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Multiple Game Pack


Ranked as 18595 on our all-time top downloads list with 3104 downloads.
Ranked as 32739 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename mgp.zip (Download)
Title Multiple Game Pack
Description Included over 25 games inside a single program, with a graphical menu for easy selection. Each game has about 3 modes of difficulties, but some do include 8 different modes of play! The size to game ratio is great, as you get a bunch of games in a single program in the RAM.
Author kalan scallan (kalan.rock@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Collections)
File Size 68,880 bytes
File Date and Time Mon May 15 14:45:53 2006
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Anthony Ford
Reviewed on 2006-05-19
Most like one of the best “multipacs” out there, including some of the most famous games that you've played before. That includes “Tron”, “bomber”, “pong”, and a whole bunch of others. Their smooth game play (very smooth) makes up for the basic graphics, and you just forget about the graphics and care about the game in general. It keeps me occupied whenever I get tired of programming. It’s a must have, and for the number of games you get in the pac, the size of the game is understandable and acceptable. Excellent job.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MGP.8xp   8720
Don't Readme!.txt   1997
MGP.gif   118116

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