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Fer3c v0.39 & Level Editors


Ranked as 3926 on our all-time top downloads list with 7998 downloads.

Filename fer3c.zip (Download)
Title Fer3c v0.39 & Level Editors
Description An extremely fast plat-form game inspired by Mario, Sonic, Cool Spot, Earthrow Jim, Duke Nukem, Charly, Donkey. It is compatible with Ti-89, Ti-92, Ti-92 II, Ti-92+ and all ROMS & HARDWARE (If you use an extended Os of the 3rd generation). One/two/four players by link or on the same calc. You can create your own levels on calc, or using a PC editor to discover all the features of Fer3c (Such as enormous levels). Many more features.
Author PpHd (patrick.pelissier@gmail.com)
Category TI-92 Plus Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 758,667 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 20 17:52:53 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ENM2.S16   640
TEST.P92   4831
Macros.h   819
Sprite.h   9468
Enm1.s16   576
Fer3C.asm   25022
Edit/LEVEL.EXE   18544
Edit/MKWORLD.EXE   14768
Edit/BOSS.EXE   15904
Edit/World2/TEST.D32   12928
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Edit/World2/Graph.d32   6528
Edit/World2/World2.wld   242
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Edit/World2/INTRO89.BIN   2241
Edit/World2/INTROFER.ASM   773
Edit/World2/INTROF9x.ASM   1022
Edit/World2/WORLD2.92p   15741
Edit/World2/FALNYB.LVL   8196
Edit/World2/BOSS2.BSS   1622
Edit/World2/WORLD2.9xz   15767
Edit/World2/Falnybo.lvl   8196
Edit/World2/MU2.LVL   8197
Edit/World2/FalnyS.lvl   8197
Edit/World2/INTROFER.BIN   2656
Edit/World2/fer3c.h   13194
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Edit/World3/Graph.d32   5504
Edit/World3/World3.wld   99
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Edit/World3/WORLD3.9xz   9015
Edit/World3/MU3.LVL   8196
Edit/World3/MU31.LVL   8197
Edit/World3/fer3c.h   13194
Edit/Old/Convert.bat   170
Edit/Old/Level.bin   2
Edit/Sprite32.exe   11216
Edit/Sprite16.exe   11104
Edit/World1/LIAISON.DAT   200
Edit/World1/cedric.lvl   8196
Edit/World1/Sprite.asm   3664
Edit/World1/dungeon.lvl   8196
Edit/World1/green.lvl   8196
Edit/World1/greenill.lvl   8196
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Edit/World1/Graph.d32   5760
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Edit/World1/BOSS.BSS   660
Edit/World1/TEST.D32   12928
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Edit/World1/Level.wld   100
Edit/World1/WORLD.9xz   22591
Edit/World1/LEVEL.9xz   5829
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Edit/World1/TITLE.BIN   768
Edit/World1/Intro.asm   1828
Edit/World1/introxz.asm   2255
Edit/World1/OS.H   113
Edit/World1/map.asm   2496
Edit/World1/TEST.INC   441
Edit/CALCTLVL.EXE   6992
Edit/MyLevel.asm   313
Edit/MLAddon.bat   529
Edit/World4/TEST.D32   12544
Edit/World4/MARIO.LVL   8196
Edit/World4/LIAISON.DAT   200
Edit/World4/Graph.d32   10368
Edit/World4/TEST.P92   4759
Edit/Convert.exe   6208
Edit/MyLAddon.asm   543
Edit/Bob/Bob_Add.asm   23715
Edit/Bob/BOB.S16   1824
Edit/Bob/Bob.h   1194
Edit/Bob/introbob.asm   344
Edit/Bob/os.h   103
Edit/Bob/TEST.D32   12928
Edit/Bob/Bob.wld   304
Edit/Bob/Graph.d32   8960
Edit/Bob/EnmBob.h   1878
Edit/Bob/Enmbob.s16   800
Edit/Bob/fer3c.h   13194
Edit/Bob/Bobedit.asm   540
Edit/Bob/LIAISON.DAT   200
Edit/Bob/Bobedit.92p   17837
Edit/Bob/GFX.P92   4254
Edit/Bob/Macros.h   550
Edit/Bob/bob_lvl3.lvl   8196
Edit/Bob/bob.txt   3707
Edit/Bob/Bobedit.9xz   18163
Edit/Bob/BOB.9xz   20265
Edit/Bob/BOB.92p   20192
Edit/Bob/bob_lvl5.lvl   8196
Edit/Bob/bob_lvl4.lvl   8196
Edit/Bob/bob_lvl1.lvl   8196
Edit/Bob/bob_lvl2.lvl   8196
Edit/Bob/bob_lvl6.lvl   8196
Edit/Bob/bob_lvlp.lvl   8196
Edit/MLevel.bat   334
Fernand.s16   1824
Enm0.s16   416
Fer3edit.asm   15409
Html/index.html   517
Html/edit1.html   3350
Html/Screen.gif   7112
Html/Screen2.gif   9912
Html/Screen3.gif   7841
Html/Screen4.gif   6553
Html/beta.html   2384
Html/Spinner.gif   1469
Html/star.gif   132
Html/fer3.gif   3605
Html/fer3.jpg   9480
Html/link.html   1701
Html/edit11.jpg   12100
Html/Edit10.jpg   4544
Html/Edit1.jpg   24904
Html/edit12.jpg   5473
Html/edit13.jpg   27159
Html/edit14.jpg   9514
Html/edit15.jpg   25482
Html/Edit2.jpg   8069
Html/edit3.jpg   13052
Html/edit4.jpg   7616
Html/Edit5.jpg   21814
Html/Edit6.jpg   8005
Html/Edit7.jpg   19948
Html/Edit8.jpg   28511
Html/Edit9.jpg   17867
Html/edit2.html   1594
Html/home.html   6847
Html/edit3.html   2410
Html/edit.html   1042
SplitS.h   1433
Plus92.h   1418
H89.h   1391
FullScr.h   1603
TinyScr.h   2088
fer3c.h   13194
FullScr.s   3699
FargoII.h   1527
Sprite_e.s   35886
MyLevel.92p   11996
SPRITE.PAS   14859
auto_low.s   2669
Options.h   8836
MyLevel.9xz   12019
MyLevel.89z   12019
flib.s   1671
Routine.s   15614
SplitS.s   3423
Spr_Ext_i.s   1961
Fer3-fr.txt   8215
edit.txt   19562
Thanks.txt   1885
Fer3C-S.92p   14564
Fer3Save.asm   2935
Sprite_i.s   17967
SplitS_F.s   5319
History.txt   11246
FullScr_F.s   5912
Spr_Ext_e.s   9071
FER3.TXT   12494
Contrast.s   1571
Fer3C.92p   20462
Enm2.bin   1792
Conseil.txt   4648
look.s   2252
co_mode.s   5500
Example.asm   1116
link.s   10682
Enm3.s16   864
PlugIn.txt   1221
data.h   4697
Spr_fer.s   21573
TEST.D32   12928
LEVEL.PAS   18887
Spr_add.asm   4857
BOSS.PAS   14115
Big_Lvl.s   4152
Fer3Edit.h   927
Fer3C.9xz   20523
Fer3edit.9xz   7469
Fer3C.89z   20523
R_Ext.s   8341
debug.s   2135
Fer3edit.89z   7469
Fer3edit.92p   7392
Boss.s   5034
Fer3Save.9xz   837

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