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Spider 1.0


Ranked as 16379 on our all-time top downloads list with 3407 downloads.
Ranked as 3842 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename spiderv1.zip (Download)
Title Spider 1.0
Description Bei diesm Spiel geht es darum, eine Spinne durch ein Labyrinth aus Rohrstücken zu leiten. In this game you have to lead a spider through a labyrinth of pipes.
Author Sebastian Adam ()
Category Voyage 200 BASIC Games
File Size 112,826 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Feb 3 22:30:29 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Konrad Meyer
Reviewed on 2004-02-04
This is an absolutely incredible program! It is by far the best program that I have ever seen in BASIC. It is smooth, fast (for basic) and good quality. It catches the attention, has intuitive controls, and has beautiful graphics. On a scale of 1-10 I would have to give this a 9. The only point off is because BASIC makes it slower, but if this had an ASM port that would be one nice game!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
spider v1.v2g   18505
1.gif   40259
2.gif   33905
3.gif   40086
liesmich.txt   1180
readme.txt   1047

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