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Last updated Tuesday, 26 December 2017
Total downloads 348,584
Most popular file  Tetris v1.21 with 17,191 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-92 Plus Assembly Games
asplus.zip7k99-05-21File is not ratedAsteroids! v2.0
Clone of the classic Asteroids arcade game.
bdash92.zip49k01-12-16File is not ratedBoulderDash v1.1ß7 [HW1 and HW2]
This new release of Boulder Dash now supports the both HardWares (HW1 + HW2) and all the AMS from 1.00 to 2.05 ! It also runs at the same speed on HW1 and HW2.
bd.zip27k98-08-11File is not ratedBoulderDash v1.1 Beta 5
bigdyna.zip535k01-01-29File is not ratedBigdyna
This incredible adaptation of Bomberman features 8 worlds of 5 levels each, 17 differents ennemis, and 8 boss ! Bigdyna is running at more than 70 fps with a multidirectionnel scrolling. Bigdyna now works on HW2 calcs.
bmaze92.zip65k01-01-15File is not ratedBomberMaze68k v0.95
This is a new BomberMan-Like for the TI-68k calculators, with a lot of bonuses, a lot of levels and GFXs... Try it !
bomber.zip37k98-09-15File is not ratedBomber v1.01 Beta
Based on the famous PC and Nintendo game Dyna Blaster or Bomberman. Features 2 player battle mode and 1 player game. Required libraries: graphlib, gray4lib, util.
cfbeta192pen.zip382k17-12-26File is not ratedChrono Fantasy Beta 1 - EN - V3.37
Demos of a RPG based on different games. There is no real story but some quests and a lot of challenge! It needs a lot memory (both RAM & FLASH). ENGLISH/TI-92+/PATCHED version.
cfbeta192pfr.zip381k17-12-26File is not ratedChrono Fantasy Beta 1 - FR - V3.37
Demos of a RPG based on different games. There is no real story but some quests and a lot of challenge! It needs a lot memory (both RAM & FLASH). FRENCH/TI-92+/PATCHED version.
chiplib.zip34k98-12-31File is not ratedChip8/SChip8 Emulation Library & Games v0.9 Beta
creversi2.zip12k00-03-05File is not ratedCreversi
ported to ROM 2.03 by gael.l@free.fr
crock.zip198k00-09-17File is not ratedCrockMan v1.15 for TI-89/TI-92/TI-92II/TI-92+
A very good PacMan like for all the TI-68k calcs by Flavien Racine. It includes 16*16 sprites, 30*30 levels, a scrolling...
diamonds.zip9k02-01-01File is not rated[AMS 2.0x] Diamonds
Diamonds for 92+ AMS 2.0x
dyna92p.zip8k98-08-15File is not ratedDyna92 v2.0+
e4plus.zip21k98-08-14File is not ratedSorbo's Quest v3.0.1
Graphical RPG
falldown92.zip18k01-12-16File is not ratedFallDown v3.0 [HW1 and HW2]
This release of FallDown runs on all the calcs, at the same speed on HW1 and HW2.
falldown.zip9k98-08-11File is not ratedFallDown v2.1
fer3c050.zip785k03-12-24File is not ratedFer3c v0.50
An extremely fast plat-form game inspired by Mario, Sonic, Cool Spot, Earthrow Jim, Duke Nukem, Charly, Donkey. It is compatible with Ti-89, Ti-92, Ti-92 II, Ti-92+ and all ROMS & HARDWARE (If you use an extended Os of the 3rd generation). One/two/four players by link or on the same calc. You can create your own levels on calc, or using a PC editor to discover all the features of Fer3c (Such as enormous levels). Many more features.
fer3c.zip740k00-05-20File is not ratedFer3c v0.39 & Level Editors
An extremely fast plat-form game inspired by Mario, Sonic, Cool Spot, Earthrow Jim, Duke Nukem, Charly, Donkey. It is compatible with Ti-89, Ti-92, Ti-92 II, Ti-92+ and all ROMS & HARDWARE (If you use an extended Os of the 3rd generation). One/two/four players by link or on the same calc. You can create your own levels on calc, or using a PC editor to discover all the features of Fer3c (Such as enormous levels). Many more features.
fiplus.zip6k98-11-15File is not ratedFInvaders v3.2
Space Invaders Clone
galaxian.zip84k00-04-04File is not ratedGalaxian v3.0
Shoot-em-up game, automatically converted from Usgard version by Source Guru
ghell.zip37k98-09-12File is not ratedGNU Hell on Earth v0.16 Beta
A 3D engine example game for the TI-92. Released under the GNU General Public License. Required libraries: flib.
jezzball.zip11k00-03-23File is not ratedJezzball v1.8
v1.8, compatible all AMS
jezzbl.zip68k00-04-04File is not ratedJezzball v2.2
Jezzball, automatically converted from ZShell version by Source Guru
lander92_ams_2.0x.zip11k02-01-01File is not rated[AMS 2.0x] Lander v1.0
Lander v1.0 for 92+ AMS 2.0x
lem2.zip102k00-09-14File is not ratedLemmings
The popular Lemmings game for the 92, 92+ and 89.
lifegen.zip40k99-12-30File is not ratedLifegen
John Conway's simulation of life
lunoid9x.zip35k00-03-01File is not ratedLunoid 7.3 [Source Guru port]
Lunoid 7.3 for ZShell, ported to DoorsOS II with Source Guru
lunoid.zip52k00-04-04File is not ratedLunoid v7.2
Arkanoid-likee game, automatically converted from ZShell version by Source Guru
mario922.zip94k02-01-01File is not rated[AMS 2.0x] Mario92 v2.0
Mario92 v2.0 for AMS 2.0x
mario92.zip102k98-10-04File is not ratedMario92 v2.0
A mario clone game that features game saving/loading, external levels, and a map editor. Required libraries: hexlib, util.
megacar92.zip50k01-12-16File is not ratedMegaCar v2.5 [HW1 and HW2]
This release of MegaCar runs on all the calcs, at the same speed on HW1 and HW2.
megacar.zip36k01-02-02File is not ratedMegaCar v2.0
MegaCar now runs on TI-89 and TI-92+ with any ROM version.
monop.zip24k98-09-03File is not ratedMonopoly 92 Beta
morbac.zip8k00-03-05File is not ratedMorbac (French)
ported to ROM 2.03 by gael.l@free.fr
movem.zip5k99-12-25File is not ratedTI-MOVem v2.1
Puzzle Game with 45 Levels for AMS 2.03.
nibbelz.zip21k00-01-11File is not ratedNibbelz
Apple eating snake
pacman92p.zip163k00-08-20File is not ratedPacMan v2.00 Final
The last release of PacMan68k for TI-89 and TI-92+ by Flavien Racine. The new one is cold CrockMan and you can download it at http://www.expertti.cjb.net. It includes a scrolling, 16*16 sprites and 30*30 levels.
pacman.zip20k00-07-13File is not ratedPacman Final v1.0
Pacman final 1.0 compatible with 1.x and 2.x Harware
painter.zip13k00-07-28File is not ratedPainter v2.0
New version of painter, with file saving, compression.
pang.zip40k00-05-28File is not ratedPANG v1.01
Some little Bug are fixed on Ti89. For more detail visit http://txteam.free.fr
pokemon92.zip23k99-06-27File is not ratedPokemon 92+
Based on the popular Nintendo Gameboy game.
puiss4.zip3k00-07-18File is not ratedConnect 4 v2.0
samegame.zip8k98-08-11File is not ratedSameGame v1.1
sf2t.zip174k99-05-08File is not ratedStreet Fighter II v0.18 Beta
simcity.zip164k00-08-03File is not ratedSim City 2001 v0.9A
It's a clone between Maxis Sim City and Sim City 2000
slotsk.zip2k04-08-24File is not ratedTiny Slots v.95
This small slots program takes up less than 1k on your calc, and has now been adapted for Kernal use.
sma041.zip240k03-12-24File is not ratedSMA v0.41
Maybe the best action game for the calculator.
sma92p.zip440k01-06-01File is not ratedSMA v0.38
The latest version of the famous Sonic Game
smq.zip36k00-04-02File is not ratedSuper Mario Quest v1.1.0
A clone of Super Mario Brothers for the TI-89
solarstr.zip248k00-06-26File is not ratedSolarStriker v1.00 Final
This is a shoot'em up like Tyrian or Xenon. It features grayscales graphics, triple parallax scrolling, huges sprites with complexes animations, all of this running at a high frame rate (27 fps min.). Includes support for externals levels and a complete documentation.
starwars.zip58k00-05-24File is not ratedStar Wars 92+ TC
THe long awaited 5.2 MOD
supcar.zip16k99-09-20File is not ratedSuperCar v1.0
A racing game based on MegaCar.
supercar2.zip162k00-10-05File is not ratedSupercarII v0.98
For TI92/TI92II under FargoII and TI92+/TI89 under DoorsOS...
sw.zip28k02-05-31File is not ratedSeawar
Destroy the other ships first! Choose your language and other parameters! check the TI92+ assembly source Archives for an English release.
tbo.zip188k00-11-23File is not ratedTurboBreakOut68k v2.10 Final
A powerfull breakout for the TI-68k calculators (TI-89/TI-92/TI-92II/TI-92+). Now includes 3 game modes, better code, a lot of bonuses... Try it ! (For all HardWares, all ROMs version -->v2.05) (final release). It now supports TeOS, and it is smaller because I removed the menu's picture, I also no use the same font as CrockMan.
tetris2.zip28k01-06-17File is not ratedTetris 1.21 v0.77b (June 16, 2001)
Tetris 1.21 v0.77b for 89, compatible 92+
tetris3.zip26k02-01-15File is not ratedTetris v1.30 [HW1 and HW2]
This is a release of Tetris, which works correctly on both HW1 and HW2 calculators, at the same speed, and with any AMS version (assuming that the proper kernel is installed). It is unbelievable that nobody have done such port before, but now it is done.
tetris.zip14k98-08-11File is not ratedTetris v1.21
tinx2.zip23k98-08-16File is not ratedTinx v2.00 Beta 8
Worms clone
tiscorch.zip4k00-03-19File is not ratedTI-Scorch v1.1
Choose angle and power and shoot opponent's tank
tunnel.zip6k98-08-11File is not ratedTunnel v0.5 Beta
yahtzee.zip9k00-03-05File is not ratedYahtzee
ported to ROM 2.03 by gael.l@free.fr
yoshi.zip4k99-09-26File is not ratedYoshi v1.0
A fun, fast paced, greyscale puzzle game.
zsdemohw1.zip52k00-03-27File is not rated[Hardware v1.00] Zenith Saga
The first public demo of Zenith Saga, Destination Software's first ASM RPG. For AMS 1.xx 92+
zsdemohw2.zip52k00-03-27File is not rated[Hardware v2.00] Zenith Saga
The first public demo of Zenith Saga, Destination Software's first ASM RPG. For ASM 2.03 92+
zshw1.zip94k01-07-17File is not ratedZenith Saga HW1 Demo Release v2.2
Zenith Saga, Destination Software's first ASM RPG, creates a new standard in TI-RPGs as it makes its second appearance on the TI-92+ in this fully playable demo! Being in production for over 3 years, Zenith Saga finally looks like its nearing completetion. Release 2.2 fixes several problems found in Release 2.1
zshw2.zip94k01-07-17File is not ratedZenith Saga HW2 Demo Release v2.2
Zenith Saga, Destination Software's first ASM RPG, creates a new standard in TI-RPGs as it makes its second appearance on the TI-92+ in this fully playable demo! Being in production for over 3 years, Zenith Saga finally looks like its nearing completetion. Release 2.2 fixes several problems found in Release 2.1

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