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Qs C Object Oriented SDK for TIGCC 9x


Ranked as 12757 on our all-time top downloads list with 4024 downloads.

Filename cool9x.zip (Download)
Title Qs C Object Oriented SDK for TIGCC 9x
Description Quésoft C Object Oriented Language Software Development Kit for TI-9x. This open source software is a major innovation in the Object Oriented Development on calculator : it brings the possibility to compile a unique binary executable file. COOL brings the Object Oriented paradigm to the C programmers who can use it to manipulate strings, files or vectors more easily.
Author Frédéric Brown (brown.frede@gmail.com)
Category TI-92 Plus Assembly Source
File Size 416,743 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 30 17:25:44 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Examples/Lockcalc.89z   27829
Examples/Lockcalc.9xz   27829
Examples/LockCalc.c   4467
Examples/LockCalc.o   37310
Examples/Lockcalc.tpr   2123
Doc/api/allclasses-frame.html   2468
Doc/api/allclasses-noframe.html   2188
Doc/api/build.bat   647
Doc/api/constant-values.html   8883
Doc/api/COOL_IO/TFile.java   5109
Doc/api/COOL_LANG/TFloat.java   1008
Doc/api/COOL_LANG/TInteger.java   1009
Doc/api/COOL_LANG/TLong.java   970
Doc/api/COOL_LANG/TObject.java   1646
Doc/api/COOL_LANG/TString.java   13193
Doc/api/COOL_LANG/TSystem.java   716
Doc/api/COOL_UTILS/TGarbageCollector.java   1206
Doc/api/COOL_UTILS/TNode.java   1326
Doc/api/COOL_UTILS/TVector.java   5201
Doc/api/COOL_X/TBevel.java   1441
Doc/api/COOL_X/TButton.java   1473
Doc/api/COOL_X/TCanvas.java   1732
Doc/api/COOL_X/TCaptionedComponent.java   3030
Doc/api/COOL_X/TCheckButton.java   1778
Doc/api/COOL_X/TComboBox.java   1327
Doc/api/COOL_X/TComponent.java   3566
Doc/api/COOL_X/TComponentNetwork.java   914
Doc/api/COOL_X/TContainer.java   2230
Doc/api/COOL_X/TCursor.java   3105
Doc/api/COOL_X/TFrame.java   2325
Doc/api/COOL_X/TImage.java   2599
Doc/api/COOL_X/TLabel.java   1980
Doc/api/COOL_X/TList.java   1775
Doc/api/COOL_X/TPanel.java   1204
Doc/api/COOL_X/TRadioButton.java   2652
Doc/api/COOL_X/TTextArea.java   2050
Doc/api/COOL_X/TTextField.java   2072
Doc/api/deprecated-list.html   4153
Doc/api/help-doc.html   7387
Doc/api/index.html   666
Doc/api/index-all.html   77314
Doc/api/overview-frame.html   1086
Doc/api/overview-summary.html   4727
Doc/api/overview-tree.html   6249
Doc/api/package-frame.html   1150
Doc/api/package-list   2
Doc/api/packages.html   662
Doc/api/stylesheet.css   1328
Doc/api/TBevel.html   17965
Doc/api/TButton.html   16570
Doc/api/TCanvas.html   16966
Doc/api/TCaptionedComponent.html   20095
Doc/api/TCheckButton.html   18727
Doc/api/TComboBox.html   16269
Doc/api/TComponent.html   22580
Doc/api/TComponentNetwork.html   11903
Doc/api/TContainer.html   19363
Doc/api/TCursor.html   25543
Doc/api/TFile.html   30561
Doc/api/TFloat.html   11754
Doc/api/TFrame.html   19502
Doc/api/TGarbageCollector.html   13204
Doc/api/TImage.html   19498
Doc/api/TInteger.html   11698
Doc/api/TLabel.html   20104
Doc/api/TList.html   18211
Doc/api/TLong.html   11629
Doc/api/TNode.html   13029
Doc/api/TObject.html   12413
Doc/api/TPanel.html   16430
Doc/api/TRadioButton.html   21824
Doc/api/TString.html   46322
Doc/api/TSystem.html   9416
Doc/api/TTextArea.html   20220
Doc/api/TTextField.html   19873
Doc/api/TVector.html   25384
Doc/COOL.html   39425
Doc/licence.txt   18353
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1869/1869 images/world.92i   200
1869/1869.h   2845
1869/cp.bat   62
1869/F1869.89z   52185
1869/F1869.9xz   52185
1869/F1869.tpr   2412
1869/licence.txt   18353
1869/MAIN.c   36994
1869/MAIN.o   64839
1869/TBranch.h   2270
1869/TGameSetting.h   2066
1869/TGood.h   2336
1869/TItem.h   2194
1869/TMainMenu.h   5372
1869/TNewGameDialog.h   10287
1869/TPlayer.h   2746
1869/TPort.h   3099
1869/TPortInfoDialog.h   7477
1869/TShip.h   3321
1869/TStock.h   2171
1869/TSystemMenu.h   9995
Classes/COOL.tpr   1182
Classes/COOL_IO.h   926
Classes/COOL_LANG.h   1318
Classes/COOL_UTILS.h   972
Classes/COOL_X.h   1478
Classes/cp.bat   64
Classes/New File.c   507
Classes/TBevel.h   5045
Classes/TButton.h   5378
Classes/TCanvas.h   6920
Classes/TCaptionedComponent.h   8528
Classes/TCheckButton.h   6364
Classes/TComboBox.h   7387
Classes/TComponent.h   8601
Classes/TComponentNetwork.h   2874
Classes/TContainer.h   11512
Classes/TCursor.h   10351
Classes/TFile.h   11981
Classes/TFloat.h   2196
Classes/TFrame.h   7874
Classes/TGarbageCollector.h   3931
Classes/TImage.h   8120
Classes/TInteger.h   1994
Classes/TLabel.h   6630
Classes/TList.h   7349
Classes/TLong.h   1959
Classes/TNode.h   3102
Classes/TObject.h   3526
Classes/TPanel.h   6147
Classes/TRadioButton.h   7148
Classes/TShape.h   136
Classes/TString.h   26414
Classes/TSystem.h   1691
Classes/TTextArea.h   9010
Classes/TTextField.h   8183
Classes/TVector.h   12812

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