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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
Choice Votes   Percent
No, cheating is wrong. 179 36.6%   
No, I don't know how to cheat. 19 3.9%   
Yes, once, and I regret it. 47 9.6%   
Yes, all the time. 244 49.9%   

Survey posted 2000-11-19 03:21 by Andy Selle.

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Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
jestbsemple  Account Info

hmmm.. How exactly do you define cheating on with a graphing calculator? Would formulas in the calc be cheating?

Reply to this comment    19 November 2000, 03:27 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
amicek  Account Info
(Web Page)

Woah its a perfect 25/25/50 split! Awesome! BTW the 50% is the no cheaters - so don't cheat you guys - I don't; end of moral dialogue. Ok whatever.


Reply to this comment    19 November 2000, 05:02 GMT

Calculator to store info
Aaron Peterson  Account Info
(Web Page)

89's do partial and double integration. Setting up the integrations are the hard part. Using the 89 to check the work is much quicker than trying to check the limits by hand.

This saved my butt on a test.

Being able to see how I entered number (incorrectly) into the formulas gives me a huge advantage. I get to spend my time reading the books for my classes instead of working my homework problems 30 zillion times wondering if I just did a calculator entry mistake when my answer doesn't match the back of the book.

I carry 3 calculators with me in case teachers ban calculators from exorcises. 89, 86(little symbolic help) and a Sharp 506 scientific calculator that would let me enter a formlua once and change the variables... Ooo it also has a history for previous equations used.

I might use the unit conversion features of a calculator on a test too..

I will not store equations on my calculator for use on a test.

Reply to this comment    19 November 2000, 22:30 GMT

Re: Calculator to store info
rob_squared  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, the 89 once saved me too. I was getting a C- in Pre-Calc and I got to use it on the final and I got a B on it!

Reply to this comment    21 November 2000, 04:39 GMT

Re: Re: Calculator to store info
Gregory Brooks  Account Info
(Web Page)

Who would possibly ned to cheat on pre-calc? This moron.

Reply to this comment    22 November 2000, 01:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Calculator to store info
miguel5  Account Info

Leave it to some ignorant person to say this. If any one here is a moron, it's obviously you.

Reply to this comment    22 November 2000, 19:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Calculator to store info
Nemoch5  Account Info

yeah, you stpid bit**! your obviously the stupidist moron ever.


Reply to this comment    27 November 2000, 14:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Calculator to store info

HEY, HEY! can't we all just be freinds!!!!!!!????????

Reply to this comment    1 December 2000, 03:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Calculator to store info
yoshter1  Account Info

@sshole! you spelled friends wrong!

Reply to this comment    31 March 2001, 20:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Calculator to store info
Skiddy Skiddy
(Web Page)

judt because everyone else isn't as dumb...sorry (cough) smart as you....

Reply to this comment    13 December 2000, 06:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Calculator to store info

You are an Ass I am in AP Chemistry English 11CM Physics I CM and Pre-Calc I have high B's or A's in AP Chemistry, English 11CM, Physics I CM, all as a junior in high school but yet I am failing with a 65% in Pre-calc. Yet I am in the top five percent at my school. SO there.

I am GOD!!!!!!!!!!

Reply to this comment    9 February 2002, 02:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
Ben Ilegbodu Account Info
(Web Page)

There should have been another choice that was simply just: "Yes, I have." I mean, I've cheated before on tests, but I don't feel bad about it, but I don't also cheat ALL the time. I actually didn't vote, because there wasn't a choice for me.

Reply to this comment    25 November 2000, 06:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
BonzoESC  Account Info
(Web Page)

Heck yeah. My physics teacher basically, second test we took, he said "I know everybody has formulas in their calculator, m'kay. That's why there is a multiple choice part with no calculators. M'kay, so it's m'kay to have your formulas in your calculator." Yes, he did say m'kay that often.

Reply to this comment    25 November 2000, 20:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
Nicholas Cole  Account Info

Heh, my Science teacher was like that this year. Only instead of "m'kay" his favorite phrase was "for instance."

A few of us contemplated counting how many times he said that during the year and announce it on the... announcements sometime near the last day.

Not that anyone is going to read this...

Reply to this comment    19 June 2003, 10:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
Tim Nunes  Account Info

heck yah dude. Ishouldn't have voted like you.

Reply to this comment    27 November 2000, 00:08 GMT

Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
Kristo  Account Info

Well in my classes that allow calcs, using them to store formulas, etc. is not only condoned but recommended. If the teacher tells you to then it's not cheating.

Reply to this comment    19 November 2000, 08:09 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
aoejedi  Account Info
(Web Page)

It depends on the teacher. Most [of my] teachers think that if you take the time to derive the formulae yourself and enter them on that crippled keyboard, you deserve to be able to use them on the test.

Reply to this comment    20 November 2000, 02:43 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
Probyte Account Info
(Web Page)

I think "cheating" means typing in your notes, for something like sience, or a history question involving "numbers", so you pull out your trusty calculator, and read some history too. In math, if you are smart enough to build a good formula program, that is definately not cheating. Where we live, to make it fair for people without TI's, they distribute formula sheets before tests.

Reply to this comment    20 November 2000, 22:43 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
(Web Page)

It's not cheating if you learn the formula and then type it into your TI. And if you teacher shows you step-by-step how to program a particular formula into your calc, that is definately not cheating.

I think cheating is when you store your class notes (assuming you took notes) or test answers into your calc.

Reply to this comment    20 November 2000, 23:06 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
Greg Slonka  Account Info

i think not. if you can get away with it, do it

Reply to this comment    22 November 2000, 21:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
86user  Account Info
(Web Page)

Nothing is bad unless you get caught.

Reply to this comment    18 December 2000, 21:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?

100% True!!!!!!!!!!!

I am GOD!!!!!!!!!

Reply to this comment    9 February 2002, 02:06 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
Vasantha Crabb  Account Info
(Web Page)

At my university, we have an interesting situation, that would lend itself very well to cheating. Multiple exams are held in rooms simultaneously. Now different exams have different restrictions on what you can and can't take in. Checking everyone according to which exam they're doing could be very slow, so they just check you for mobile phones, and trust that you know what you can and can't take. Then they randomy check about five out of one thousand people according to their exams' requirements.

So you could easily walk into the French exam, where you aren't allowed a calc or notes, equiped with your TI-92+, filled with data from a French-Englih dictionary, and you'd have to have pretty bad luck to get caught. However, anyone with any morals would agree that this is very wrong, and wouldn't do it. The examiners trust us, and we shouldn't betray this trust.

A slightly less blatant for of cheating would be taking a TI-89 into a digital electronics exam, where you're only allowed a non-programmable calculator. But you're still cheating, and betraying your lecturers' trust.

But if you're allowed a programmable calculator, how can you cheat with it? Apart from "fake memory clear" programs, there's nothing that you can do that would be cheating. You're allowed to take the calc in, so you're allowed to use it as you see fit.

An extreme case of allowing technology into exams is physics, where you can even take a notebook computer in if you want. Now you might say "That'd be easy! You could scan the whole textbook onto your hard disk!" One of my friends did just that, but he still failed. If you need that much info on an exam, you'll fail, because it shows that you don't understand the concepts behind the subject.

My friend had all the textbook stored in his iBook G3, and he failed. I had roughly six formulae on my TI-82 and I passed. No subject is a mere case of remembering formulae. In fact, in Australia, most exams have the required formulae printed on the final page. It's a matter of knowing which formula to use when. So the only way to cheat with a TI is to take it in when you aren't allowed to, or to pretend to wipe it when you really haven't.

However with an HP calc or an Apple iBook, you have wireless networking capabilities. This lets you work with other students as a team on the exam. This is clearly unfair, as you don't need to understand something that another person on your team knows. In fact, you could merely copy all the answers from one person, knowing none of the subject matter. I believe this is clearly wrong, and have never done it.

Vasantha Crabb

Reply to this comment    24 November 2000, 04:53 GMT

Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
phill  Account Info

>> It's a matter of knowing which formula to use when.

It's more than just that...it's a matter of knowing the subject matter. Heck....I got an 89 for calculus and physics as a senior in high school last year, and I never once used it on tests in either of those classes, and I hardly ever used during regular classes, either. If you know the subject matter, you are not going to need more than a scientific calc on a high school test (so far I haven't needed more than a scientific calc in college, either)....conversely, if you don't know the subject, matter, a calculator is not really going to help you that much, either.

Reply to this comment    25 November 2000, 22:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
Ed Black  Account Info

Well put!! damnn i didnt know these cacl could be so powerfull!... i guess my TI-83+ and 89 r still primitive!

Reply to this comment    28 November 2000, 01:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
andy3333  Account Info

wow that must have taken some time

Reply to this comment    21 February 2001, 20:16 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
Nemoch5  Account Info

Well, I 'spose you could just type in awnsers or something, couldntju???

Reply to this comment    27 November 2000, 14:47 GMT

Re: Re: Have you ever used your TI calculator to cheat on a test?
awrstlr Account Info

This is a question that I have pondered for a long time. And I have come to the conclusion that it is cheating to get the answers to exams and have them stored in your calculator. On the other hand if there are important formulas you need for say a Physics exam it would not be cheating to enter them into an empty program. In my college physics class we can use calc and the first page of the exam is important formulas but sometimes they are not all the ones you may need. There is no way you can do good with just the formulas if you don't know how and when to apply them. In my calculus classes however calucators are not allowed so you are forced to remember exactly the process you need unless the teacher deems that it would be impossible to remeber all the formulas and they give them to you. Getting actual answers is cheating, aiding memory is not. All a matter of your own ethics and for each person to decide. You make the desicion.

Reply to this comment    29 April 2004, 17:50 GMT

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