No, but I really wanted it...
I don't celebrate Christmas
Re: Did you get anything TI calculator related for Christmas?
Not that it really matters but I got a visor w/ palm os on it w/ an mp3 player expansion. My 86 hasn't seen much use this week.
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28 December 2001, 01:25 GMT
Did you get anything TI calculator related for Christmas?
I wanted a USB Graph Link for my ghetto Gateway laptop. Oh well, I'm stuck with my 1st edition TI 83 for another semester...
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28 December 2001, 05:38 GMT
Re: Did you get anything TI calculator related for Christmas?
Chris Schmidt
(Web Page)
A new TI-89 to replace my stolen one! I'm so happy! it's oldschool though - it had one of the old instruction books (now i have 2 ti-89 books, none of that 89/92+ crap) and the package was the double wide one. It had AMS 1.02 on it :-) at least it's Hardware 2.0 though! ah, the joys of Powerful Symbolic Manipulation.... -crs
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28 December 2001, 20:20 GMT
Re: Did you get anything TI calculator related for Christmas?
nope, but i wish i did.... :)
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1 January 2002, 03:40 GMT
Re: Did you get anything TI calculator related for Christmas?
Forrest Elliott
I got a TI-83 Plus Silver Edition! I know it sucks compared to the TI-89, but it has enough space and processor speed for Basic programming.
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2 January 2002, 20:38 GMT
Re: Did you get anything TI calculator related for Christmas?
Nope, didn't get anything TI related for Christmas... that would have been last year (TI-89). :-)
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5 January 2002, 22:43 GMT
Re: Did you get anything TI calculator related for Christmas?
Nope didn't get any TI stuff for Christmas.
However I kept some of my sanity and that is kinda great as the human brain can do half the functions these calculators do in half the time.
Not knocking the TI's but why do you all keep screaming how important it is to have a calc for maths.
I'm doing a engineering degree with maths and I hardly every use a calc for work (I just play the games in boring lectuers or take a good book to read.)
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11 January 2002, 16:12 GMT
Gold Fish
Feels like a years gone by since the last poll.
So, do you like Cheez-Its??
Never Tried Them
*** Current Results ***
_____________Yes______100%____1 Vote(s)
______________No______000%____0 Vote(s)
Never Tried Them______000%____0 Vote(s)
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11 January 2002, 16:34 GMT
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