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Last updated Thursday, 23 September 2004
Total downloads 97,219
Most popular file  BBMAN game levels with 16,947 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games
bbman.zip1k00-05-12File is not ratedBBMAN game levels
Bomberman Levels for anybody's use.
c.zip1k04-09-23File is not ratedGame Level for Amazing Maze
It's a cool game level for Amazing Maze, much better than the built-in level.
hegemonyai.zip12k03-09-01File is not ratedHegemony Built-In AI
The AI included with Hegemony: The Battle to Unite the Hundred Worlds. Includes AI Developer's Guide.
lemmnew.zip1k01-09-09File is not ratedLemmingz 83+ gamelevels
Some new levels i made with the level editor
levelb.zip1k03-09-08File is not ratedStreet Sk8 Level: Rio
This is an updated version of the origonal park editor. It includes 2 extra save slots. Though I did not copy over the old one becuase some people may prefer the other.
levelc.zip1k03-09-08File is not ratedStreet Sk8 Level: Vans Skate Park
This is a level for street sk8r.
levels.zip3k03-04-20File is not ratedJared's First Levelset
This is the first complete group of levels for Sokoban, by Jared Brayshaw. It contains the first two levels included with the game and seven others. A must if you have Sokoban!
magintro.zip21k01-06-13File is not ratedCrusader Magnum Intro
Crusader Magnum intro, this is a scrapbook of what is going to happen, its going to have 100% fluent graphics! The graphics are better than that of FFTOM!!
nfzvodka.8xp1k02-09-07File is not ratedNo-Fly-Zone Russian Expansion
Russian Expansion Mission. Now you can fly the planes instead of shooting them down. Requires No-Fly-Zone to run.
oxiti8scustomshipspackfor.zip6k21-03-29File is not ratedCustom Ships pack for X-Wing 2.0
This is a set of custom picvars that will allow you to use the ARC-170, the TIE Fighter, and the T-70 X-Wing in X-Wing 2.0. Also includes a template image for you to create your own custom ships with.
phx3extlvl.zip1k03-08-26File is not ratedPhoenix 3 v3.0 MEDIUM level set
Medium difficulty level set for PHOENIX 3 v3.0. have fun.
phxextlvl.zip1k04-01-08File is not ratedPhoenix Medium Level Set
Medium Level set for Phx.
pic1.8xi1k02-06-08File is not ratedlevel for rebond
no comments
pic4.8xi1k02-06-08File is not ratedlevel for rebond
no comments
q3leved83p.zip1k03-03-09File is not ratedQuake III GRPG
This is the level editor for a mini-graphical-RPG type game where you run around trying to shoot your enemy while it is equally intent on shooting you. Develop your own levels and publish them! One of the better mini-GRPGs out there.
questlevels.zip5k02-03-29File is not ratedStick Man's Adventure
The stick people have long lived in the jungles of Perice. One day a stick person decided to go for a little walk. As his little walk progressed the jungle got thicker and harder to walk through! He had to learn new skills in each section to beat the next level. Small game but suprisingly fun!
unleved83p.zip2k03-05-06File is not ratedLevel Editor v2.0 for UnreaL TOurnaMent
At long last (and several versions deleted by viruses), here is the oncalc level editor for UnreaL TOurnaMent, the 3D first-person shooter for the TI-83, TI-83+, and TI-83SE. The graphical interface of this program lets you edit any of the 7 levels, place ammo, health, and enemies, and save the levels. Useful for making your own levels to share! Now includes screenshots and each of the seven original levels included in the zip file.
unl.zip15k02-06-04File is not ratedUnreaL TOurnaMent Level Set 1
This is the first level set, containing the seven levels in the first release, for UnreaL TOurnaMent, the all 3D first-person shooter for the TI-83+. The maps of the levels are in the zip file.
vortexlogolevel.zip1k03-09-08File is not ratedStreet Sk8r Level:vortex logo(level a)
This a level for my game street sk8r. It is run as park edit level A.
zemlevel1.zip3k03-12-17File is not ratedZem The Gecko: Chapter 1
This is the first ever levelset for Zem the Gecko! It has action, drama, and romance! (Just kidding) Requires Zem the Gecko to play.

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