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Last updated Tuesday, 24 October 2017
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Most popular file  SIMPLEX v.2.02 (English/Spanish) with 17,784 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Math Programs
ang.zip1k03-11-18File is not ratedVector-valued function angle
This function is used to calculate the angle between two any-dimensional vector valued functions.
charmat.zip70k06-10-15File is not ratedMatrix Characteristic
It’s a very simple and light function that calculates the characteristic of a matrix that is the dimension of the biggest contained determinant.
cofactor.zip1k00-06-08File is not ratedCofactor Matrix
Returns the cofactor matrix of any nonsingular or singular square matrix; returns 'undef' for non-square matrices.
cpol.zip1k03-03-05File is not ratedPalynomial of a Matrix
This function calculates symbolically the polynomial of a matrix
crosprod.zip1k09-09-30File is not ratedCross Product 3D
enter 2 vectors as the paramters, crosprod(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,x2), and get the cross product vector result of x
csolve_n.zip278k11-04-24File is not ratedSolve n x n Systems of Non-Linear Equations
This new version of cSolve_n() finds real and complex solutions of n x n systems of non-linear equations. Some trig equations can be handled, but no more than one unknown angle. The number of equations is no longer limited to 3 and unknowns are not limited to x, y, and z. The program is basically a version of the TI Solve and cSolve functions, but is easier to use (no variable list to enter). Domain restrictions, such as x > 0 or θ > -π and θ ≤ π, can be entered. All entries can be edited. If there are more unknowns than equations, you can choose which to solve for, so symbolic solutions can be found.
curldivergence.zip1k09-12-16File is not ratedCurl & Divergence
Curl and divergence are 2 important calculations in vector calculus. Enter the x,y,z components of a vectors as parameters and display the curl and divergence.
curvatur.zip1k03-10-23File is not ratedCurvature
Calculates the curvature of a vector-valued function (see readme for details and an example)
dh.zip1k12-01-08File is not ratedDenavit-Hartenberg Transformation Matrix
Homogeneous transformation matrix from Denavit-Hartenberg parameters (dh.89f or dh.v2f) Creates a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix from given DH parameters. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denavit%E2%80%93Hartenberg_parameters for more information.
divcurl.zip1k00-03-13File is not ratedDivergence and Curl
User-defined functions to find the divergence and curl of vector-valued functions.
dmatrix.zip1k99-11-07File is not ratedDmatrix
Dmatrix finds the matrix of partial derivatives of a function of several variables.
dual.zip21k11-11-12File is not ratedDual
This program finds the dual of a linear program. The program is self-explanatory, with examples on each dialog box. The program leaves no clutter.
eigensolvers.zip1k04-12-01File is not ratedEigen Solvers
Eigen solvers contains 3 files, a eigen value func, a eigen vector func, and a characteristic polynomial func for fun. the eigs will return appropriate N eigen roots and then eigr will return rref of eigen null space. see 89txt file attached for more info. please email me with any suggestions or comments brianmanzi@hotmail.com
eigenvecexpara.zip7k10-04-29File is not ratedEigenvectors (Exact and Parametrized)
Given any nxn matrix, returns a matrix where the first row contains the matrix's eigenvalues and the columns below them are the corresponding eigenvectors. Handles an [almost] infinite number of parameters. Eigenvectors are not normalized (that should be easy enough to do on your own).
eigenvec.zip1k99-04-03File is not ratedSymbolic Unit Eigenvectors
Symbolic Unit Eigenvectors for 2x2 Matrices
eigen.zip1k00-10-01File is not ratedEigen Toolbox
Does exact values for eigenvalues and their corresponding basis vectors
eigvl89.zip1k03-03-06File is not ratedSymbolic Eigenvalue Finder
returns the eigenvalues of a square matrix
ev.zip1k03-03-05File is not ratedEigen Values of a Matrix
This function calculates symbolically the eigen values of a matrix. Really easy and quick
ewev.zip40k00-02-29File is not ratedEigenvalue/Vector Finder
The Program calculates the eigenvalue and eigenvectors of a quadratic matrix
fgauss.zip1k01-03-11File is not ratedGaussian Reduction Plus
Performs both the forward and full Gaussian reduction algorithms on a matrix. Also returns O1, the operator matrix to perform the forward elimination, and O, the operator matrix needed to perform the full elimination. Thus, for example, O*M=rref(M)
fundspace.zip1k00-09-26File is not ratedFundamental Subspaces Toolbox v1.1
Functions for the rank, nullity, row space, column space, and null space of a matrix.
gaussjordan.zip3k03-03-07File is not ratedGauss-Jordan-Simplex
The Programm can do invers matrix, Gauss-Jordan for solving linear Equation systems, and linear optimization using the Simplexalgorithm... Description in English and German!
gaussj.zip1k05-12-12File is not ratedGauss Jordan
This is a program that does Gauss Jordan by step analysis, its great because this usually takes a long time to do it by hand... How to use is written inside :)
gauss.zip1k99-12-08File is not ratedGauss
This program solves the multiple equation systems using Gauss method.
ginv.zip107k11-02-18File is not ratedginv
The program computes the generalized inverse of a mxn real matrix
gramschmidtcalculator.zip1k05-11-19File is not ratedGram-Schmidt Calculator
grsch() is a function which accepts an MxN matrix as its argument. The function returns an MxN matrix whose column vectors are a set of orthogonal vectors which are computed from the argument using the Gram-Schmidt process. For example,If the column vectors of the argument are the basis of some subspace, then the column vectors of the returned matrix form an orthogonal basis for the same subspace. It would be nice if the function could work with a list of vectors, but, in the ti-89 a list can not have vectors as elements.
gramschmidt.zip1k04-12-01File is not ratedGram Schmidt Process
Gram Schmidt returns orthonormal basis from a linearly independent matrix. this func is limited to 6 dimensional evaluation but with a little work could easily be modified to extended versions. see 89txt file attached for more info. please email me with any suggestions or comments brianmanzi@hotmail.com
inv89.zip2k01-06-15File is not ratedStepwise Inverse Matrix v1.0
This program applies and shows the three elemental operations: 1) row swap, 2) multiply a row by an expression and 3) row add to determine the inverse of a matrix. Este programa aplica y muestra las tres operaciones elementales: 1) intercambio de filas, 2) multiplicar una fila por un escalar y 3) suma de filas para obtener la inversa de una matriz.
invmatr.zip1k00-12-09File is not ratedInverse Matrice Solver
This program will find the determinant of a matrix as well as the inverse. and then it will also substitute in the determinant
invmat.zip1k00-11-06File is not ratedInversion de matrice (French)
Version 1.0 . Ce programme permet d'inverser pas à pas les matrices en utilisant la méthode des pivots de Gauss.
jacobean.zip1k00-04-29File is not ratedJacobean Matrix Function
Returns the Jacobean matrix (linear approximation) of a system of homogeneous differential equations.
jacobian.zip1k03-11-18File is not ratedJacobian
jacobian is a function that returns the jacobian of a set of functions. This program makes multi variable calculus MUCH easier!
linearsys.zip1k02-10-23File is not ratedLinear System of Equations Solver and Grapher
This program solves a two equation system of equations by telling you what the vertex's coordinants are and then graphs the results, too. Also, the equations don't have to be in 'y-intercept' form. Check it out! No arguments...
line_int.zip1k00-04-04File is not ratedLine integral
Integrates a vector valued function of up to three variables along a curve
lineq.zip1k01-04-29File is not ratedSimultaneous Solving of Linear Equations
Solves, for instance, 2 equations with 2 unknowns.
lneqtool.zip354k17-10-24File is not ratedLinear Equation Tool
Linear Equation Tool. Only for the TI-89 Titanium. Allows you to input linear equations in many ways and convert them to other forms, get inverse, perpendicular, or even inverse perpendicular equations, and more.
lodes.zip5k02-02-10File is not ratedNth order linear differential eq. solver
This is a set of programs that will find general solutions to nonhomogenous linear ODEs and specific solutions to initial vaule problems. The catch is that you must know the fundamental set of solutions to the homogenous equation. You can also compute the Wronskian matrix of a set of functions.
lss89.zip5k02-03-25File is not ratedLSS89 v1.0.1
LSS89 is the ultimate in linear system solving and simultaneous equation solving for the TI-89. It solves up to 10 equations and 10 unknowns with lighting speed and 100% accuracy. It saves all vars and files to its own folder for convenience. It incorporates a user friendly Dialog interface as well as the familiar TI-86 Simultaneous equation solver format for ease of use. A must have for any Algegra I,II and Colledge Algebra student.
mag.zip1k03-11-18File is not ratedVector Magnitude
mag is a simple function that takes a vector as an argument and returns the magnitude of that vector. Great for vector calculus and physics!
main.van2.zip1k08-04-14File is not ratedVector Angle 2D
This determines the angle between to vectors. The syntax is : van2(x1,y1,x2,y2,OriginX,OriginY). Enjoy!
mat2eqn.zip7k11-11-12File is not ratedMatrix to System of Equations
This function inputs a list or matrix and returns as a system of equations. For example, [3,4,5] can become 3x1+4x2=5. Syntax: mat2eqn(Matrix or List,Variable,Row(1 for Lists),"Equality"). The syntax for the above example is: mat2eqn([3,4,5],x,1,"=")
mat4_89p.zip2k01-12-22File is not ratedMat4: Linear Alg & Diff Eqs
Trace, Determinants, Complex Polynomial, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Phase Plane Type, Stability
matfind.zip2k98-11-21File is not ratedMatfind v1.02
A handy program that easily solves systems of linear equasions in 3x2 or 4x3 form.
matfuncs89.zip3k01-06-03File is not ratedMatrix Function Pack
This is a group of 8 functions that allow you to do very useful things to matrices (some of which should have been included by TI in the first place, IMHO). Read the Readme for more detailed information about each function.
matmul.zip1k11-08-01File is not ratedMatrices multiplication
A small program which multiplies two given matrices, showing all steps.
matrixso89.zip1k03-03-18File is not rateda matrix solver
this program, made by michael youssef, solves matrix's. very very very useful! email me at killajoy6666@charter.net
matsol.zip1k99-03-11File is not rated3x3 Augmented Matrix Solver
This program will take a 3 variable system and solve it in augmented matrix form using the Gauss Jordan elimination method step by step for you to see.
mlprod.zip1k11-01-28File is not ratedMatrix and List Product
This function returns the product of all the elements in a list or matrix. It is different than the product() function because product() returns the product of each column of a matrix.
mlsum.zip1k11-01-28File is not ratedMatrix and List Sum
This function returns the sum of all the elements in a matrix or list. It is different than the sum() function because sum() returns the sum of each column in a matrix.
msolve.zip1k00-10-01File is not ratedMatrix solver
Solve matrix equations
mtrxedtr.zip2k03-10-19File is not ratedMatrix Editor
This is an update of Mtrxedtr(). This program is a matrix editor, which I use as an alternative to the TI-89 Data/Matrix Editor. I use it as a keyboard program so it's easier to access and use than the Data/Matrix Editor. You can create and edit a matrix, edit an existing matrix, insert rows or columns, and check dimensions easily even when the matrix is too large for the screen. You don't have to name the matrix before it is created so you save a few steps and time. The matrix is automatically saved as "z", unless you choose to change it. This update improves the editing process and changes the display to allow you to scroll through a large matrix.
mtxslvr.zip1k00-12-10File is not ratedTI-89 Matrix Solver v0.9
A simple TI-basic program to solve a system of equations in a matrix.
normvect.zip1k03-10-23File is not ratedNormal Vectors
Calculates the Unit-Normal and Unit-Binormal vectors for a given vector-valued function (see readme for details and an example)
param.zip1k04-09-06File is not ratedS-, Y-, Z-Parameter convertion
you?re sitting on a matrix of s-parameters and you cannot find the formulas to recalc the z-params? Here is one solution.
projcomp.zip1k00-04-15File is not ratedVector Projection Toolbox v1
Finds orthogonal vector projections and scalar component of vector in direction of another.
pseudoinverse89.zip1k03-03-06File is not ratedMatrix Pseudoinverse Function
returns the pseudoinverse of a matrix
range.zip1k11-01-28File is not ratedRange
Find the range of a list or matrix of data (largest value minus the smallest value).
rnsp.zip77k11-02-18File is not ratedrnsp
The program computes basis for range and null space of a mxn matrix
routh89.zip6k03-11-29File is not ratedRouth
The function analyzes the stability of a transfer function calculating poles signs. The function returns the Routh table of a polynomial expression also with parameters. It's ideal for exams.
routh.zip6k04-03-28File is not ratedRouth v. 2.00
The function analyzes the stability of a transfer function calculating poles signs and returns the Routh table of polynomial expression, also with parameters. It's ideal for exams. Now with a new algorithm for better intelligible results.
simplex2.zip10k02-08-02File rated 6.72SIMPLEX v.2.02 (English/Spanish)
Enhance Stepwise Simplex, based on v1.2.1 this new version includes a registry option. Esta nueva versión mejorada basada en la v1.2.1 incluye opción de registro de operaciones y otras mejoras.
simplext_pivot.zip10k05-03-09File is not ratedSimplex Solver 1.0
This program solves maximization matricies given a matrix witht he Simplex method. Includes helper programs for step-by-step pivoting and improving. Written by Patrick Horn.
simplex.zip3k01-04-29File is not ratedSimplex
Implementation of the Simplex algorithm. It uses a dialog box for matrix input and gives the optimal solution (if exists) or the direction-of-no-limit if unbound. Minimun or maximum problem is selectable with a drop-down menu.
simprog.zip1k00-11-26File is not ratedSimultaneous Solver
This program helps to simultaneiosly solve 2-4 equations at at time. It is my first but it works if you are in pre-calculus
simuleq.zip1k00-11-26File is not ratedSimultaneous Eqaution Solver
this program is designed to make it so that you can simultaneously solve 2-4 equations at at time. this cuts down time a lot in math class!
simul_mn.zip7k04-02-27File is not ratedSimultaneous Linear Equation Solver
This program provides modified input, output, and editing systems for the TI Flash Apps Simultaneous Equation Solver. This update addresses 2 problems. 1. The lockup problem sometimes encountered when using complex coefficients in the Apps program. In Simul_mn() v. 1.2, complex coefficients can be now entered in either polar or rectangular form. Results can be toggled between polar and rectangular. 2. The alpha lock problem which occurred ( even with autoaoff() installed ) when the program was run by using Catalog, F4. Alpha lock now remains off. Results are copied to the home screen. Results and the original augmented matrix are saved automatically. This eliminates the bother of naming a variable each time you save results. Coefficients can be entered directly or as a previously stored augmented matrix. Coefficients can be edited by rows. Results can be toggled between auto or approximate form. Solutions to dependent systems are given in terms of arbitrary constants. To use Simul_mn(), you must have TI Flash Apps Simultaneous Equation Solver installed on your calculator.
simulteq.zip4k00-01-08File is not ratedSimultaneous Equation v1.1
Simultaneous Equation allows the user to easily enter the data to solve any number of equations simultaneously. The display is given in a clear, easy to understand format.
sim.zip3k01-04-29File is not ratedSimultaneous equations, EigenVAlues and EigenVeCtors v1.00
A small package of functions for symbolically solving Simultaneous equations, EigenValues and EigenVectors. The simultaneous equations solver solves all kinds of systems including those who gives parametric solutions.
smr89.zip2k01-06-15File is not ratedStepwise Matrix Reduction v1.2
This program applies and shows the three elemental operations: 1) row swap, 2) multiply a row by an expression and 3) row add. Supports undefined variables, and creates a registry of applied operations. Este programa aplica y muestra las tres operaciones elementales: 1) intercambio de filas, 2) multiplicar una fila por un escalar y 3) suma de filas. Soporta variables indefinidas y permite crear un registro de las operaciones realizadas.
solve_n.zip3k03-02-11File is not ratedSolve Systems of Equations
This is an update which replaces the previous versions of both Solve_n() and Csolve_n(). This program finds real and complex solutions of a system of n simultaneous equations in x, y, and z, where n<=3. The equations can be almost any type, not just linear equations. Choose solution type, either real or complex. Many solutions can be displayed in either exact or approximate form. The solutions are copied to the home screen so they can be more easily used in further calculations.
solver.zip1k02-04-08File is not ratedMult Equation / Variable Solver (update)
This program solves for systems of equations when there are mult equations with mult vars. This is actually an update from the last time I had posted it, I found a bug in it, bt now it runs fine. It is avery clean program, it is small and deletes all the variable that it creates so you dont have to go and delete things every time you run it. I made it for my upcomming math test, but anyone who has alg. eould find it usefull so give it a try!cool.
solvnon3.zip4k06-09-24File is not ratedSolve Systems of Non-Linear Equations
This update fixes a couple of minor problems. This program is intended to find real solutions of n x n systems of simultaneous, non-linear equations, for n=1,2,3. It can handle various types of equations, including trigonometric equations (with no more than one unknown angle). The unknowns must be represented by x, y, and z. Any unknown angle must be represented by x. The domains of x, y, and z can be set as desired. For angles, the default domain is 0 to 2pi, but can be set by quadrants, or any values you want. Solutions are copied to the home screen, so they can be more easily used in further calculations.
ssolve.zip3k00-12-10File is not ratedS Solve
This program simplifies the task of solving single variable equations and simultaneous equations. Now you can type ssolve(3x+4=5) and get x=1/3; or you could type ssolve(3x+4y=5 and 5x+6y=7) and get x=-1 and y=2. Great time saver!
statics.89p1k02-05-11File is not ratedstatics program
This small statics program find magnitude, positon vector, unit vector, and moments about a specified axis. It's not a really fancy program but it is a time saver.
stepgj.zip1k00-10-01File is not ratedStep Gauss-Jordan
Does Gauss-Jordan Elimination and shows work
stepmat89.zip57k04-09-06File is not ratedStep Matrix v 1.02
The program returns the reduced row echelon form of a matrix (n,n+1) or the inverse of a square matrix (also with undefined variables) step-by-step choosing automatically, stores all steps (if you want) and checks the result for maximum certainly.
ster.zip1k03-03-09File is not ratedSterling's Triangle Creator
This program just creates a sterling's triangle with specified number of rows and stores it in a matrix.
sysolv89.zip6k01-06-01File is not ratedSysolve (French)
Ce programme est un solveur de systeme d'équations à 3 ou 4 inconnues/ Ouais, bon jusque la rien de très original, et en plus y'a même pas besion de programme pour faire ça!
systems.zip1k99-10-27File is not ratedSystem Solver v2.5
This program will solve a system of 3 equations with 3 unknowns and format the output as Fractional, Decimal, or Auto.
tablas.zip1k02-02-21File is not ratedtablas
Este programa calcula el valor de un factor cuando introducimos su periodo en cualquier unidad de tiempo y su interes vajo el cual esta la condición. Apropiado para estudiantes de la UNIVERSIDAD DE EL SALVADOR FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA Y ARQUITECTURA para la materia Ingenieria Económica
unitvector3.zip1k09-10-22File is not ratedNormalize 3D Vector
Enter the 3 components of the vector, unitvect(x,y,z) and return the unit, normalized vector of the same direction.
vec2d_eq.zip7k06-10-15File is not rated2-D Vector Equation Solver
This program solves equations involving 2-dimensional vectors with no more than one unknown angle. Vectors must be entered in polar form (magnitude and direction), with angles in degrees. For vector equations which just require the resultant of any number of known vectors (A+3B-5C+...=R), a running vector sum is displayed and the final result is copied to the home screen, in both rectangular and polar form. Other vector equations must be put into the form of a sum of vectors =0 (A+2B-4C+D+... =0). Results are displayed with angles in radians with an option to convert to degrees.
vecadd3d.zip2k02-07-15File is not rated Addition of 3-dimensional Vectors
This program calculates a running vector sum of any number of 3-dimensional vectors. Vectors can be entered in rectangular, spherical, or cylindrical vector format. Results are displayed in all 3 formats. As each vector is entered, the sum of all vectors entered to that point is displayed.
vecadd.zip8k03-12-14File is not ratedVector Addition
This program calculates a running vector sum of any number of 2-dimensional vectors. This update allows the input of vectors (or complex numbers) in either polar or rectangular form. To simplify keystrokes, that is, to avoid hunting for the angle symbol, Ð, polar form is entered as r,,q and rectangular components as x,y. Note the use of 2 commas instead of , Ð in polar form. Entries can be edited. As each vector is entered, the sum of all vectors entered to that point is displayed. Subtraction can be included by entering the magnitude as a negative quantity. Results are copied to the home screen in both forms. This update also addresses the alpha lock problem which occurred ( even with autoaoff() installed ) when the program was run by using Catalog, F4. Alpha lock now remains off.
vecdraw.zip5k03-12-14File is not ratedVector Addition with Vector Diagrams
This is a program which calculates and diagrams the sum of any number of 2-dimensional vectors. This update allows the input of vectors (or complex numbers) in either polar or rectangular form. To simplify keystrokes, that is, to avoid hunting for the angle symbol, Ð, polar form is entered as r,, q and rectangular components as x,y. Note the use of 2 commas instead of , Ð in polar form. Entries can be edited. Results are copied to the home screen in both forms. After all vectors are entered, the vector sum is displayed and two types of vector diagrams are drawn. The first diagram displays each of the vectors in standard position at the origin. The second diagram is the vector polygon formed by the vectors and their resultant. The vector sum is copied to the home screen.
vec_non3.zip19k06-10-15File is not ratedSolve Systems of Non-Linear Equations & 2-D Vector Equation
This update changes Vec_non3() so that it now just calls up Solvnon3() or Vec2d_eq() to solve systems of non-linear equations or 2 dimensional vector equations. This results in the vector part being easier to use. It solves vector equations (with no more than one unknown angle). It finds real solutions of n x n systems of simultaneous, non-linear equations, for n=1,2,3. It can handle various types of equations, including trigonometric equations (with no more than one unknown angle). The unknowns must be represented by x, y, and z. Any unknown angle must be represented by x. The domains of x, y, and z can be set as desired. For angles, the default domain is 0 to 2pi, but can be set by quadrants, or any values you want. Solutions are copied to the home screen, so they can be more easily used in further calculations.
vectangl.89p1k00-06-10File is not ratedVecTangle v0.5
Useful tool to find the angles formed by two vectors, which have to be given (i,j,k) components.
vector89.zip2k00-02-13File is not ratedVectors-89 v2.2p
Update of the popular Vectors89 program that now includes a faster, better graphing subroutine!
vectoreqnfinder.zip1k06-06-19File is not ratedPlane Equation Finder
This includes two programs that find the equation of a plane that is described either i) by three points ii) by two vectors on the plane and a point on the plane.
vectorfield.zip1k03-11-16File is not ratedVector Field Plotter
Plots a vector field on graph window with directional arrows included. Vectors can also be scaled by any factor desired.
vectors2go.zip24k05-12-24File is not ratedVectors2Go
Ever wished you had all the complex vector functions right at your fingertips? Well... your wish is now granted! This baby contains all the four major vector functions including gradient, curl, divergence, and the laplacian. Plus, the file also includes a function that finds the angle between any two vectors. And that's not all!, it also has a special bonus function called the "inverse gradient" function which finds the VECTOR POTENTIAL of a conservative vector field!! A must for anyone who's taking vector calculus. :-)
vectors2.zip2k00-09-23File is not ratedVectors2.3
A simple but handy vector program
vectorsolve15.zip7k03-04-30File is not ratedVectorSolve v1.5
**Tested for AMS 2.05** This program is of excellent quality that can solve any of your vector problems. It truly is the best vector program on the web. List of functions include dot product, cross product, magnitude, unit vector, angle between two vectors, and addition and subtraction and their magnitudes. If you have this program, you will not need any other help for vector programs!!!
vectorsolve.zip1k03-04-04File is not ratedVectorSolve v1.2
This is the most comprehensive and inclusive vector program on the web. It contains functions for both 2 dimensions and 3 dimensions and is a real aide in homework and on tests!!!
vectors.zip4k02-07-03File is not ratedVectors
Four easy to use Vector Programs that let you add and subtract vectors, veiw there referance angles and see there magnitudes. You can also look at the vectors on a graph!
vector.zip3k99-03-29File is not ratedVector Solver v1.1
ChaoticSofts Vector Solver v1.1
vectrs.zip2k00-03-02File is not ratedVectrs
The best vector program so far. You can input many vectors. It displays components and the resultant. It also graphically displays vectors nicely.
vect.zip1k99-12-25File is not ratedVectorAdder
Vector Addition in 2 dimensions.
vertarea.zip2k00-12-10File is not ratedVertArea v1.4.1
This program calculates the area of any convex polygon given its vertices. Enter the vertices of a convex polygon as a two-column matrix for the sole argument of the program: each row represents one vertex, the first column of that row containing that vertex's abscissa, the second column containing the ordinate. If a convex polygon can be formed using the vertices given, the area will be calculated and displayed onscreen. In addition, after finding the area, VertArea will, on command, sketch the polygon for you on the graph output screen, autozooming if needed so that the entire polygon can be seen on the screen.
vfield.zip2k01-03-08File is not ratedVector Field graphing
Graphs two dimensional vector fields (where i and j components of the field are functions of x and y), and will also plot the approximate flow lines passing through user specified points. Useful for quickly visualizing complex vector fields.
whatisfr.zip2k00-09-14File is not ratedWhatis (French)
Whatis est un programme pour les maths sup / maths spé qui donne les caractéristiques d'une matrice 2x2 ou 3x3 comme rotation, projection... etc... par rapport à quoi.... etc... English version soon.
whatis.zip2k00-11-15File is not ratedWhatis (French)
Whatis est un programme qui prends en entrée une matrice 2x2 ou 3x3 (NON formelle, c'est à dire qui ne contient que des nombres), et qui dit quelles sont les caractéristiques de cette matrice : rotation, autour de quel espace vectoriel..., projection, sur quel e.v., parallèlement à quel e.v... Ce programme est particulièrement destiné aux élèves de maths sup / maths spé et nécessite des connaissances correspondant à ce niveau.
wron2.zip1k99-04-11File is not ratedWronskian Solver
Solves wronskians which consist of up to 7 functions.
wronskian.zip1k07-12-06File is not ratedThe Wronskian
The Wronskian is the determinant of a matrix used to determine whether two functions, or two solutions of a differential equation, are linearly dependent or linearly independent.
wron.zip1k99-05-21File is not ratedNth Order Wronskian Solver
Solves and displays the matrix for a wronskian involving any number of functions.

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