| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-92 Plus Assembly Files |
| routines | folder | | TI-92 Plus Assembly Routines |
 | xchange_src.zip | 172k | 05-11-29 |  | Xchange v1.24 sources Here is the source of Xchange v1.22. You can find in this source many tips : RLE compression, how to use interrupt handler, how to save highscores, etc. |
 | oddsnakesrc.zip | 24k | 05-11-19 |  | Oddsnake v1.15 sources Here it's the source code for all people who want to start in C programming because it's pretty simple. This source code contains comments to explain each algorythm. |
 | slimeballsource.zip | 82k | 04-10-17 |  | SlimeBall v1.00 source The source of slimeball a little bit commented. Programmed in C. Uses ExtGraph 2.xx |
 | espace_src92p.zip | 19k | 04-09-02 |  | E-space You are a vessel and you must avoid asteroid. If one touch you, you are dead! Of course, you can kill them but they divided into two. When they are small, they become totally dead when you shoot them. There are 4 kinds of asteroids: asteroid 1: it moves in one direction asteroid 2: it follows your spaceship asteroid 3: it moves in one direction and when it explods, a missile is thrown in your direction asteroid 4: it follows your spaceship and moves in one direction and when it explods, a missile is thrown in your direction saucer: it moves in one direction and sometimes its direction changes randomly. This enemy lays eggs which gives others ennemis! |
 | star.zip | 15k | 04-06-07 |  | Starfield Effect Demo v2.10 demonstrates a simple grayscale starfield effect and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI's using the TIGCC Development Enviroment. |
 | squarescr.zip | 21k | 04-04-13 |  | Squarescr It's just the sources of square Contains now more comments ! |
 | dragona.zip | 40k | 04-04-09 |  | Dragon Curve Maker You are able to rotate, zoom in and out, and move a folded dragon curve. All of this is done very quickly (in less then a second). |
 | tankers.zip | 38k | 04-04-07 |  | Tankers 68k v.6.0.1 -=SOURCE CODE=- Tankers is a fast paced shooting game where you control a tank and shoot your enemy/enemies. There are 2 modes of play, Single Player (NEW!) where you play against 10 AI tanks. And then there is Multi-Player where you connect your 68k Calculator to another 68k calculator. This version contains the 5 map contest winners from CalcGames.org. I'm pretty sure I'm done working on Tankers, so here is the source code. |
 | s1p6.zip | 33k | 03-11-07 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 1 Part 6 (v2.0) TICT Tutorial Series 1 / Part 6: Grayscale Text-Scroller with Background Image [NOSTUB/C sourcecode] |
 | world_map_source.zip | 76k | 03-08-26 |  | World Map v 0.7 - Source - for ti89,92+,v200 You can scroll the worldmap,and see where a country is...Press APPS,select your country and press enter,the cursor will indicate the capital's location.By pressing ENTER you can access informations : capital's name , population , area and GNP . This version mainly adds fast country selection with alpha' keys. [ source code in C , compiled with Tigcc ] |
 | 3dtut_part1.zip | 6k | 03-08-24 |  | 3D Tutorial Part I A tutorial on 3D programming,by the 'SolidWorks' Author.If you want to learn how to perform 3D in your rograms,especially in C (with Tigcc)...This Part sets the basics,with an example. |
 | 3dtut_part3.zip | 11k | 03-08-24 |  | 3D Tutorial Part III A tutorial on 3D programming,by the 'Edit3D' Author.If you want to learn how perform 3D in your programs,especially in C (with Tigcc)...This Part explains how dispaly objects in a 'Solid' way,no more in Wire Frame. NOTE : You should have read the PART I & II before... |
 | 3dtut_part2.zip | 21k | 03-08-24 |  | 3D Tutorial Part II A tutorial on 3D programming,by the 'Edit3D' Author.If you want to learn how perform 3D in your programs,especially in C (with Tigcc)...This Part explains how to rotate a cube,as you can see in the Screenshots. NOTE : You should have read the PART I before . |
 | matrix.zip | 302k | 03-03-08 |  | The Matrix TSR Event Hook Screen Saver Example This is a TSR Event Hook. It is meant as a follow up to my Sample TSR Event Hook. This demonstrates some slightly more advanced methods... It is a real screen saver with a delay, password, gray scale graphics and more. |
 | sampletsr.zip | 52k | 03-02-04 |  | Sample TSR Event Hook in C This is a template/example showing how to create an event hook such as ASH using TIGCC. Using this, you can make programs like ASH, Auto Start, and the Matrix Screen Saver. |
 | tichess_src.zip | 717k | 02-11-11 |  | TI-Chess v4.00 - Source Distribution TI-Chess is a full featured chess game for the TI89/TI-92p/V200 (read the included readme.txt file for its features and history.txt for what's new) |
 | cool9x.zip | 406k | 02-09-30 |  | Qs C Object Oriented SDK for TIGCC 9x Quésoft C Object Oriented Language Software Development Kit for TI-9x. This open source software is a major innovation in the Object Oriented Development on calculator : it brings the possibility to compile a unique binary executable file. COOL brings the Object Oriented paradigm to the C programmers who can use it to manipulate strings, files or vectors more easily. |
 | nibbleclassicsrc92p.zip | 18k | 02-05-27 |  | Nibble -Classic- 92+ SOURCE The source of Nibble -Classic- v 1.01 for Ti92+ ,written in C.Useful to learn programming games in C . Lot of comments in the source.... |
 | fatsdk.zip | 701k | 02-05-27 |  | FAT-Engine SDK v1.11 Software Development Kit for Programs based on the FAT-Engine. The FAT-Engine ([F]ixed [A]ngle [T]exturing) is a generic raycasting engine for games which may be used by Developers to assemble first-person games (Aventures, RPGs, Shooters etc.) quickly. The engine itself supplies the complete "world-rendering" part including multidirectional sprites. The rest is up to the "client" program. The SDK contains everything necessary to make your own games. [NOSTUB / contains full sourcecode] |
 | slider.zip | 15k | 02-04-27 |  | Slider Puzzle v2.3 The classic sliding puzzle game. Arrange the 15 numbered pieces in order, if you can. |
 | sw.html | 61k | 02-03-23 |  | Seawar 92+ Asm Destroy the other ships first! Choose your language and other parameters! |
 | nibbles68ksrc.zip | 19k | 02-03-19 |  | Nibbles 68k v4.0 Source code for the Nibbles 68k game version 4.0. |
 | tictex_src_92p.zip | 432k | 02-02-26 |  | TICT-Explorer v1.20 Sourcecode Release TICT-Explorer is a file explorer for the TI-89 and TI-92+. Its features include: NOSTUB program, runs on any and all AMS versions with no kernel installed *** The usual functions like create folder/copy/move/rename/archive/lock etc. *** Execution of exe-packed programs without their launchers *** Support for eBooks, ScottFree Driver Adventures, Quill Files, PIC Variables, TEXT Variables, and PPIC Files *** Shortcut keys for programs and files *** Five-level battery strength indicator *** Crash protection *** Password protection *** Integrated hex viewer for other files *** Info screen (gives many details about your calculator and the selected file or folder) *** One-Key archiving/unarchiving *** supports 6 different languages (english/german/french/italian/spanish/portuguese) |
 | snow.zip | 6k | 02-02-26 |  | Snow Effect Demo v1.20 demonstrates a simple snow effect and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI's using the TIGCC Development Enviroment. |
 | shuffle.zip | 5k | 02-02-26 |  | Shuffle Effect Demo v1.20 demonstrates a screen tile shuffle effect and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI's using the TIGCC Development Enviroment. |
 | fire.zip | 8k | 02-02-26 |  | Fire Effect Demo v1.20 demonstrates a simple grayscale fire effect and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI's using the TIGCC Development Enviroment. |
 | dissolve.zip | 16k | 02-02-26 |  | Dissolve Effect Demo v1.20 demonstrates a simple picture dissolve effect and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI's using the TIGCC Development Enviroment. |
 | restore.asm | 2k | 02-02-20 |  | Home Screen Restore v2.0 Fixes your calc's home screen after an assembly language program messes it up. |
 | tfppack.zip | 163k | 01-12-16 |  | Ti Font Project an evoluated font system, with 6*speed, oncalc editor and PC editor, fonts can be integrated to C or ASM progs or in separated files that have extension "font", there is also a basic library wich works with separated font files. 4 fonts included in package, fonts are all proportinnal and maxi 12*8px |
 | tigccappprog.zip | 17k | 01-12-16 |  | TIGCC Applications programming tutorial Sample and infos about how to code Flash application-looking event-driven program with TIGCC for AMS 2.00 and higher |
 | ttt68ksrc.zip | 14k | 01-08-06 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe 68k A clone of the common Tic-Tac-Toe game. Features link play, single calc 2 player support, and 1 player vs. computer AI support. The graphics aren't bad either. Works on all AMS versions and both calcs, and you can play link between two different calcs (TI-89 and TI-92+, or 2 of the same) |
 | checker68ksrc.zip | 28k | 01-08-06 |  | Checkers 68k v1.00 Complete checkers game for the TI-89 and TI-92+. Features 2 player support on calculator and via link play, and play against the computer AI. Grayscale with full instructions. Also features state saving support. |
 | craquette.zip | 4k | 01-07-15 |  | C-Raquette Un petit simulacre de pong!!! L'interet en tant que jeu est très limité cependant si vous voulez apprendre à programmer en TI-C la source est commenté en français. |
 | simon68ksrc.zip | 10k | 01-06-08 |  | Simon 68k v1.0 The classic Simon game. The computer creates a pattern, and you follow it. Includes hiscores, speeds, and difficulty levels. Similar to the Milton Bradley Electronic Simon (you know, the round black box with flashing lights and colors). |
 | ggdecodesrc92.zip | 31k | 01-06-03 |  | Game Genie Decoder v3.2 Converts NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Gear, and Game Boy game genie codes into their values and ROM and CPU addresses for ROM hacking, emulation, and code creation purposes. |
 | smasrcp.zip | 76k | 01-06-01 |  | SMA v0.38 The latest version of the famous Sonic Game |
 | chronosrc92.zip | 103k | 01-06-01 |  | Chrono Fantasy Source code Source code of the incoming RPG |
 | flash92.asm | 32k | 01-05-17 |  | Flash Shell Explorer v2.10 FlashShell Explorer is a very simple files explorer, running ASM programs. |
 | s2p2_92p.zip | 22k | 01-05-11 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 2 Part 2 (Advanced Series) TICT Tutorial Series 2 / Part 2: The Magic Of Raycasting (v1.01: maintenance release) |
 | s1p8_92p.zip | 5k | 01-04-13 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 1 Part 8 TICT Tutorial Series 1 / Part 8: Fast Scrolling Up,Down,Left And Right [NOSTUB/C sourcecode] |
 | s1p7_92p.zip | 8k | 01-04-13 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 1 Part 7 (v1.10) TICT Tutorial Series 1 / Part 7: Fast Pixel Access Macros and Line Drawing [NOSTUB/C sourcecode] v1.10: further speed improvements |
 | s2p2.zip | 22k | 01-04-07 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 2 Part 2 (Advanced Series) TICT Tutorial Series 2 / Part 2: The Magic Of Raycasting |
 | s1p7.zip | 8k | 01-04-07 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 1 Part 7 TICT Tutorial Series 1 / Part 7: Fast Pixel Access Macros and Line Drawing [NOSTUB/C sourcecode] |
 | keyreleased.zip | 4k | 01-03-01 |  | KeyReleased Demo A quick demo of how to use _rowread to check if any key is currently being held down. This demo pauses until all keys are released. |
 | s2p1.zip | 35k | 01-02-23 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 2 Part 1 (Advanced Series) TICT Tutorial Series 2 / Part 1: Texturing Vertical Strips [NOSTUB/C sourcecode] |
 | s1p3.zip | 11k | 01-02-20 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 1 Part 3 TICT Tutorial Series 1 / Part 3: TSR Programming with C v 1.05 (1.05: bug fixed in RemoveTSR) |
 | s1p5.zip | 10k | 01-01-29 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 1 Part 5 TICT Tutorial Series 1 / Part 5: Grayscale Programming in C - Technical Basics |
 | chgbase.zip | 12k | 01-01-06 |  | Base Converter v2.0 Very powerful base converter. Convert a number of any base to a number of the chosen base ,bases bounded by 2 and 36. (English and French). Garbage characters bug fixed, new feature : signed conversion. |
 | s1p4.zip | 7k | 00-12-17 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 1 Part 4 TICT Tutorial Series 1 / Part 4: Generating Sprites for C-Projects v1.01 |
 | s1p2.zip | 12k | 00-11-07 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 1 Part 2 TICT Tutorial Series 1 / Part 2: Utilizing An Own Interrupt Handler as Clock in C-Projects v 1.00 |
 | primes.zip | 6k | 00-10-13 |  | Primes v2.0 Very powerful prime numbers generator. Tells if a numbre is prime one and can also give lists of prime numbers. |
 | life.zip | 4k | 00-08-29 |  | Game Of Life This program demonstrates the Game of Life simulation and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI's [NOSTUB program/full source included] |
 | s1p1.zip | 10k | 00-08-18 |  | TICT Tutorial Series 1 Part 1 TICT Tutorial Series 1 / Part 1: Handling Uncompressed Images in C-Projects v 1.00 |
 | prosit_s.zip | 179k | 99-06-18 |  | Prosit - Graphical Multitasking OS A graphical multitasking OS for the 89/92+ |
 | ekv.zip | 7k | 99-03-16 |  | Ekviewer Text Viewer |
 | ptig.zip | 1k | 99-03-15 |  | Pretty Print Images in Xetal Use pretty print in your Xetal Documents |
 | writestr.zip | 1k | 99-03-07 |  | WriteStr v1.00 Pass in coordinates, font, color and string and they are |
 | element.asm | 7k | 99-03-03 |  | Element v1.1 |
 | lookup.asm | 8k | 99-03-03 |  | Lookup |
 | agenda.zip | 8k | 99-03-03 |  | Agenda v1.0 |
 | disass.zip | 7k | 99-03-03 |  | TI-92 Plus Disassembler v1.00 Beta |
 | irremote.asm | 7k | 99-03-01 |  | IR Remote v2.0 |
 | ziper.asm | 1k | 99-02-26 |  | Ziper v1.1 |
 | textview.asm | 12k | 99-02-26 |  | TextView v1.1 |
 | fer3c.zip | 67k | 99-02-03 |  | Fernando 3-C and Level Editor Release 0.29 |
 | supercar2.zip | 19k | 99-01-03 |  | Supercar II v0.6+ |
 | chiplib.asm | 23k | 98-12-31 |  | Chip8/SChip8 Emulation Library v0.9 Beta |
 | shell.asm | 20k | 98-12-06 |  | PlusShell Browser |
 | hello.asm | 1k | 98-12-06 |  | Hello World |
 | util.asm | 14k | 98-12-06 |  | Linelib Library |
 | moremem.asm | 1k | 98-12-06 |  | More Memory |
 | all_phps.asm | 2k | 98-11-16 |  | Test All RC5 Codes with the IR Link v2.0 |
 | megacar.asm | 23k | 98-09-21 |  | MegarCar v1.0 |
 | tv.asm | 5k | 98-09-21 |  | TV v0.1 Files Viewer |
 | ramdump.asm | 2k | 98-09-19 |  | RAM Dumper Source code to RAM Dumper. A program to dump the ROM from the TI-92 Plus. This program will only work with the TI-Graph Link cable. |
 | ghell.zip | 16k | 98-09-12 |  | GNU Hell on Earth v0.16 Beta Source code to GNU Hell on Earth v0.16 Beta. A 3D engine example game for the TI-92. Released under the GNU General Public License. Required libraries: flib. |
 | monop.asm | 81k | 98-09-03 |  | Monopoly 92 Beta |
 | sierpin.asm | 1k | 98-09-02 |  | Sierpinski Triangle |
 | dyna92p.asm | 26k | 98-08-15 |  | Dyna92 v2.0+ |
 | hexdump.asm | 1k | 98-08-12 |  | Hexadecimal Memory Viewer |
 | hex.asm | 5k | 98-08-12 |  | Hex Editor v1.3 |
 | bd.zip | 13k | 98-08-11 |  | BoulderDash v1.1 Beta 5 |
 | mine.zip | 7k | 98-08-11 |  | Minesweeper v2.1 |
 | samegame.asm | 14k | 98-08-11 |  | SameGame v1.1 |
 | falldown.zip | 5k | 98-08-11 |  | FallDown v2.1 |
 | tunnel.asm | 8k | 98-08-11 |  | Tunnel v0.5 Beta |
 | jezzball.asm | 29k | 98-08-11 |  | JezzBall v1.5 |
 | tetris.zip | 7k | 98-08-11 |  | Tetris v1.21 |
 | hex.zip | 2k | 98-07-29 |  | Hex Editor v1.3 Program that lets you view and edit the TI-92's memory in hexadecimal. |