Work in courses or study programmes I attend where it is required.
Work in courses or study programmes I attend where it is optional.
Games, games, games!
Scientific learning and experiments in my own time.
Testing and debugging my own programs.
I don't own or use a calculator at all.
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Ryan of NONYA Inc.
I use mine for math, games, homework-planning, and programming (not in order).
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23 February 2001, 02:05 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Kenneth Johnson
i use my TI-86 mainly for mathematical and scientific purposes, but i do enjoy a good game of Peaworm every now and then. my highscore is 29... (that's good, if you've never played it)
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23 February 2001, 02:43 GMT
Math, Games, and Reality
(Web Page)
At my school there are really only 2 or 3 classes that demand a graphing calculator. But I initally bought a TI-80 for my Algeo II class. And as I went into Trig. Pre Calc. I got an 86. I kinda evolved in my calculator use... From math, to TIBasic programming, to games, to ti85-86 assembler, and now that I don't have a math class anymore I basically use it for simple math and TI86 Assembler. Sadly, most of my friends got to the games level (compleatly skipping the tibasic phase) and haven't left yet...
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23 February 2001, 05:13 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
It's good to see that so many are writing and debugging programs. I spent part of today adding and debugging variable recognition to my tsr complete.
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23 February 2001, 06:05 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Jack Lau
(Web Page)
I have a TI-86 and a Black Offical Graph Link. I voted Work in courses or study programmes I attend where it is optional. I also use it for programming on my PC where calculation is required such as decimal to hexadecimal conversion.
And when I get stressed up or bored guess what I do? Play games! My favorite games are ZTetris and Super Mario! (Bill Nagel)
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23 February 2001, 12:31 GMT
Schoolwork and Programs.
Here at the University of Toledo, graphing calculators are forbidden from use on any tests/quizzes/exams due to their obvious programmability. However, that does not include classwork. My 89 gets a major workout every day in Calculus II, and my 83+ gets an equally hard workout in Chem II.
I can hear the questions now: Why an 83+ for Chemistry? Well, I'll tell you. My 83+ is my first and so far only successful programming foray, and there is a highly useful periodic table that I programmed loaded onto it. The 89 is great for math, but I prefer the 83+ for Chem for just that reason. That and I have no need to program in variables such as antilog on my 83+, though I need to on my 89.
That's the story of my calculators.
Knight/Rocket's 3 cents in memory of Dale Earnhardt, 7-time Winston Cup champion.
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23 February 2001, 16:43 GMT
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