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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Choice Votes   Percent
Too high! 18 9.4%   
Right on! 57 29.7%   
Too low! 66 34.4%   
Have no uploaded files 51 26.6%   

Survey posted 2003-11-11 20:09 by Magnus.

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Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Jiaqi Wu  Account Info

I didn't know that many people will download my matrix multiplication program.

     12 November 2003, 21:41 GMT

Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

The calculators already multiply matrices. :-D

     13 November 2003, 21:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Michael O'Brien  Account Info
(Web Page)

And there are a whole lot of programs that replicate many functions. If the stuff wasn't in basic, then I might check them out for speed increases, but other than that, whats the point?

     20 November 2003, 00:51 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Yeah, I HATE seeing stupid BASIC programs that take up too much memory, run too slowly, and do something that the calc already does.

     23 November 2003, 00:12 GMT

Re: ¤
Brian Gordon Account Info
(Web Page)

but sometimes it can just be a heck of a lot easier with a program. Take making box-and-whisker plots for example. The calc already does it, but you have to mess with lists and stat plot settings, ending up with very little info other than the pic at the end. but my box and whisker maker (see my profile) only requires {number,number,number...} and gives you all the info, plus a pic that (i think) looks much better than the built-in generator.
And also, I think that BASIC math progams (im mainly talking about the "enter-a-number so-the-program can-put-it-into-a-fourmula and-spit-out-the-answer" programs) are not necessarily worthless. The calc does not have built-in MODE support, and neither does any BASIC math program other than my AASTAT. Yet AASTAT also combines mean and median (and soon-to-be range), which are all very easily accessed through the TI-OS, into one program that's really fast to use.
Basically, what i'm saying is that BASIC math can be useful if it saves you time (combines multiple tasks), but otherwise is generally useless.

     23 November 2003, 22:34 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
FiveGodDragon  Account Info

Interesting. Well personally I can't get any decent speed from the BASIC language, and I've been messing with ASM but I can't get any help from people because theres no one to contact.. not that I've found so far. They supply emails, but the email addresses don't exist. Bleh.

     24 November 2003, 03:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
Brian Gordon Account Info
(Web Page)

If you don't see any potential for speed in BASIC, check out SiCoDe. Wow.


     24 November 2003, 19:15 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
killerB  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, I agree to an extent.

The thing is, basic is really easy enough that you can create your own formula program without much experience or time, it seems.

     24 November 2003, 11:09 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

I didn't say that there was anything wrong with BASIC-I just said that I hated the BASIC programs that did something the calc already did BUT WORSE.

     1 December 2003, 22:41 GMT

Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Javier Hernandez  Account Info

I got right on. I got exactly what I thought I would get on gold phoenix. check it out.

     13 November 2003, 02:29 GMT

Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

You didn't post a link

     13 November 2003, 21:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

In case you didn't notice... yes, I am too lazy to click your profile, then author profile, then gold phoenix. :)

     16 November 2003, 17:47 GMT

Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
svoldemort  Account Info
(Web Page)

I have an account but how do i upload files (sounds kinda stupid but i even searched with google on this site for it)

     13 November 2003, 18:24 GMT

Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ticalc.org > Archives > File Archives > File Upload Form

     13 November 2003, 21:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
BullFrog  Account Info
(Web Page)

Or, click the pretty picture of the 89 at the top of the screen, wait for the main page to load, and scroll to the bottom of the screen where it says they welcome contributions. Click on that, let it load, then click on "File Upload Form."

     14 November 2003, 04:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

That works too. :)

     14 November 2003, 21:15 GMT

Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Justin Kosabutski  Account Info
(Web Page)

ive got the best formula program for the 83 plus in basic the only problem is that i update it too much to post

ill get it for all you math ppl
it shows the formula and im getting it to show the work too so all you have to do is copy the stuff down

     16 November 2003, 23:39 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Very cool-what's the name?

     19 November 2003, 21:19 GMT

Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Allan Peng  Account Info
(Web Page)

I got more than i expected! Look at my files, and I've only had these files submitted for about a month (see especially the arcade game i made).

     17 November 2003, 21:35 GMT

Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Soth  Account Info
(Web Page)

Out of interest, as I have gone over 500 downloads with the game countdown (Yippee!!) Does anyone here actually play it?

It's for the 82 basic but apparantly it can be easily ported to 83 - anyone willing to check if it works so I can shove it there as well?

     19 November 2003, 15:01 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

I think I misunderstood the question...I thought it was supposed to be "are the number of downloads lower or higher than you expected?". Always, always, too low...

     19 November 2003, 21:20 GMT

Re: ¤
BlackThunder  Account Info
(Web Page)

Usually, I'd say too low, but since TankWars has more weekly downloads than NerdWars, I think it's just right. ^_^

     21 November 2003, 03:08 GMT

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