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[Hardware v2.00] Zenith Saga


Ranked as 7019 on our all-time top downloads list with 5947 downloads.
Ranked as 6149 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename zsdemohw2.zip (Download)
Title [Hardware v2.00] Zenith Saga
Description The first public demo of Zenith Saga, Destination Software's first ASM RPG. For ASM 2.03 92+
Author Destination Software (dsoft@calc.org)
Category TI-92 Plus Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 53,581 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Mar 27 01:03:23 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Hieu-Trung Le
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 10/10 This version already looks good.
Controls: 10/10 Easy and simple.
Implementation: 10/10 Based on many classic RPGs.
Overall: 10/10 Can't wait till the final version.

Destination Software has done it again, this time releasing an Assembly game called Zenith Saga. So far from what I have seen, this is the best RPG I have ever seen on the LCD screen of any TI calculator.

In this game, you are a character going around the world to fight monsters and archieving special quests. Since this is just a demo, I can't tell you much about it except that the graphics are very smooth and fast. The battle system is great and similiar to the Final Fantasy series of games.

For me and everyone else who owns a TI-92+, this game is a MUST download. This game will be released soon for the TI-89 also. The final versions will be released later. So far, this game has a bright future and it will definitely get my download again once the final version is complete.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
zslib.9xz   6941
gray4lib.9xz   285
gray7lib.9xz   307
pk92lib.9xz   643
ugplib.9xz   1733
util.9xz   2085
Zenith Saga Demo.doc   30208
zs16b.9xz   39333
zsgfx.9xz   22427
graphlib.9xz   2343

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