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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
Choice Votes   Percent
http (web) 496 71.9%   
ftp 30 4.3%   
Both 161 23.3%   
Neither 3 0.4%   

Survey posted 2001-11-04 20:32 by mha.

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Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
DWedit  Account Info
(Web Page)

I like the program info icons you get in Web mode.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 00:10 GMT

Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
Merlin Corey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Lol, first off, what does the person choosing NEITHER expect to use..?

I believe that both HTTP and FTP are quite effective for downloading what one requires... Under Windows, I prefer HTTP, but under Linux, FTP is easier... It all balances out, of course...

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 00:48 GMT

Re: Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
Henk Poley  Account Info

Ehm, usualy when I try (..tried..) to find a file I know that is somewhere in the Ticalc.org archive, I go to a general web searchengine, bypassing the FTP/HTPP/search stuff of Ticalc.org
Is that a legal "neither"? (not that I voted that...)

Reply to this comment    7 November 2001, 20:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
Achorny  Account Info

If you do that, you waste a lot of time - ticalc is much faster, especially if you are looking for a specific kind of program on a specific platform.

Reply to this comment    17 November 2001, 03:33 GMT

Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
Matthew Mundy Account Info

There's always rsync...
Personally I prefer ftp to download and a description of programs on the web site. Then I can just download first (typing a few commands in ncftp) and and analyze later.

Reply to this comment    13 November 2001, 20:08 GMT

Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
acr34  Account Info
(Web Page)

I used to use FTP, but then I switched because it doesn't give the file description

P.S. Hurry up guys, I got a word processor to release in a month or 2!

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 00:58 GMT

Robert Gladson  Account Info

I agree. Get the thing open. Programers wait for no FTP! hehehe.
If Sensorship == bad and Sensorship != good then
get the ftp open!

Reply to this comment    7 November 2001, 02:50 GMT

Re: Ditto
Konstantin Beliakov  Account Info
(Web Page)

If(Sensorship == bad && Sensorship != good)
get the ftp open;


Reply to this comment    9 November 2001, 00:18 GMT

Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
Carlos Becker  Account Info

wow a new poll.. incredible.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 04:08 GMT

Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
Ace Online  Account Info
(Web Page)

Really, it's kind of obvious, http is much easier.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 04:20 GMT

Re: Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?

Yeah, I don't understand what was going on in the minds of the poll-creators...

Reply to this comment    9 November 2001, 21:53 GMT

Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
Ben Ilegbodu  Account Info
(Web Page)

Obviously the http version is the best bescause you get much more information about the program. I think it would be a lot better if we could get screenshots of every program. I know ticalc.org has started doing that, but even when you submit screenshots for them, they still don't get added...

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 04:49 GMT

Re: Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
nova Account Info

Someone should make a plugin for VTI that automatically explores the programs and takes various screenshots. Then the archiver could select the ones worth posting. *shrug*

Reply to this comment    6 November 2001, 03:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
Ben Ilegbodu  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think if your willing to take the time to make screenshots of your program then they deserve to be shown. If you don't know how or are just too lazy then, too bad. We shouldn't put it on the workers at ticalc.org to do all the work for us. If we want to make our program look more presentable and attract more users then it's up to us with the description and screenshots. Plus, I like the idea better of us choosing the screenshots because we know the best screenshots there are. Sometimes those screenshotters aren't too bright and choose some terrible ones.

Reply to this comment    6 November 2001, 05:37 GMT

Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?

you all have too much time on your hands to post messages about a poll

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 06:17 GMT

Re: Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
no_one_2000_  Account Info

Well, you did.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 21:39 GMT

Re: Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
EV9D93  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hypocrates r so funny.

My classic 7-5 cents.

Reply to this comment    9 November 2001, 01:04 GMT

Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
dude9687  Account Info

Yeah... when the archives ARE functioning. Too bad almost the entire web of ti-83p progs are served off this one site. Until these guys get their archives straight, I have nowhere to release FallDown 2. Too bad :-( .

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 07:06 GMT

Re: Re: When the archives are functioning, which method of access do you prefer?
Konstantin Beliakov  Account Info
(Web Page)

Let's work together to create a ticalc.org mirror! Anyone can provide an FTP server?

Reply to this comment    9 November 2001, 00:19 GMT

What about the goldfish???

I like http the best.

BTW - What happened to our goldfish poll? It's kind of rude for them to wipe out our nested poll because they decide they have another bone for us to chew on.

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 14:47 GMT

Re: What about the goldfish???
longnameaj  Account Info

Well, put the goldfish poll up again, who knows when we'll get another poll!

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 22:58 GMT

Rob S  Account Info

Since a goldfish poll has been requested, here it goes:

Do you like Goldfish?

Yes: 1
No: 0
Never Tried: 0

Reply to this comment    5 November 2001, 23:38 GMT

Barrett Anderson  Account Info
(Web Page)

It left off like this (and i'll add the last vote as well)
Are Gold Fish Snack Crackers Good To Eat?
Yes - 8 - 89%
No - 0 - 0%
Never Tried Them - 1 - 11%

Reply to this comment    6 November 2001, 01:51 GMT

JoelThePenguin  Account Info

...This is pretty dumb, but whatever...

Yes =9 90%
No =0
Dont know =1 10%

Reply to this comment    6 November 2001, 01:58 GMT


Are Goldfish(R) Snack Crackers Good to Eat?

Yes 9 81.8% |ooooooooo |
No 1 9.1% |o |
Never tried 1 9.1% |o |

Reply to this comment    6 November 2001, 04:25 GMT


We established in the last one not to use ASCII graphs. :o)
Are Goldfish good to eat?

Yes 10 %83.33333333333333333333333333333333
No 1 %8.33333333333333333333333333333333
Never tried 1 %8.3333333333333333333333333333

I'm more partial to Cheez-Itz myself, but they are good.

Reply to this comment    6 November 2001, 17:28 GMT

David  Account Info
(Web Page)

Are Goldfish good to eat?

Yes 11 %84.61538
No 1 %7.69231
Never tried 1 %8.69231

Reply to this comment    6 November 2001, 20:45 GMT

FloppusMaximus  Account Info

Problem with calculations? (7.69231, 8.69231?)

my vote:

Yes 12 %85.7142857
No 1 %7.1428571
Never tried 1 %7.1428571

Reply to this comment    9 November 2001, 21:21 GMT

Robert Gladson  Account Info


Reply to this comment    7 November 2001, 02:53 GMT

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