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Knights Of Time v1.6


Ranked as 2566 on our all-time top downloads list with 9772 downloads.
Ranked as 32739 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename knightsoftime.zip (Download)
Title Knights Of Time v1.6
Description This is the final version of this epic tale of a bizzare occurance with a portal that sucks three towns into one world.
Author Jake Olson (KaptinFrog) (KaptinFrog@aol.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly ARPGs
File Size 13,025 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 7 23:03:27 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  scott delaney
Reviewed on 2006-03-30
"The Knights of Time" is a pretty nice game, considering it was made using "ARPG." If you have ever played an "ARPG" game, then you know that the fighting style is less than perfect, and originality is out the window.

This is, however, fun to play for a while. There is one problem, though - when you die, you end up in a certain spot that you're not supposed to be able to go back to after a certain point in the game. Also, the graphics aren't that great, but they can't get much better for 8x8 pixel monochrome sprites. The buildings look nice, but you can't go into any of them.

Graphics: 8/10 good for a calculator
Fun factor: 8/10 the best "ARPG" game
Replay value: 7/10 you die a lot, you start over, and you get bored.
Size: 3/10 not a problem with archive memory on my 84+SE, but this game takes nearly 20,000 bytes of RAM to run, so you need to delete/archive a lot of stuff.
Overall: 7/10 a nice game to download.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
KOT.8XP   18272
KOTReadMe1.6.doc   19968

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