Yes, color rocks!
Yes, I want to play some color games
Yes, I want to make some color graphs
Yes, I always wondered what pi looks like in color
Maybe, but only if I needed a new calculator
Maybe, I am getting tired of grayscale
No, I have no need for color on my calculator
Since when did electronic displays have color?
Re: Do you want a calculator with a color screen?
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
Well, if TI made a color calc, I would like to see it being the same kind of screen (resolution and color-depth wise) as an iPod Photo. Of course, I don't think color is neccesary and would rather not have the added price. But, color would be handy for graph comparison and such. Also, keep in mind that games would become much bigger if they were in color. Rather than a single bit for each pixel in sprites (or two if you're doing grayscale) you would need to devote an entire character (8 bits) to each for basic 256 colors, which makes graphics data 4-8 times as large. Of course, if TI had a color screen, then you would probably get more memory anyways...
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3 May 2005, 05:14 GMT
Re: Re: Do you want a calculator with a color screen?
(Web Page)
ummm..... iPod Photo has a higher resolution than an 89 and 16 thousand colors. An 83+ picture with that depth is 96 MB. The 89Ti has 2.7MB archive... let's see... one picture would fill up about 35.5 889Ti/v200 archives (Xpanded, no apps, etc.). I'll go with what was suggested earlier: three colors.
But the three colors need to be good (i.e. not washed out). The Casio CFX models that a teacher at my school uses have such poor colors that instead of rgb, they are orange (very hard to see on the yellow background), blue-black (very hard to distinguish from black), and green (almost black, too). Granted, these are class calcs, so they can't be in very good condition, but decent colors are a must.
<offtopic>I finally got to play with an 89Ti at Office Depot. They look so much better in real life than in TI's ads and website pics. Also, I was disappinted to find that 84+ notSEs have no faceplate. What is the point of hyping the faceplate if only one model supports them???</offtopic>
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4 May 2005, 00:10 GMT
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