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ticalcversion1.1.zip26k23-08-10File is not ratedElectrical Engineering Tools
Includes tools on topics such as DSP, RLC, Power and EM interactions. WORK IN PROGRESS
physicsunitsandconstantsm.zip1199k21-10-10File is not rated Physics Formulas and Workspace 2.1
This package for the nSpire CAS includes every formula that comes up in Calculus-Based Physics I and II.
datetools.zip17k21-02-16File is not ratedDatetools
This is a program for the TI-nspire to: -Calculate the day of week of any date. -Convert dates to Julian date codes and back -Convert dates to Ordinal date codes and back -Convert Julian dates to Gregorian dates and back This program is based on the dayofweek program and the dateconvert program that I made for the TI-84+CE. Very much thanks to RoccoLox Programs, for allowing the use of his program!
chimica_lib.zip511k21-02-10File is not ratedChimica v0. 4
Un Insieme di librerie per la chimica V0.4a uso help ("nome Funzione") z () mumero atomico tavola () simbolo / nome / peso atomico massa () massa del composto perc () calcola le percentuali della moelcola n_moli () n. moli da grammi n_molec () n molecole da grammi moli_gr () grammi da n.moli molec_gr () n.molecole da grammi bilancia () bilancia la reazione stec () calcola le masse delle reazioni form_min() e form_mol() crea formule da percentuali
hazenwilliams.zip229k20-01-17File is not ratedHazen-Williams Equation Solver
This program will solve the Hazen-Williams equation for unknown variables. The equation is provided in terms of Q and V for US and SI units. See Readme.
bernoullienergyequationap.zip308k20-01-17File is not ratedBernoulli Energy Equation Application
This application can solve the Bernoulli Energy Equation using compressible or incompressible flows for unknown variables. Additionally, programs to calculate head loss by the Darcy-Weisbach (Circular & Non-Circular), Hazen-Williams, and minor losses are provided which can be used in the Bernoulli Equation. See Readme.
darcyweisbach.zip519k19-07-06File is not ratedDarcy-Weisbach Application
This application contains 3 programs for use in the Darcy-Weisbach Equation. The programs can calculate the DW friction factor, headloss, Reynold's number and viscosity of water. This has wide application in pipe hydraulics. An example and readme is included for usage.
openchannel.zip265k19-07-04File is not ratedOpen Channel Hydraulics
This program calculates open channel section properties and stores them as variables. These are useful in flow calculations and in conjunction with the Manning's equation to solve for unknown hydraulic variables. Readme included with examples. Updated to version 2 (added additional channel section types and Z section calculations.)
scs.zip145k19-06-07File is not ratedSCS Runoff (TR-55) Program
This program will determine the runoff in a basin of interest based on the USDA/NCRS TR-55 methodology. A readme is included.
timeofconcentration.zip234k19-06-07File is not ratedTime of Concentration (TR-55) Program
This program calculates the time of concentration for different flow segments as laid out in USDA/NCRS TR-55. They are calculated separately and as the user deems applicable. A readme is included.
mannings.zip157k19-04-30File is not ratedManning's Equation Solver
This function solves the Manning's Equation for unknown variables. This is for open channel flow calculations and finding unknown variables from the equation. Best used in conjunction with my Open Channel Hydraulics program. Readme is included with examples.
threedtruss.zip194k19-01-05File is not ratedTruss - 2-D and 3-D v1.01
The program finds the longitudinal and reaction forces in a 2-dimensional- or 3-dimensional truss by means of solving the matrix of equations of equilibrium at the nodes for the entire system.
planetsvariable.zip25k18-02-06File is not ratedPlanets ( Variable Orbital Elements ) - v 3.05
Given the local date, time and location of observer the program finds by means of the orbital elements stored on page 1.7 the equatorial and horizon coordinates as well as distance from Earth, Sun, phase and brightness for all planets simultaneously. The positions of the planets are depicted in graphs on page 1.3 ( above horizon ), 1.4 ( below horizon ) and 1.5 ( positions referred to the Sun in the centre of the orbital plane ).
sunriseset.zip6k18-01-31File is not ratedSunrise, Sunset & Azimuth - v3.02
The program finds for a given date, timezone including daylight saving and location the times of sunrise, sunset, twilight and the azimuths of rise and set. Accuracy lies within +- 3 min.
motion3d_cas.zip30k18-01-10File is not ratedTwo- or Three Dimensional Motion - v1.1
The program analyzes 2- or 3 dimensional motion of a body or projectile. For the case of 3-dimensional motion it solves for up to six unknown quantities. Inputs are any numerical values of acceleration, which may be either constant or time dependent and the names or numerical values of the remaining motion quantities and initial conditions. Those variables which are input by their names are solved for.
foundation.zip660k17-09-18File is not ratedFoundation with Failing Tension Zone v1.03
The program computes for a rectangular foundation submitted to vertical loads N and moments My and Mz the soil pressure for all points of the contour in consideration of a gaping zone ( no tension possible in the gap ). The automatic consideration of the own weight is provided.
mohrcircle_cx.zip12k17-07-27File is not ratedMohr's Circle v2.00
Given the normal stresses Sx, Sy and the shear stress Txy the program finds for the state of plane stress the principal stresses S1, S2 and the incidental angle phi1 and vice versa. Besides Mohr's circle is drawn for the current calculation.
eurocode_2.zip316k17-05-02File is not ratedBeam Design based on EUROCODE 2 ( Regbem_EC2 v2.5 )
The program determines for a rectangular concrete beam characterized by its dimensions b and h, concrete quality C.., and loads M and/or N for a chosen ratio As2/As1 ( 0<=As2/As1<=1 ) the required reinforcements both on top ( As2, pressure ) and at the bottom ( As1, tension ) and summarizes the result in a graph (page 1.2 of the document ). The design is based on EUROCODE 2 and the National Annex for Germany.
polygon.zip360k17-04-11File is not ratedCross-Section Properties v2.0
The program determines for any cross-section polygon with gaps of circle areas the main section properties and computes for any load combination of N, My, Mz the stresses in all input points. Furthermore a plot of the contour including main axis and neutral axis,where Sigma=0, is provided.
utm_to_dach.zip292k16-06-24File is not ratedConversion UTM to D / A / CH-Coordinates v2.02
The program converts geodetic coordinates given in the WGS84-system into the corresponding values of the national systems "POTSDAM" (Gauss-Krüger, Germany), "MGI" (BMN, Austria), "LV95" (Switzerland) and vice versa. Graphs of the location of the entered point in the German Messtischblatt (MTB) as well as the margin coordinates of the MTB's section are included (Language: GERMAN). - Das Programm wandelt geodätische Koordinaten im Bezugssystem WGS84 in die entsprechenden Werte der Bezugssysteme POTSDAM (D), MGI (Bundesmeldenetz BMN, A) und LV95 (CH) und umgekehrt um. Eine grafische Darstellung der Lage des eingegebenen Punktes im zugehörigen Deutschen Messtischblatt (Topografische Karte 1:25000) mit 1/64-Unterquadranten wie auch der begrenzenden Koordinaten des jeweiligen Unterquadranten ist vorhanden. Bei Lage des Punktes außerhalb des MTB-Bereichs für D, A, CH wird eine Warnung ausgegeben.
moondecl.zip6k16-04-30File is not ratedMaximum Declinations of the Moon v1.00
Given a date as yyyy.mmdd the program finds the nearest dates and times ( Dynamical Time TD ) of the maximum northern and southern declinations of the Moon and the values of these extreme declinations.
equinox.zip5k16-04-18File is not ratedEquinoxes and Solstices v1.00
The program finds for any year between -1000 and +3000 the dates and times (displayed as Dynamical Time TD) of equinoxes and solstices.
moonsun.zip15k16-04-04File is not ratedPositions of Sun and Moon v3.00
Given the date, local time and position of the observer the program finds for both the Sun and the Moon the apparent diameter, the equatorial as well as the horizon coordinates, additionally for the Moon the distance to Earth, phase including indication of waxing/waning Moon, position-angle of the bright limb, solar elongation and the occurence of a lunar / solar eclipse. The position of both objects is depicted in a graph (page 1.3: above, page 1.4: below horizon ).
eclipses.zip8k16-03-06File is not ratedPhases of the Moon & Eclipses v1.01
Given a date as yyyy.mmdd the program finds the nearest dates of New Moon and Full Moon and checks for the occurence of a solar or lunar eclipse. If existing, data of the eclipse(s) are displayed. Description on page 1.1 .
orbit.zip55k16-02-01File is not ratedOrbital trajectory simulator
This program gives you orbital information, along with trajectory draw-out. Enter state vectors (start position, velocity vectors, etc.) and watch it calculate the path along with other information onto graph screens. contact me if you have any feedback, greatly appreciated. Documentation included in program -Evan
elasticitycas.zip20k15-10-14File is not ratedEcon Elasticity
Easy wast to get Elasticity
transporte.zip3k15-09-25File is not ratedtransporte
It contains some programs for transport engineering.
suelos.zip4k15-09-25File is not ratedsuelos
This file contains programs for soil mechanics.
oscillation.zip14k15-04-20File is not ratedOscillation v2.0
The program provides a solution to the differential equation of 2nd order describing the oscillation of a damped/undamped system submitted to a force F = f(f0,sin,cos) or unforced. Results are the general as well as the particular solution meeting any initial conditions x(t0)=x0, x'(t0)=x1. A graph on page 1.3 depicts the results of the recent calculation. V2.0: the constants of integration now are eliminated automatically by the program.
tpn_cas.zip18k15-01-26File is not ratedTwo port network solver for Nspire cx cas
This program include : solve two port network 1)convert par. 2)circuit performance 3)connect two par.(serise-parallel-cascade)
dewpointandhumidity.zip7k14-12-06File is not ratedDew Point and Relative Humidity v1.3
The program calculates the unknown quantity, if two of the following values are given: air temperature Te [°C], relative humidity phi [%], dew point temperature Ts [°C]. Besides, the saturation amount at temperature Te, vapor pressure, specific gravity of air depending on Te and air pressure and the precipitation of water for a reduced temperature Te < Ts is computed. Program covers the range of -20°C<=Te<=30°C.
chemistryformulas.zip121k14-10-18File is not ratedChemistry I & II Equations Library
This library contains just about every mathematical equation used over Chemistry I and Chemistry II. Additionally, I also put in some equations I derived as shortcuts, like stoichiometric relationships solved for 1. Be aware that representation of some variables may be different due to nSpire limitations (e.g. concentrations like [X] will be rendered as X_c). Programs like mass("CH3COOH") were included from previous author Nelson Sousa's work. If you wanted to, you could copy and paste the periodic table app by Nick Steen in here, too: http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/444/44465.html
t_section.zip12k14-10-01File is not ratedAssembled Partial Sections v2.0
The program finds for a uni-symmetrical section assembled out of n rectangles and/or profiles the total section properties as area, center of gravity, area moment of 1st order, moment of inertia and moduli of resistance. After that part of calculation the determination of axial and shear stresses for a given combination of axial force N, shear force Vz and bending moment My may directly follow.
decimyeartoymd.zip3k14-08-13File is not ratedConversion of Years
The program converts the decimal format of a year ( as often quoted in astronomical almanacs ) into the year/month/day/hour/min/sec - format and vice versa.
planetfinder.zip17k14-04-06File is not ratedPosition of Planets v2.0
Given the local date, time, time zone, location of the observer and orbital elements ( listed on page 1.5 ) the program finds the right ascension, declination, azimuth, altitude, distance from Earth, apparent angular diameter and apparent brightness of the major planets Mercury to Neptune. Afterwards the position referred to the horizon coordinates is depicted in a graph ( page 1.3 above, page 1.4 below horizon ). V2.0 now includes corrections for horizontal parallax.
beamdiagram.zip94k14-04-06File is not ratedBeam Shear-Moment Diagram
This program is very useful for students in statics and mechanics of solids. It draws shear and moment diagrams for beams under various loads, forces, and moments. It also gives shear and moment piecewise functions with evaluations at the upper and lower bounds of the functions. Please read the attached document before using. *Update 1: Now able to reattempt section entries. *Update 2: Now evaluates maximum values and cleans up variables after running.
parcomets.zip13k14-03-27File is not ratedComets on Parabolic Orbits v1.0
Given the calendar date, local time and time zone including daylight saving the program finds for comets with parabolic motion the orbital data of which are known ( stored on page 1.5 ) the right ascension, declination, azimuth, altitude and distance from Earth. The orbital data may edited, changed or completed. A graph of the comet's position is provided on pages 1.3 or 1.4.
ellcomets.zip16k14-03-27File is not ratedPeriodic Comets v2.0
Given the calendar date, local time and time zone including daylight saving the program finds for comets the orbital data of which are known, the right ascension, declination, azimuth, altitude and distance from Earth. The orbital data may be edited, changed or completed. V2.0: a graph of the position is provided on pages 1.3 or 1.4.
astrocoord.zip9k14-03-23File is not ratedAstronomical Coordinate Conversion v1.0
The program converts any position of an astronomical object given in one system into the equivalent coordinates of another system. Provided are equatorial ( right ascension as well as hour angle ), ecliptic, horizon, and galactic system.
binarystars.zip13k14-02-15File is not ratedBinary Stars v1.0
Given any date, local time and time zone including daylight saving the program finds for binary star systems, the orbital elements of which are known, the position angle of the companion B referred to primary object A ( assumed to be fixed ) and the separation in arcsec. The data of twenty systems are already stored on page 1.3 of the file. Documentation on page 1.1 including an illustrating figure on page 1.4 .
twilight.zip5k14-01-30File is not ratedMorning & Evening Twilight
This program serves as completion of program "Sunrise & Sunset" in the same TI-nspire section. It calculates for a given date, timezone and location the morning and evening twilight ( civil, nautical and astronomical ).
catenarydist.zip7k13-10-26File is not ratedCatenary - Cable Subject to a Distributed Load
This program calculates the forces, cable length and/or the maximum sag of a cable or rope that is fixed in two points A (xa,ya) and B (xb,yb) and is subject to a uniformly distributed load q. The supports may be on the same horizontal level ( ya=yb=0 ) or may have different heights ( ya=0, yb<0 or yb>0 ). The results depend on the inputs you have carried out.
catenary.zip9k13-10-26File is not ratedCatenary - Cable Subject to its Dead Load
This program determines for a cable or rope being subject to its dead load q the internal force F,res, its horizontal and vertical components ( F,hor , F,vert ) as well as the sag of the cable. The supports may be on the same horizontal level ( ya=yb=0 ) or may have different heights ( ya=0, yb<0 or yb>0 ). A graph of the function is provided on page 1.3 .
twostoreycolumn.zip6k13-10-07File is not ratedBuckling of a Two-Storey Column
For a two-storey column with different cross-sections and kinds of support the program determines the buckling factors and effective (buckling) lengths of both sections.
mtb_lb.zip13k13-09-03File is not ratedMTB-to-Lon&Lat v3.01
Being given the number of any German Messtischblatt with/without subquadrants the program calculates the degrees of latitude and longitude marking the boundaries of the detail and the coordinates of the section corners (Language: German). - Das Programm berechnet aus der Nummer des Deutschen Messtischblattes (Topografische Karte 1:25000) mit/ohne Angabe von 1/4-, 1/16- oder 1/64-Unterquadranten die begrenzenden Längen- und Breitengrade (Kartendatum: POTSDAM), die Eckkoordinaten des Ausschnitts als Gauss-Krüger-Werte und (ab v3.0) zusätzlich als UTM-Koordinaten (System: WGS 84). Dokumentation auf Seite 1.1 des Programms.
spring_const.zip18k13-05-19File is not ratedSpring Constants Equivalent to Rigidity of Beam
This program calculates for a one-field beam with modulus of elasticity E and moment of inertia I the equivalent spring constants ( vertical spring c,v and rotational spring c,phi ) at any point of the beam's length L. Different kinds of support conditions are provided.
singlespan.zip246k13-05-13File is not ratedSingle-Span Beam (Support Reactions and Moments) v1.2
The program calculates for a single-span beam with any number of sections you like and elastic restraints or external moments at the supports the support reactions, end moments and maximum field moment including its location. Each section may have a trapezoidal load and a point load at the right end. Furthermore the shear force and the internal moment for any point of the beam can be calculated.
tripod.zip4k13-04-12File is not ratedBeam Forces in a Tripod
This is a little program that calculates the beam- and reaction forces of a tripod having the base points A, B, and C and a common end point T, which is loaded by a force F (Fx, Fy, Fz).
vecop.zip8k12-10-05File is not ratedVector Operations v1.3.2
Provides functionality to resolve vectors into components and add multiple vectors. Also includes a projectile program to display various data on the flight path of a projectile given some initial sets of data.
field_3.zip187k12-08-10File is not ratedInternal Forces of a Continuous Beam
The program determines for a two- or three-span beam with different moments of inertia the extreme support moments, field moments with their current location, shear- and reaction forces. Accepted are for each field one uniformly distributed and one trapezoidal load.
gk_to_mtb_conv.zip63k12-06-11File is not ratedGAUSS_KRUEGER_to_MTB_v1.2
This program converts geodetic coordinates to GAUSS-KRUEGER(GK)-coordinates and vice versa on the base of POTSDAM date and shows the number of the corresponding "Messtischblatt" (MTB) with quadrants and sub-quadrants. Small bug fixed in v1.2 - Das Programm wandelt geodaetische Koordinaten in Gauss-Krueger-Werte und umgekehrt um und zeigt die Nummer des zugehoerigen Messtischblattes mit Unterquadranten an. V1.2: kleiner Fehler bei der Zuordnung zu MTB beseitigt.
buckling_ec2.zip200k12-06-03File is not ratedBuckling Length of a Concrete Column v1.1
The program computes for a concrete column connected to beams and neighbouring columns the factors of elastic restraints at both ends and resulting from these values the effective length based on EUROCODE 2 and the National Annex for Germany. V1.1 now provides the input of circular cross-sections.
starfind.zip49k12-05-23File is not ratedStarfinder v2.0
Given the date, time, timezone, your location and the coordinates of a stellar object, this program calculates the azimuth and the elevation above horizon and shows the result in a simple plot.
energyproblemsolver.zip18k12-05-11File is not ratedEnergy Problem Solver
A simple set of energy conservation programs for high school physics, written in ti-nspire cx basic, that will solve for kinetic energy, potential energy, mass, velocity, initial velocity, height, distance, and final velocity.
utmconv.zip44k12-04-29File is not ratedutm_convert
This program converts geodetic coordinates given as latitude and longitude to UTM coordinates and vice versa on the basis of WGS84.
circulomohr.tns.zip8k12-01-02File is not ratedMohrs Circle
The program will prompt the user for the x and y axial stress and shear stress. The program will calculate the maximum shear stress, and principal stresses. Mohr's circle will then be drawn.
circulodemohr.tns.zip5k11-12-28File is not ratedMohrs Circle
The program will prompt the user for the x and y axial stress and shear stress. The program will calculate the maximum shear stress, and principal stresses. Mohr's circle will then be drawn.
mom.zip3k10-10-21File is not ratedMechanics of Materials
Includes my previous Mohr's Circle program and a 3D stress program. The 3D stress will yield a the three stress invariants, the three principle stress, and the max shear stress for a defined state of stress. The user inputs the normal x, y, and z stresses followed by the xy, xz, and yz shears. (I'm hopping to include the direction cosines and the ability to do coordinate rotations in a future version. If people want those added, rate this program and leave a comment so I know that it would be useful to people.)
vectors.zip4k10-01-14File is not ratedVector Sum
Adds vectors and displays the resultant magnitude and direction. Displays the sum graphically with the parallelogram method, the tip-to-tail method and in a free body diagram.
molecules_en.zip113k09-03-31File is not ratedMolecules 3D
A 3D viewer of molecule structures. Includes several inorganic and organic molecules. Molecules can be rotated in space or animated. More info in www.nelsonsousa.pt
units.zip21k09-03-18File is not ratedUnit Converter
A library to add unit conversion functionality to numeric TI-Nspire (TI-Nspire CAS allready has it). Features all units and constants available on TI-Nspire CAS.
chemistry.zip27k09-03-13File is not ratedChemistry Library
Balance chemical reactions and compute masses of compounds. Examples: mass("H2SO4"), balance("H2+O2=H2O"). Formula syntax supports standard organic chemistry notation (like CH3COOH or CH3CH2CH2CH3) and parenthesis (like K4Fe(CN)6). Also includes functions to determine names, symbols and atomic numbers of elements.
periodic.zip69k09-02-25File is not ratedPeriodic Table
Full Periodic Table on TI-Nspire with graphical interface. Data is presented in a spreadsheet. Includes plot of atomic properties and functions to determin an element's name, symbol and mass.

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