Prosit - Graphical Multitasking OS
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Archive Contents
shrnklib.h | 4010 |
docs/winlib.txt | 1840 |
groovy.asm | 825 |
keycodes.h | 1385 |
logo1.asm | 824 |
logo2.asm | 824 |
logo3.asm | 824 |
Macros.h | 302 |
p_contxt.asm | 2244 |
p_drd.asm | 342 |
p_file.asm | 1732 |
p_sched.asm | 6430 |
p_syscal.asm | 14667 |
proboot.asm | 4025 |
prosit.asm | 6509 |
prosit.h | 9326 |
statline.asm | 6122 |
calc.h | 595 |
ttt.asm | 8011 |
contrast.asm | 2666 |
winlib.asm | 33900 |
winlib.h | 9408 |
winlib_check.asm | 321 |
gfx/Empty.bin | 3831 |
gfx/empty.bmp | 4158 |
gfx/logo2b89.bmp | 4158 |
gfx/GROOVY.BIN | 3840 |
gfx/Groovy.bmp | 115590 |
gfx/LOGO189.BIN | 3840 |
gfx/logo189.shk | 791 |
gfx/LOGO1.BIN | 3840 |
gfx/logo1.bmp | 31798 |
gfx/logo1b89.bmp | 4158 |
gfx/logo1bw.bmp | 4158 |
gfx/LOGO2.BIN | 3840 |
gfx/logo2.bmp | 31798 |
gfx/logo3b89.bmp | 4158 |
gfx/logo2bw.bmp | 4158 |
gfx/LOGO3.BIN | 3840 |
gfx/logo3.bmp | 31798 |
gfx/logo189.bmp | 31798 |
gfx/logo3bw.bmp | 4158 |
gfx/LOGO289.BIN | 3840 |
gfx/LOGO389.BIN | 3840 |
gfx/Groovyb.bmp | 4158 |
gfx/groovy.shk | 3057 |
gfx/logo1.shk | 1281 |
gfx/logo2.shk | 1345 |
gfx/logo3.shk | 1606 |
gfx/Groovy89.bmp | 4158 |
gfx/GROOVY89.BIN | 3840 |
gfx/logo289.shk | 844 |
gfx/logo389.shk | 1020 |
gfx/groovy89.shk | 2111 |
make.bat | 141 |
winlib_g.asm | 29219 |
winlib_s.asm | 3142 |
wintest.asm | 4845 |
backgrnd.asm | 3781 |
p_list.asm | 4063 |
listtest.asm | 4536 |
prosit.txt | 120 |