| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion) |
 | belloknight1.zip | 62k | 04-08-20 |  | Bello Knight I Bello Knight is a fairly large game that I created with the ARPG construction set. It contains over 100 rooms and many secrets, including an entire secret dungeon. The storyline is quite complex and the file includes documentation that will explain much of the back-story. The graphics are all very nice, the gameplay gets quite challenging in places, and the plot is thick. Seriously, what more could you want? Free money? I'm sorry, but I couldn't include that in the zip file. Enjoy! |
 | arpgdm.zip | 27k | 00-03-29 |  | A-RPG Construction Set Games Demo Action RPG Construction Set for 83+, 2 simple demos and the manual |
 | blackaura.zip | 4k | 00-04-29 |  | Black Aura This game was done with ARPGCS and is a short game but quite challenging. |
 | bparpg.zip | 11k | 03-03-05 |  | Betterman Productions ARPG Save my school! An ARPG that is easy enough for a beginner, but fun and difficult enough for a seasoned expert, this game at less than 20k fits snuggly onto any calculator! An expert could beat this game from the start in less than an hour and a half and enjoy every minute! Included are a sense of humor, bugless rooms, tons of secret, a bonus ending, and a 3-d hypercube maze! All in less than 100 rooms in a wide open world. Save my high school from alien invaders! |
 | bryansdemo.zip | 9k | 03-10-06 |  | Bryans Demo A short, humorous demo in which you have to go on a quest to move the cow, and then clean your shoes. Tip-one of the pieces of wall is an object. |
 | cq.zip | 10k | 00-04-04 |  | Castle Quest Demo A fun demo of a rpg thats going to be coming out soon. |
 | darksun.zip | 14k | 02-03-01 |  | Village of the Dark Sun v2 Same game as Village of the Dark Sun, but it is actually compatible with ION. |
 | demo1p.zip | 6k | 01-02-07 |  | KLP a midievel rpg |
 | desertq.zip | 10k | 00-06-30 |  | Desert Quest Desert Quest is an action rpg created by arpgcs. You take on the role of one the desert king's knights, and must undertake a very important mission. It has great graphics, a good storyline, and over 60 rooms. |
 | diablo2.zip | 11k | 01-03-31 |  | Diablo 2 This second game is much better than the first one, now you can use money, there is much more items, tons of secrets, over 100 room, lots of dungenons and three different towns. Better graphics too. |
 | diablo.zip | 19k | 01-01-29 |  | Diablo Diablo, now for TI83+.Diablo is a well knowed game and I donĀ“t think I have to explain it. The graphics is very nice.Much gameplay. |
 | earthanea.zip | 5k | 00-04-06 |  | Earthanea I: Mr. Stick Earthanea is an Action/RPG made with the ARPGCS program. Your objective is to destroy Mr. Stick using a special weapon and save Earthanea |
 | eternity.zip | 7k | 03-07-04 |  | The Eternity Blade Demo The Eternity Blade is an ARPG created using the ARPGCS. It's currently just a demo though I plan to finish it soon. In comparison to other ARPG's it might be kind of easy though remember that it's just a demo and that might change. |
 | ff1.zip | 13k | 01-02-21 |  | Final Fantasy I v1.1 Once again you are the thief stealing the jewels, yet this time you get to lay the smack down on a boss with a tree, yes that's right a tree!!! |
 | ftball.zip | 12k | 01-03-25 |  | Chris' FootBall v2.1 A great football game for your calculator. What you do is run to score a touch down like in football. But you have to get threw the defense. You may need to find new ways to get threw them. GAME IS VERY FUN. If you want to tell me anything about the game email me at chrisdabomb@angelfire.com |
 | gaakt83.zip | 16k | 01-05-31 |  | G.A.A.K.T. with 1badMofo Go Around And Kill Things...the title pretty much sums it up. This is one of the best ARPGCS games you will find for the TI-83/TI-83+. The graphics are better than most ARPGs for the 83/83+. Also, if you beat the RPG, you get to play a bonus game. |
 | grail.zip | 6k | 00-12-24 |  | The Quest for the Holy Grail *Challanging!* This game was created with ARPG. You are an adventurer tying to find the holy grail. When you find it, return it to the king to recieve an award. The game is small, but very hard and veru fun. Good luck! |
 | hpdemo10.zip | 5k | 03-06-30 |  | Harry Potter DEMO v1.0 This demo is short sweet and to the point, but is an excellent representation of the world to come! Nice Graphics, game play, even includes secret areas! Keep an eye out for the full version! Must Download!!! |
 | ironhrt.zip | 35k | 00-05-20 |  | Ironheart v1.3 An RPG with superb graphics and game design. It takes up about 19K of memory, but it's worth it. |
 | jail.zip | 10k | 01-03-05 |  | Jail this is a game where you have been traped in jail and you have to get out and then got on missions into a dungeon this is the first version and only the demo |
 | jrandf.zip | 9k | 00-07-24 |  | John Rond and Fatalo Go through rooms and kill monsters |
 | kareefa.zip | 8k | 07-12-16 |  | Kareefa To complete this game, you must get through four rooms alive, and rescue Kareefa. You must get the pointy machine in the first room. Without it you will certainly die. |
 | knightq.zip | 13k | 00-08-20 |  | Knight Quest 2 RPG-Game |
 | knightsoftime.zip | 12k | 00-05-07 |  | Knights Of Time v1.6 This is the final version of this epic tale of a bizzare occurance with a portal that sucks three towns into one world. |
 | korapart3.zip | 21k | 03-10-13 |  | Kora Part 3 This is a great game , with 162 rooms, and taking up 19.2 K Bytes of space. This is a really hard game, and only really lucky or experienced players might beat it. I you just plod along, youll beat it, but you wont get to the end very fast. There are 3 worlds inside the game, and dozens of items. This is a must for people who like a hard game and a good storyline. All my friends liked it. Tip-Before every maze, there is a clue. It is just difficult to decifer. |
 | kora.zip | 15k | 03-10-01 |  | Kora Part 1 and Part 2 It is quite a good game, This is only part 1 and 2 though. I still need to make part 3. The only thing I can say is that there is a minigame in the first part, and in the rom with al the papers in the first one, one of the papers is an object. You are a boy named James, and using the elemental orbs you have to fight the shadow witch and her fiends. you get helped by the white wizard. All my friends liked it. I have also made a ti 83 splintercell game for ti 83, look out for that it will come out soon. |
 | kot2.zip | 11k | 00-12-10 |  | Knights Of Time 2:The Sword This is the sequal to the first game, Knights Of Time. This game leads off where the last one left off. The game play of this game series has been greatly improved since the last game. Enjoy! |
 | legendofid.zip | 9k | 01-08-04 |  | The Legend of Id Huge RPG game that is over 18.5 Kilobytes in size! It has to be good! Made with ARPG Construction Kit |
 | loksoulr.zip | 148k | 00-10-05 |  | Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Based on the game of the same name on Playstation, PC, and Dreamcast. As Raziel, you must travel through the city of Nosgoth, seeking revenge on your former master kain.( graphical update). |
 | lotr1.zip | 7k | 03-03-06 |  | the Lord of the Rings: the fellowship of the ring This is an ARPG of the first lord of the rings, lots of good levels and rich storyline(because it is all ripped off the book :) ) beta testers all found it extremely enjoyable. |
 | lozd.zip | 10k | 00-10-20 |  | The Legend of Zelda Demo Made with ARPGCS, I hope to make it a very close representation of the origional Nintendo game, even though I can't use a lot of items. I may just do the first few levels, because of memory limitations, and only having the ability to carry four items. |
 | magicquest.zip | 6k | 03-08-10 |  | Magic Quest Demo Not much of an arpg. I really need help with the storyline. email me at gokugoten@aol.com |
 | maze83.zip | 6k | 01-04-18 |  | Maze 83+ It is a Maze game with a type of RPG adventure in it to go. What you do is go around on the 3 different types of mazes and get the keys to unlock other mazes. |
 | mechwar.zip | 4k | 00-12-19 |  | Mechwarrior demo This is MECHWARRIOR! for ion. but THIS IS A DEMO! i would like feedback!its an rpg. |
 | metalgear.zip | 10k | 00-06-06 |  | Metal Gear Demo v2.0 Port of the original NES game of the same name; second demo update. |
 | mgs.zip | 9k | 00-11-13 |  | Metal Gear Solid 83+ A playstation game ported to your 83+ calculator! |
 | ninja.zip | 11k | 00-04-28 |  | Ninja Warrior: The Last Ninja This game was done with ARPGCS and quite large. Contains both 83 and 83plus files. The object of the game is to defeat the Shogun leader and retrieve the mystical katana. Few instructions are give throughout the game and there are a few secrets so don't tell me you can't beat it. Unless something in the game is scewed because all weapons exist. |
 | quest1.zip | 7k | 00-07-14 |  | Quest This game was made by arpgcs and is the first game in a series. |
 | rckyqst.zip | 9k | 01-01-29 |  | RockyQuest (DEMO) You are a little chiuahuah named rocky, equipped with a trusty yoyo, you have fallen out the back of your owner's car. You must battle cats, other dogs, and even the vet to find your way back to your masters. |
 | re2.zip | 7k | 01-03-05 |  | Resident Evil 2 v1.2 This is version 1.2 of my Resident Evil 2 game. This version fixes a few glaring errors found in the last version. |
 | re5.zip | 27k | 01-02-07 |  | Resident Evil 5: KRJ Remix This is KRJ Industries latest ARPGCS game. this game is a mesterpiece. |
 | re.zip | 7k | 00-12-10 |  | Resident Evil v1.50 This is the Resident Evil game again, this time fixing the invisible wall bug. |
 | rockyqst.zip | 11k | 01-02-07 |  | RockyQuest This is the final version of RockyQuest. It's not that advanced and isn't that hard. |
 | saviorknight.zip | 12k | 02-05-12 |  | Savior Knight :Legend Arisen v0.34 Wow, thanks to the ARPG construction set, I managed to make this in ASM. Just to make something clear, there will be two versions, four in all, one for the TI-83, 83+. Basic and ASM. So here is the ASM demo. Pretty cool. I think its definitly worth the download. So go ahead, download it and try. Tell me if you like it or not. I will bve happy to accept all e-mails (no death threats). |
 | sbuster.zip | 47k | 00-04-08 |  | Strike Buster v0.08 Beta The object is to beat all the strikers so the scabs can take their jobs. |
 | shadow.zip | 7k | 00-06-12 |  | Shadow of Darkness This is a fun medieval rpg made with arpg condtruction set |
 | splintercellv2.zip | 12k | 03-10-06 |  | Splintercell Version 2 Pretty much like my earlier version of Splintercell, just a little more playable. If you want to play the harder version, download the original Splintercell. THIS IS EASIER. IF YOU ARE A HARD PLAYER,DOWNLOAD THE EARLIER VERSION. |
 | splintercell.zip | 12k | 03-10-01 |  | Splintercell The splintercell game for ti-83. Quite good, my freinds liked it. |
 | sscream.zip | 14k | 00-10-29 |  | Silent Scream Part 1 Demo A Demo of a new ARPG game coming out soon... awsome graphics!! tight and complex story! and a new twist with the construction of arpg games! **SCI-FI RPG** |
 | star1.zip | 13k | 00-04-19 |  | Star Wars- A New Hope RPG- Part 1 A RPG which roughly follows the story line of Luke on Tatoine with excellent graphics and a huge level. Created with ARPG Construction Kit. |
 | starquest.zip | 22k | 01-04-04 |  | Starquest This games is made by the ARPGCS. This game has wonderful graphics. Hope you enjoy it! |
 | stickboy.zip | 5k | 01-02-07 |  | Stickboy 83+ A quick little action RPG I made. You are Stickboy, and you must find your clothes. |
 | theaxe2.zip | 13k | 02-08-02 |  | The Axe a good RPG with a great story and good gameplay |
 | thenile.zip | 7k | 00-09-17 |  | The Nile A great RPG with a storyline and lots of items. Great Fun!! |
 | thief4.zip | 8k | 00-12-10 |  | Thief 4: Garrets Revenge This is an ARGCS game that was made by KRJ Industries. This is our first game and is run by Robbie Krieger and Ricky Johnson. Have fun and look for our next game to come out. |
 | tquest.zip | 8k | 00-04-04 |  | Tquest - Save Trinor v1.02 This version fixes the bug which requires you to hit the teachers with a desk (don't ask) |
 | turok.zip | 4k | 01-01-29 |  | Turok demo this is turok , it was made with arpgcs, you have to go around killing dinosaurs, but its a demo. |
 | xeno.zip | 9k | 01-01-29 |  | Xenomorph I: The Escape This is a game I made about one of my favortie things, Aliens, you must escape from a base. Part 2 is coming soon. |
 | zeldachris.zip | 11k | 01-09-16 |  | The Legend Of Zelda: Chris's Realm This RPG game tells the tale of Link and his quest for victory against an evil sorceror. This is a very lengthy game and and very challenging! A must-have for Zelda/RPG fans! *Zip file contains a MUST-READ help file!* |
 | zeldai.zip | 22k | 01-02-13 |  | Zelda Invasion v2.0 An updated version of one of the coolest ARPGCS games. Download it. It is totally awesome. Tell me what you think at Neotwotripleo@cs.com |
 | zeldarth.zip | 14k | 01-02-07 |  | Zelda: Return to Hyrule This is a zelda game made with the ARPG package. In this game, Link must find the 3 legendary blades and free Hyrule from Ganon yet again. |