge A port of my game Dodge for the V200. Version 2 |
 | farke.zip | 4k | 05-09-06 |  | Farkle for v200!!! This is a graphical version of the classic game farkle!!. It features 3 levels of AI, practice mode, and multiplayer. It also has smooth gui and fast key responces. Never heard of "farkle" or forgotten how to play? the program inludes advanced documentation of rules. I highly recomend this game, it generates its own pictures automatically and keeps score accuratly and quickly. It has smooth animated graphics and very advanced AI interface. Please try this game, you will not regret it. This is just the demo version first time release, but it has gone through riggerous beta testing and my friends all pressure me to let them play it. If you have any questions or comments, Please E-mail me. Enjoy! =) |
 | fires.zip | 1k | 04-06-11 |  | fires This is the first graphics program I made. |
 | fruit200.zip | 7k | 02-09-30 |  | Fruit 200 Fruit 200 is slots-type game for Voyage 200. Orginal game was made to TI-86 in 1999 and to TI-92 in 2000. This is new version of this 92-version. Zip includes Finnish and English versions. Huom. Tämä peli on myös suomenkielinen |
 | fsnake.zip | 1k | 20-01-16 |  | Speed-collector This is my first uploaded program. It plays almost like snake, except the more points you get, the faster you go. The board size is also configurable. P.S. set highsco to 0 before playing(if you don't know how, type in highsco, then the sto key, then 0) |
 | game15.zip | 38k | 06-11-18 |  | Game of 15 The classic game of 15! |
 | game.zip | 4k | 04-04-11 |  | Trivia Challenge I tried to make this seem like a jepardy style game. You have seven categories and five questions per category. I tried to make the questions worth more points harder. Plus if you have no clue what the answer is you can select "help" and the calculator will randomly select one of the four answers and you have a 25% chance of getting the points for not answering. I know that some words are spelled wrong, but if there are any other problems please tell me. This is my first program I have written so any criticism is welcome. Thanx! |
 | go2alpha.zip | 8k | 04-08-24 |  | GO 2.0 Game for TI calc This is Go game for Ti Voyage 200 (probably also for Ti-92(plus)). This game is for two players on one calc. |
 | godquest.zip | 7k | 03-11-14 |  | g.o.d.q.u.e.s.t. v0.03 Demó of my upcoming game. You have to beat god in four little games to be the new god |
 | gold.zip | 1k | 04-03-09 |  | goldmine this is a gold mine game. the computer hides the gold and gives you hints on where to look for the gold. you can also hide it and have the computer look for it! |
 | googol.zip | 2k | 17-09-22 |  | Googol A betting game you can play against your calc. The calc generates n positive random numbers, 3<=n<=10, and discloses them one by one. You say "stop" (press F3) as soon as you think the last number disclosed is the largest of the whole sequence. You win if you are right, otherwise the calc wins. |
 | guess.zip | 2k | 14-08-15 |  | Guess A BASIC guessing game. I will update this game in the future. |
 | hangman6.zip | 6k | 03-11-07 |  | Hangman v1.0 A little hangman game i wrote over the weekend |
 | hangman.zip | 8k | 03-05-08 |  | Hangman hangman which is known by everbody!!! With dictionary and computer!! |
 | hippic.zip | 16k | 00-10-20 |  | Hippic Challenge v1.92.0 Hippic Challenge is a multilingual, graphical horse racing game entierly programmed in TIBOOL object oriented language. The goal is to make as much money as possible from betting on horses. |
 | impquest.zip | 31k | 03-12-14 |  | ImpQuest I: An Unexpected Visitor, v1.05 ImpQuest is an advanced BASIC RPG for the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 calculators (TI-92 version coming soon). To see how advanced it is, look at the screenshot, and view the readme :) NEW IN v1.05: TONS of Bugfixes |
 | invaders1.0.zip | 11k | 03-03-06 |  | Invaders 1.0 Invaders 1.0 est un petit jeu en basique dont le but est tres simple: detruire les soucoupes volantes qui se pointent. Simple mais fluide, ce jeu ne presente aucun bug ou defaut technique( apperemment). |
 | jones.zip | 45k | 10-03-08 |  | Jones In The Fast Lane v1.92.12 This is the TI version of the old Sierra game. In Jones, you start as a living-being with nothing but your brains and, luckily, a few cloths. From here you will have to look for a job to pay for your food / expenses. But you will also need to study if you ever want to get out of that work-to-pay-my-food cycle. Ultimately, you'll need a kickass job to pay for all the things in this simplified life. It's a very simple concept: At the beginning of the game you determine what your goals are, the higher your goals, the longer the game. After that each person has a number of hours a week to spend on Education, Working, Relaxation and Walking from place to place. |
 | linefx.zip | 10k | 03-05-08 |  | linefx Just a little combat game, a little bit like virtual fighter! :-) please tell me any errors, or send back the corrected file :-) |
 | linesmultiplayer_v2.zip | 2k | 07-12-06 |  | Lines_Multiplayer v2.0 It´s the same like linesm, but without bugs. So in this game you have to reach 4 in a line, as you now. |
 | lottov1.1.zip | 43k | 04-03-07 |  | Lotto v1.1 The famous lotto game for the V200/TI92+, with grayscale graphics. Made with flib by Francois Leigner |
 | maxominodeutsch.zip | 24k | 04-03-09 |  | MaxoMino (german) MAXO-MINO ist ein Spiel für 2 Personen. Wer an der Reihe ist, muss "Punkte-Felder" aufnehmen - so wenig wie möglich - und dabei eine Situation aufbauen, die den anderen zwingt, eine hohe Punktzahl zu erwerben. Wer gewinnen will, muss also auf einen momentanen Vorteil verzichten und einige Züge vorausplanen können. |
 | maxominoenglisch.zip | 26k | 04-03-09 |  | MaxoMino (english) MAXO-MINO is a 2-player game. Who's next has to take "Fields" - as few as possible - and to biult a situation forcing the other player to get as many points as possible. If you want to win, you have to renounce a moment's adantage and to plan forward a couple of moves. |
 | maze.zip | 1k | 04-06-11 |  | 3D Maze! This it a 3d matrix-based maze program that shows a 3d maze from an angled top view. this is just a demo. I hope to add more mazes and make it first person. P.S. this game doen not flash at all, and you try to get to the lower left hand corner. |
 | mineswpv200.zip | 5k | 03-11-24 |  | Minesweeper The classic minesweeper with three levels, time rankings and the possibility of change command buttons and save and reload all favourite shapes for the best ergonomic solution. All this in only 7000KB of a single and compact program. |
 | msmind.zip | 56k | 04-06-24 |  | Master Mind It's an extra light version of the famous Master Mind: easy and fast to play! |
 | mystv200.zip | 31k | 13-05-04 |  | Myst 89(for V200) This will make the original Myst 89 compatible with your Voyage 200(should work on a TI-92+ as well, but hasn't been tested). For clarification: This does NOT include larger images, but just makes Myst 89 work properly. See Myst 89 for more info. |
 | nerdwars200.zip | 3k | 02-10-26 |  | NerdWars v2.0 This is the BRAND NEW version of the Drugwars clone in which you go to different nerd hangouts and sell nerd goods, like pocket protectors and yogurt. This game is written by a proud nerd for nerds everywhere! |
 | numbers.zip | 4k | 09-05-13 |  | numbers The first game I have written in Ti-Basic. Find out a random number in your self determined range of numbers. |
 | patern.zip | 1k | 04-03-28 |  | find the patern this program randomly displays 100 numbers on the screen and asks you to find the coordinates of a 2*2 section of numbers in the side of the screen example 123456789 finde this patern 263478965 96 375689407 40 475896076 576857689 675469743 734786783 848485748 947897897 then you would choose (8,3) because that is the correct coordinates. this is a very fun game, I encourage you to download it, at least to try it out. what can it hurt? its 1 kilobyte out of 2.7megabytes! |
 | piratex.px.zip | 2k | 21-02-10 |  | PirateX Side scroller space shooter with player defined random seed. Game uses arrow keys, Q for shooting and ESC for exit. Has permanent high score table. |
 | programcollection.zip | 86k | 04-06-11 |  | Collection of 31 games, misc, and math programs This is a pack of 31 games math programs and misc programs to make up for my lack of recent contrtibutions to the ticalc.org archives. p.s. screen shots are included in the program folders. |
 | propokerv200.zip | 79k | 03-11-29 |  | Pro Poker v 1.01 ProPoker 1.01 is substantially different by common videopoker: it doesn't use a finite number of combinations, it plays his game like a real player in order to play infinite different games. |
 | punchtiv200.zip | 15k | 06-02-17 |  | PUNCH-TI A NES game, PUNCH OUT. Fight the three boxers of the first cup. Move your player and send a punch-hit in the face! Make a K-O and you win the match! |
 | roulette2.zip | 1k | 04-03-09 |  | roulette this is a roulette game with all sorts of modes. you can bet on a color or a number and it uses real roulette statistics in its calculations of your money. it has a pot and you can see how much money you have at any time! it also does something really cool if you bet more than you have! this is a very addicting game, very fun too, i would make this a more detailed discription, but i need to play some roulette! |
 | roulette.zip | 1k | 04-03-07 |  | roulette This is a cool roulette game with load/save feature! you can check your balence at any time and start with 50 dollars. It has a pot and color or number betting. It has a cool toolbar menur and does something cool if you try to cheat! |
 | simkitty.zip | 7k | 05-09-06 |  | Simkitty THis is a complicated text-based adventure with lots of options and variables. You are my cat and you have to survive a day in the life of a cat at my house. It includes variables like time, food, and the hamster (yummy!) It is a fun, interesting game with a huge map. Enjoy! |
 | sixteen.zip | 1k | 04-03-09 |  | sixteenchips super cool program where you have 16 chips and you can take 1 or 2 chips and you try not to take the last chip. this game has 3 a.i. levels, the 3rd being almost unbeatible! |
 | sixt.zip | 1k | 04-03-07 |  | sixteen In this game, you have 16 tiles and you and the calc take turns taking 1 or 2 tiles. The object of the game is to not take the last tile. The computer has 3 levels of A.I. from random to unbeatable, and you can choose who goes first! This game is addicting and fun A MUST DOWNLOAD! :) |
 | slotsv200.zip | 1k | 04-04-06 |  | Slots This is a nice and compact slot machine that is very easy and fun to use. |
 | sourceseekers.zip | 1k | 14-11-27 |  | Source Seekers V200 BETA A port of 123outerme's game Source Seekers to the Voyage 200. This is a BETA. |
 | spiderv1.zip | 110k | 04-02-03 |  | Spider 1.0 Bei diesm Spiel geht es darum, eine Spinne durch ein Labyrinth aus Rohrstücken zu leiten. In this game you have to lead a spider through a labyrinth of pipes. |
 | spyti.zip | 4k | 06-02-17 |  | TI-SPY A NES game, SPY vs SPY. Two players, Three items, eight rooms. Find the items under the desk or the box and take the plane for the victory! |
 | stocks2.zip | 1k | 04-03-29 |  | Stocks 2 Stocks 2 is a not very realistic but fun stock trading simulation. You buy and sell three stocks that randomly change in price. More addicting than it sounds. |
 | stocks.zip | 3k | 04-02-08 |  | Stocks 2004 Stocks 2004 is a stock-trading game in the vein of DrugWars, although designed to be less risquè, so to speak. |
 | stseiyati.zip | 91k | 08-09-15 |  | Saint Seiya it is a game based on the topic of saint Seiya. choose your bronze Saint (Seiya, shiryu,hyoga,shun) and fight the Gold Saint and save the Goddess Athena |
 | sw01.zip | 31k | 08-09-15 |  | StarWars01 A long long time ago... a game based on starwars's topic. you represent the temple Jedi or the side Obscure and fight hunters Tie or X-wing. that force is with you. |
 | tag.zip | 1k | 04-03-09 |  | tag this is a tag game where you are a cat and you have to get the mouse and when you do, you become the mouse and are chased by a cat with 3 a.i. levels! |
 | tankwars.zip | 16k | 03-12-20 |  | TankWars 1.15 TankWars is a turn-based, 2 player strategy game played on a 10x10 grid, similar to CalcWars or Advance Wars. The object is to destroy all of your opponent's tanks, or get their health to zero. Includes map editor and 11 maps. **NEW IN v1.15** Calculator AI | And more (see 'History' section of Readme for details) |
 | tictactoe68k.zip | 4k | 03-06-02 |  | Inversed Tic-Tac-Toe A really cool rendering of Tic-Tac-Toe where everything is inversed. The TI makes the 1st move. The TI has no AI, only 'dumb luck' and a really good engine to find a blank space. This was made to help beginners with graphics programming. |
 | timaedn.zip | 8k | 03-11-14 |  | TI-MÄDN Mensch-ärgere-duch-nicht für den Voyage 200!! Beinhaltet Lade-/Speicher-Funktion und ein umfangreiches Hilfemenü. Dies ist noch eine sehr frühe Version, kleine Fehler sind also nicht ausgesclossen (bitte mailt sie mir, falls ihr welche findet). Auch gibt es noch keine Computergegner, also müssen immer vier Leute spielen oder man spielt gegen sich selbst :) |
 | trainsim.zip | 3k | 04-08-24 |  | 3D TRAIN SIMULATOR this is my first attempt at a 3d train simulator. I have completed the basic program and will now work on graphics. Warning FIRST TIME USERS TYPE 0->ZZ BEFORE USING PROGRAM! |
 | wordupv200.zip | 1k | 03-05-14 |  | WordUp Its like a word play, just, it isn't. |
 | x0.zip | 16k | 05-06-27 |  | X-0 v 1.2 This program is a game written in Basic and using the Flib library of the classic game of X-0 (Tic Tactics). You can play it alone (versus the calculator) or accompanied (with a friend). |
 | xaoxao.zip | 9k | 06-02-07 |  | Xao Xao Stick Fight This is a fight scene modeled after the poular Flash Series XaoXao, its written in basic. |
 | zfly.zip | 2k | 04-03-17 |  | 3d flight simulator this is a demo version of my proposed flight simulator 3d. it has a few bugs, i.e. the autopilot altitude control it a little bouncy and the help and quit functions don't work yet, but you can still fly around at up to 20000 ft and 400 m.p.h! you can do turns and barrel rolls and it has a realistic 3d engine and good altitude/velocity calculations! this game even in its demo version is very fun and cool! please give it a try and tell me what you think and what I should do in the next version! |