Work in courses or study programmes I attend where it is required.
Work in courses or study programmes I attend where it is optional.
Games, games, games!
Scientific learning and experiments in my own time.
Testing and debugging my own programs.
I don't own or use a calculator at all.
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Rob Sowby
(Web Page)
I like to write my own programs, but I also use it a lot for my math, sci, and tech classes.
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22 February 2001, 23:46 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Dupa Jasz
Previously, TI-82's were required where I go to school. Then TI-86's. Now TI-89's are required, although I got one before the rules changed. I also happen to have a TI-80 and an HP 49G. Instead of getting ripped off at a store or school I got these calcs brand new off eBay for dirt cheap! Not quite on the subject, but I must say that I just got a funky new TI-82 for $22.55+s/h. I love the new case, but ROM 19.006 is really giving me hell for assembly programs. Does anyone know of an assembly shell for 19.006? Maybe I'll just make one myself…
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22 February 2001, 23:48 GMT
Re: Re: Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
Will Roche
I can't see why any school where what is taught is actually math and not how to use a calc to do math would require its students to get an 89. I mean, if you want to get the best calc in the world, go ahead and buy an 89, but in the vast majority of math classes, you don't need it; in general, an 83 or 83+ can do anything appearing in high school math. If you're using your 89 for differentiation or integration in a precal or calculus class, you're really not learning anything (hey, I'm guilty, too). The only exception I can think of is maybe if the school had a programming class or something in which it required students to have an 89 for programming purposes. That's a bit of a stretch, though.
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4 March 2001, 14:32 GMT
Re: Re: Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
(Web Page)
First off-topic. Don^t laugh, but the main reason I bought a 92 in 8th grade was not because It was a calculator! I saw this dude with one, typing out his reports in them. So I had to get me one of those. My school requires a graphing calculator starting in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade, depending on the math course. The required 9th grade course is Alegebra 1. 10th grade Geometry, and 11th Adv. Alegebra (e.g. 2). The thing though is that all the dudes and dudettes are all preppy, so 90% of them are a year ahead, and an additional 5% are two years ahead. So you got like a few 8th graders sitting with a lot of 9th graders, and a few 10th graders in Geometry. So those people take IB Precalc in 10th, IB Calc in 11th, and I don^t know what they do in 12th.
Anyway, back semi-on-topic. In 9th and 10th grade my teachers let me use an 92+. Now in 11th, in Algebra 2 (hehe, I^m normal, but with only 3 other 11th graders in a class of 20), my teacher won^t let me. BUT WHAT PISSES ME OFF, SHE LETS PEOPLE USE 89s!!! I tried to explain to her that they can do everything an 92+ can do, and since we have graph links in the computer labs people can send quick wrote text. But... oh well.
Now on-topic. I use my calculator mostly for games and programming a bit. I have one program for the 83/83+ here on When I^m in math class (50 minutes 4x a week) I use it for math, as well as for homework. I am spreading MirageOS around now to other people, as well as many games. I sent a program called Gas Laws (you can find it here in the archieve) to at least five people, who sent to more people. So it ended up around 75% of my IB Chem I class used it on the last test!
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10 March 2001, 18:24 GMT
Re: What do you use your calculator the most for?
(Web Page)
At first, I used it for gamming purposes, but after a while, I got real and started programming math programs and games, etc. I use it for my math class and doodle on it when I'm bored, and even play some games, but using it for gamming purposes is unrealistic (unless it's Pheonix) and flat out retarded. Surely, you bought your calculator intentionally for reasons other than gamming.
--Nathan Buda
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22 February 2001, 23:58 GMT
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