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Last updated Saturday, 28 September 2013
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Most popular file  ADDicting Games Pack with 38,551 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games
4ceultpack.zip669k05-10-24File rated 4.894ce ultimate game pack (10 games)
With over 1,100 downloads in a week, 4ce games are going quick so why download each game seperately when you can get them all! (tell me what you think {rate it})
addictinggamespack.zip21k05-08-27File is not ratedADDicting Games Pack
A series of games designed specifically for people who get ADD (read: bored) during school and want some games to play to keep them from going insane in the membrane. They are all very easy to play, quick, and stimulating. Have fun curing your ADD!
alexarcade.zip12k04-12-26File is not ratedAlex's Arcade Games
This is a collection of my arcade games: Phoenix Bomber, Asteroid Fighter, Fast Dodge, Tunnel Rush, Snake Escape, and Monkey Rush. I have optimized them more, and remade Tunnel Rush.
basicpack.zip2k10-03-14File is not ratedBASIC Pack Games
A pack of games (only two so far) written in TI-BASIC, these games are relatively fast for BASIC, and are quite addicting when your bored. Compatible with MirageOS. please send bugs,/suggestions to yunhua@gmail.com, NOT mail.com, I couldn't get the verification email from ticalc.org with gmail.
battpack.zip12k03-03-09File is not ratedBattle Pack
Battle Pack is a package of two multiplayer games: a fighting game and a game with an RPG-style battle system.
biggamepack.zip10k05-12-01File is not ratedGame Pack
Includes a collection of games such as tic tac toe, pong, and a few arcade games. Instructions for the game are either in game or readme
calcman.8xg.zip3k09-05-28File is not ratedSave the Calcman (2008)
Save the Calcman.
calcprog.zip3k05-03-09File is not ratedBasic Games Pack
A couple of simple but fairly entertainging games. Shoot the Duck, a chooser program and a guessing game. Modify them as much as you want, just give me credit for it if you post modified versions. Tey take up almost no space at all.
capack.zip9k09-08-28File is not ratedCAlifornia eNtertainment pack v2.1
CAlifornia eNtetertainment peck v2.0 with another glitch fixed, even better documentation, and now screenshots
challenged.zip2k09-04-05File is not ratedChallenged
Challenged is a 4 level game that includes mazes, a galaga style shooter, and a game that I can only describe as find the X. Fastest time gets the high score. Compatible with Mirage OS (NOTE: This version fixes the bug with the high scores)
ctdos.zip2k01-05-10File is not ratedCTDOS
ctdos version 1.0 includes some games, word, and much much more...
deluxe_anime.zip252k04-07-24File is not ratedDeluxe Anime Package (450 Kb!)
This is a collection of the greatest TI-Basic anime games. I am porting them with permission from each and every author and would like to report the experience is fun. Authors include (in alphabetical order): Mike B, Ryan Clausell, Morgan Davies, Rob Desmarais, Alan Hamlett, Javier Hernandez, Alex Highsmith, Bryce Jameson, Nick Johnston, Brandon Malpass, Kerm Martian, Omega Flare Software, Dominic Pezzuto, Andrew Rocafort, Bobby Skeebo, Aaron Stoker, myself, Alan Wu, and John Wyrwas. The project currenly stands at ~39% complete.
doom00.zip5k04-04-17File is not rated00DOOM00
This is a compilation of all of my good previous games, with an added overworld for easy access to all of them. since they are all Basic games make sure to unarchive ALL of them and pics 1,2,3,9. This is my best program because, well its all of my programs in 1. This is not one to be overlooked. Enjoy.
firstprogs.zip5k05-10-26File is not ratedMy First Progs
These were my first programs, the best of which is a text-based adventure game (that never got off the ground). The other ones are some menu-scrolling things. If you can do something with them, great, if not.....oh well.
flexpack.zip2k04-06-01File is not rated3-Game Pack by Flexico
Here are 3 of my first 4 games-- don't be fooled, they're pretty good. 1) Dodge the Stars! v2.0 ---You are the O and you have to get past the bouncing *'s to get to the pi sign. Holds 1 high score with 3 initials. 2) Guess Random #'s ---Two modes: 1: The calc picks a random number 1-10,000 and you try to guess it. 2: You pick a random number 1-10,000 and the calc tries to guess it. Holds 1 low # of guesses per mode. 3) Keep Going! ---This is kind of like Snake/Nibbles/Bytes, but the snake's tail never goes away and there are no apples. Just keep away from the walls and the snake's endlessly long tail. Holds top 3 high scores, no names. Sorry, but this one runs annoyingly slow on a black or blue 83+.
fungamepack.zip3k07-03-11File is not ratedFun Game Pack
Includes two fun, simple games as well as two bonus games! Steal treasure as a pirate in "Ahoy" and see how long you can survive in "Eggdrop." These classic games should entertain you for weeks as you battle with your friends for the highscore!
funprogrampack.zip7k11-06-08File is not ratedTi-84 School/fun program pack
Ungroop *AV5 and play Lock code 1: 1024 Lock code 2: 4269824 Main lock code: 1024 Change lock code: 4269824
fusion20.zip11k03-10-06File is not ratedFusion OS 2.0
Upgraded OS, new version of VWX, new version of VW5. Written by Planetar, not Gamer 83+.
gamania.zip3k08-09-23File is not ratedGAMANIA
A three different games included...
gamegall.zip1k03-10-23File is not ratedGame Gallery!
This is GAME GALLERY!!! Choose from 6 different games including NIBBLES!!! Has special programs that will TRICK your friends!!! Play the interactive GUESSING GAME!!! Or use cheats to EXCEL at Nibbles!!! Because you are downloading this GREAT file, the author will provide you with the CHEAT PASSWORD!!! It is 741852963!!! Have FUN!!!!!!!!
gamepack_11.zip4k10-03-23File is not ratedGame Pack v1.3
This is a game pack of 8 games I have created(many years ago) and have finally decided to publish it. Go read through the readme to learn more about it. They are not that bad of games, well besides pong haha, but the rest are pretty fun if you are bored. Thanks!
gamepack1.zip11k08-06-12File is not ratedGame Pack 1
These are some of the games me and my friend have created.
gamepack2.zip1k04-02-09File is not ratedGamePack
my first file on ticalc, dream software brings you 3 games to kill time with! the first, is a pick a number game, the second is ZAPPEM! a game in which you must guess where the ship is, and shoot at it, the 3rd is MASHER, a game where you have to beat the computer at arm wrestling by pressing 2nd repeatedly.and finally slots, where you pull on a slot machine, all of these games are connected and you do have a $ count, paying to play with that money. you of course win $ when you win! these are not original ideas, but are upgrades from there grandparents. in once convinient gamepack!
gamepack3.zip20k08-08-24File is not ratedGamepack
Fun games to last you hours!
gamepack4.zip5k00-11-23File is not ratedGame Pack
I have just finished a nibbles exact clone except that it only contains 8 levels instead of ten. It has excellent speed for being in basic and it not a text based nibbles game but a graphics based game. In this gamepack I have also included a shoot the space-ship type game and another clone of nibbles where everytime you get a dot a mine appears to decrease your are of game play making it harder. The Nibbles game also has a SAVE GAME feature that REALLY works!! So if you enjoy Nibbles in ASM give this one a try too!!!
gamepackdslite.zip3k02-10-25File is not ratedGamepack
(v.1.0) 3 simple games that only take up about 1500 bytes of RAM. Includes Number Guess, Rock-Sissors-Paper, and Slot Machine. Also has documentation. All of the programs are fully editable. The difference between Standard and Lite version is that Lite version doesn't have on-calc help, 2-player RSP, or a menu system. As far as I can tell, the games are bug-free!
gamepackds.zip5k02-10-25File is not ratedGamepack
(v.1.0) 3 simple games that take up less than 3000 bytes of RAM. Includes Number Guess, Rock-Sissors-Paper (with a buggy 2-player function,) and Slot Machine. Also has documentation. All programs are fully editable. As far as I can tell, they're bug-free!
gamepackof4.zip24k04-06-15File is not rated4 Game Pack
Includes Hangman, Lights Out, Minesweeper, and Tic-T-T. Lights out has level editor. Check out Read Me for controls.
gamepack.zip99k08-04-14File is not ratedGamepack
This program is an application with all kinds of games. there are 13 different games in total (but some do look like each other) and most games have different difficulty's and/or hiscore saving. some games can also played with 2 players on one calculator. the games are packed into an application with basic builder.
gamepak.zip9k02-04-02File is not ratedVariety Game Pack
Choose from several different games : Space dock, race car, falling stuff and more!
gameplayerultra.zip25k13-09-28File is not ratedGamePlayer ULTRA
Version 0.8.0 ONLY WORKS ON TI84+/SE!!! I've been working on this program since July 20, and nearing the final release! This version contains almost all the features of the final version. This system contains an interactive way to use (almost) all the programs I've made so far.
gamesmegapackcollection.zip11k04-11-11File is not ratedGames MegaPack Collection
This is a compilation of a few fun little games ive programmed. Most of these are challenging and addicting! there is a total of 11 games in this pack. -Powered by ZFLASH
gamesrp.zip3k01-04-26File is not ratedGames Pack
Includes Pong, Jewel Thief, Race and Jet Fighter
games.zip1k10-11-29File is not ratedrussian rulett and interactive number evolution
a simple russian rullett game, and an interactive number evolver. No, it's not that great. Yes this is my first upload.
geekbasicgamecollection.zip10k08-12-16File is not ratedGEEK BASIC GAME COLLECTION
This is a HUGE set of very cool games and programs i made. it includes MAGE RPG wich has built in chat, and Warp Hole, and Street Racer, and my Ti Email program, and a paint program, and THE INTERPRETER FOR MY OWN TI PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.
havefun.zip1k04-05-12File is not ratedHave Fun
This is the 2nd true program that I have made. It contains 3 BASIC games. Once you figure it out, this will be a great program to put on your friends calculator. HAVE FUN!
henkies.zip1k02-10-25File is not ratedGekke Henkie Fun Games
These are two funny games; Gekke Henkies Fun Game and Gekke Henkies One-Armed Bandit. For those who like games that are not that complicated but fun.
iansgamepac2.zip22k02-03-17File is not ratedIan's Game Pac 2
A selection of games by Ian improved upon from first version.
iansgamepac.zip15k02-02-16File is not ratedI×O Game Pac
Large assortment of games by Ian in Basic
jcpgames1.zip2k05-11-19File is not ratedJCP Calculator Game Pack 1
This group of BASIC games has 2 small separate games in it. One of the games, 'Hallman 2', is a short choose-your-own-path game with 4 different endings. The other game, 'Gangster Nation', is a longer game where you try to make your gang the best around. Both games can be used on the Mirage OS.
jmaster797gamepack.zip68k09-08-24File is not ratedJmaster797 Game Pack v2.0
This fairly large game pack is the Jmaster797 Game Pack v2.0! This game pack is the largest game pack made consisting of games made by me... Julian V. (Jmaster797). This pack contains updated versions of the original games from the first version, plus eight more games. The list of games consist of Hide and Seek v3.0, Tic Tac Toe 4, Doodle v2.0, Guess the Last Spot v2.0, Bowling: X-Factor v3.0, Blackjack v2.0, Slots v2.0, Krispy v2.0, Greedy Pig v2.0, Sniper v2.0, Roulette v2.0, and Poker v2.0. Some features from Hide and Seek (no custom maps) and Doodle (no picture saving) have been removed. The game pack features an auto-save function, and a version history of each game. This game is definitely worth the download if you enjoyed many of the Jmaster797 games. Don't forget to read the text file. More games available at www.freewebs.com/jmaster797 .
mattscollection.zip12k01-12-15File is not ratedMatt Gummo's Game Collection
Contains 7 of my games
mbps.zip9k03-03-09File is not ratedMike's Basic Games
Shootem, Bouncy Ball, Tic tac toe, Made two years ago, but it is still good.
meaningless83p.zip3k03-04-06File is not ratedMeaningless Games
These are some short games I came up with while I was bored in school. They are rather pointless, but they ARE good resources for beginning programmers who want to find out what commands in BASIC do. Some are also good for a laugh.
menu.zip18k04-03-13File is not ratedMiscellaneous Silly Games
To access most of the files, go to AAMenu. You need to access Evaluate and Y separately, however. The best games are Risk and Beowulf
merthsoftsillygroup.zip3k03-10-13File is not ratedSilly games.
A collection of games for bored people.
mgp.zip67k06-05-15File is not ratedMultiple Game Pack
Included over 25 games inside a single program, with a graphical menu for easy selection. Each game has about 3 modes of difficulties, but some do include 8 different modes of play! The size to game ratio is great, as you get a bunch of games in a single program in the RAM.
minigameparty.zip6k08-08-11File is not ratedMini Game Party v1.0
This is a set of minigames I have created. There are going to be 8 small games in all. This version has four of the eight games. The games are mystery number, rock-paper-scissors, code crack, and super memory. Please read the read-me's in the file if you have questions, or email me. See http://www.ticalc.org/cgi-bin/acct-view.cgi?userid=73931 Thanks!
minigames.zip3k08-05-27File is not ratedMinigame collection 1
GTA= One that my friend made. Casino=Buying martinis increases your chance of winning. Gold Idol=search for the Golden Idol!
pc4ti83.zip3k05-10-19File is not ratedMake your TI-83+ a PC
Not only does this file have games but it also has a RAM/ROM space checker. Runs under both the TI-OS and MirageOS
pdefpxdge.zip1k07-09-08File is not ratedplanetdefense and pixeldodge
these are two BASIC games i made in 8th grade when i was bored in math class. Some other people tried them and thought they were kind of fun, so here they are.
pointless.zip1k02-05-22File is not ratedCat n'pod
3 really... kind of... 'fun' games
prgmmenu.zip4k03-03-05File is not ratedProgram Menu
Contains at least 17 programs, including 10+ math programs, 6 games, and an encryption program written by David Lindstroem. The included readme has a breakdown of the menus included, as well as variables and whatnot used in the program. 4.7k
programs.zip7k03-05-04File is not ratedTom's Games
3 games: cheese and wine, tic-tac-toe, hangman visual edition
randomfiles.zip6k05-09-28File is not ratedThe Random Files DEMO
This is the demo to my most recent project. The Random Files is a series of minigames (the demo contains four) that lead into something of a story. You can't really tell what the story is in the demo, but it's there. Anyways, all of the minigames have a button that you can push to cheat. Look out! One of the buttons may cause an undesired effect...
randomgames.zip2k02-01-01File is not rated3 Random Games
3 games that i made when i had nothing else to do, they arent the best so dont expect that, but if you are bored check them out, there is a guessing game, a speed test game , and a pacman like game. great for bored math students.
resurection.zip4k04-10-07File is not ratedResurection
Really fun game with like five other games included. Download It! NOW!
ronnybundle1.zip8k09-08-21File is not ratedRonny's Program Pack 1
Part 1 of my program packs. It contains 4 finished games and many other programs of all types.
ronnybundle2.zip9k09-08-23File is not ratedRonny's Program pack 2
Part 2 of my program packs. Once again, it contains many programs of all types.
ronnybundle3.zip10k09-08-24File is not ratedRonny's program pack 3
The 3rd most awesome program pack. It contains 3 puzzle games including minesweeper with auto reveal and Mancala with an AI that beats its creator!!! many other cool programs included.
shootzap.zip1k06-02-04File is not ratedShootzap
This is a small collection of simple BASIC games. Includes Invaders1, Invaders2, and TimedShot. By the way, in TimedShot, if you miss 15 times, you run out of ammo.
simplegames.zip2k08-11-30File is not ratedSimple Games
There are 2 simple game to help pass the time. 1.An old game from bars with an updated twist called hotnot, its all random. It like the games where you put a quarter in and push a button to see how hot ya are. Mine is more advanced it uses age, weight, and gender as the main variables and 4-5 more variables that tweak your score alittle more. Its fun when you let a friend try it and they get the lowest score! LOL which is abomination. The other program is like a game online. Its called button. The online one is called Push the button or something like that. It counts how many times you press the enter button and after X amount of times the calculator will say funny stuff. It goes up to 1800 or 1900 button presses before it stops saying things but you can keep going on if you want. Its editable so you can add more if you want. Its a good time waster if you like this. It can waste a good 7 or so minutes if you have nothing else to do. Try to beat my score of 3013 pushes!
somemoreofmygames.zip1k02-08-09File is not ratedsome more of my games
it has a mech game i am working on and 2 others
spacegamequadrilogy.zip2k05-03-09File is not ratedSpacegame Quadrilogy
four games based on spacefed... number 3 could use some work, feel free to fix it and repost
thisspace.zip26k05-01-15File is not ratedComputer on a space ship
You are the computer on a space ship and as such must lead the dimwitted crew to victories against enemies. You also have allies you can help, planets, and stars a plenty.
threein1game.zip1k02-10-15File is not rated3-in-1 Game
This file has 3 games in 1 download! Pretty Impressive! Dowload Now! Made by Carl Daru
timewaster.zip12k04-10-14File is not ratedTime Waster 1.4
UPDATE: Now TARGET is quicker and has a somewhat-cool "flicker" effect.
uberbored.zip3k04-09-27File is not ratedUber Bored Game Collection
A great collection of 4 TI-BASIC written Games! Package includes Wild West Shootout,Defuzion,Line Dodging, and Space Fighting! Have Fun and feel free to edit, just give me some credit.
ultimategamer.zip4k10-02-02File is not ratedThe Ultimate Gamer
A collection of four games. The three escape games, and minesweeper. The escape games are text-based and you goal is get out of the random location in one piece. Also, minesweeper is by a friend of mine. Have fun ;)
zimmypack.zip21k05-09-15File is not ratedMan of War/Mineprey
Man of War is a very basic horizontal shooter inspired by the vertical shooter of a good friend, Chris Fleck. Mineprey is a minesweeper clone. Mineprey can be somewhat slow, especially with more mines, so be patient with it.

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