Yes, color rocks!
Yes, I want to play some color games
Yes, I want to make some color graphs
Yes, I always wondered what pi looks like in color
Maybe, but only if I needed a new calculator
Maybe, I am getting tired of grayscale
No, I have no need for color on my calculator
Since when did electronic displays have color?
Re: Do you want a calculator with a color screen?
If TI would make color calcs, they should also add much more memory in their calcs!
They should do that anyway...
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3 May 2005, 17:42 GMT
Re: Do you want a calculator with a color screen?
Travis Evans
I think that even hardware-supported grayscale in black-and-white would still be a pretty good advancement. That way, the TI OS would actually use it, and it would look nicer. It wouldn't be as pretty as color, but it shouldn't be too much more expensive.
The nice thing about having muliple colors per pixel is that they can sort of make up for lack of resolution (for instance, you could use anti-aliasing). Of course, higher resolution displays are always nice, too.
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3 May 2005, 21:17 GMT
Re: Do you want a calculator with a color screen?
Jiaqi Wu
Remember that joke news thing about the Voyage 400 with the color screen?
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4 May 2005, 03:01 GMT
Re: Do you want a calculator with a color screen?
Niki Hammler
(Web Page)
Color would be nice BUT I love my TI92+ for running looooong times without new batteries.
Those times will be over then :-(
In my opinion a better resolution and "real" grayscale in AMS would be better (to support at least such qualities as old on Palms)
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4 May 2005, 20:41 GMT
Re: Do you want a calculator with a color screen?
A color screen would be a definite improvement to TI's calculators. But realistically, I don't think TI will implement such a feature in the near future; they simply don't have any incentive.
What would be nice in the meantime is, as others have mentioned, built-in grey scale support (maybe 8-level). In my opinion, it should be hardware-based rather than relying on the operating system. That way, *I think* it would be possible for assembly games to rapidly shift the different levels of grey-scale, resulting in many more different shades. That would be a great improvement.
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4 May 2005, 21:39 GMT
Re: Do you want a calculator with a color screen?
Does anybody know where to find a replacement lcd display for a TI-89?
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5 May 2005, 01:20 GMT
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