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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Choice Votes   Percent
Too high! 18 9.4%   
Right on! 57 29.7%   
Too low! 66 34.4%   
Have no uploaded files 51 26.6%   

Survey posted 2003-11-11 20:09 by Magnus.

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  Reply to this item

burntfuse  Account Info

Almost always too low with me. I'll click on the link to one of my file info pages, and I'll almost always think "Darn! Only 3 downloads this week! etc." (except for once where my AllReg program got ~300 downloads in a week or two).

     12 November 2003, 01:04 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Well, I actually got more downloads than I had expected on some of my programs!!! All of my 83+ programs got uploaded while the statistics were down, so I hadn't seen how many downloads they had until now. My polynomial factorer had *283 total* in less than one month, and >100 in the past 7 days!!!!! Sorry, people, I'm a little excited here....

     12 November 2003, 01:17 GMT

Re: ¤
JAKAS  Account Info

Yah, I downloaded that, It had a pretty good setup, unfortuanately I'm not doing polynomials right now, It would have been helpfull last year. lol.

     12 November 2003, 05:00 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
burntfuse  Account Info

Sorry :-[ I didn't have an '83+ until a few months ago. Glad that you liked it....

     12 November 2003, 21:48 GMT

nicklaszlo Account Info

Why are there no download statistics for AppVars? And while I'm talking about AppVars, why do some calcs not have an AppVars directory? My TI-73 StudyCards AppVar is currently in the Flash directory. Mabye I would know this if I had a TI-73.

     12 November 2003, 03:18 GMT

Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

Everyone download Radial Pong!!

     12 November 2003, 13:20 GMT

Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yea! and while you are at it, check out www.puffy.tk! It is this really cool website I found! (OK, so it is actually a really stupid website I put together last night, but check it out anyway.)


     12 November 2003, 17:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

Talk about easy traffic! Just ten minuets after I posted the above comment, someone looked at the website! WOW!

MWM (So what if I am being ridiculous!)

     12 November 2003, 18:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ahh! You plug your website worse than I used to plug my games!

     12 November 2003, 21:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

I guess I should stop. I am trying to get my brother to draw some with something to do with calculators; if he does I might mention something about it here...


     13 November 2003, 00:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
benryves  Account Info
(Web Page)

Not a bad site... but please, for the love of God, change the font... Times New Roman looks so bland.

     26 November 2003, 13:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

Bitch, I was talking about Radial Pong on ticalc.org so I get hits.

     12 November 2003, 19:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

LOL!!!!! Hey, I've downloaded it. Does that make you feel better? :)

If I remember correctly, it was fun, and it was an interesting concept for a game, but it would run a LOT more smoothly if you used _rowread() (games go unbeliveably fast with _rowread()).

     12 November 2003, 21:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

Unfortunately I lost the source code the program when my hardrive crashed, I've recieved many great ideas for improvements, but it would require completely rewriting the program.

     14 November 2003, 02:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
angelboy Account Info
(Web Page)

Then rewrite it. It can only get better...

     14 November 2003, 14:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

I suppose I could rewrite it, but I'm currently involved in two other projects. If I get a lot of interest, I suppose I would consider working on the program again (at least during an all night hack or something)

Email your support to ticalc@paulygon.org

     14 November 2003, 17:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guess new download stats of one of your files:
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Right, but things like that take a heck of a long time, ya know? :(
Though, it always is easier the second time around... it's just depressing to have to rewrite code due to not saving or a crash, etc.

     14 November 2003, 21:14 GMT

Depression: Rewriting Code
Nick_S  Account Info

Yep rewriting code sucks, you also forget alot of the code cuz yor so shicked it was totally cleared

     15 November 2003, 05:43 GMT

Re: Depression: Rewriting Code
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Usually, it comes back to me, but it's still a pain. I hate that. Unfortunately, it's happened to me multiple times. :'(

     16 November 2003, 17:44 GMT

Re: Re: Depression: Rewriting Code
Cuddles  Account Info

well, not only do you forget stuff, but you sporatically remember stuff, so it's hard to run through the code the same way the second time through, because you have to periodically move around to fix and update things you remember, so you end up leaving out some stuff here and there...
i remember one time having to rewrite about three pages of code for a class project (damn people and their incessent... taking of things such as my disk), and when i finally got back my disk and compared the code... aww man, about three sections were similar... though, the second version was MUCH better...

     2 December 2003, 02:22 GMT

Alternative To Rewriting Code
Nick_S  Account Info

You could disassemble it (yes i no its still hard to read) but then you could add all the labels in and stuff, make it faster, have more features, etc

     15 November 2003, 05:41 GMT

Re: Alternative To Rewriting Code
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, the problem there would be that the program was made in C.

     16 November 2003, 17:45 GMT

Re: Re: Alternative To Rewriting Code
CajunLuke Account Info

TIGCC still compiles to ASM, then compiles to machine code (I think).

     16 November 2003, 22:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Alternative To Rewriting Code
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I know. C->ASM->Machine Code. If you were to disassemble it, it would go to ASM. So, you still wouldn't have your code. The C code isn't remotely like the ASM code, and the disassembler certainly isn't going from ASM to C.

Hey, waita second, I might have the code on my hard drive. Hey! You didn't incluce the C file in with the program! Well, that doesn't help much, does it? LOL!

     17 November 2003, 20:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Alternative To Rewriting Code
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

If I had included the source in the zip, then I wouldn't have this problem. BUt you people are seriously interested in this? I might want to put off my 3D Roller Coaster simulation if everyone's into this program.

     17 November 2003, 22:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Alternative To Rewriting Code
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Whoa-- 3D roller coaster simulation? Work on that... that sounds amazing. LOL Unless you're one of those special people who can work on more than one project at once... I've found that I can't.
I haven't quite got the 3D stuff to work for me. Heh, I was messing with *attmepted* 3D graphics in QB for some time. I eventually gave up when my cube wouldn't rotate in more than two directions. (grr)

     18 November 2003, 21:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Alternative To Rewriting Code
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

You should get into the OpenGL API if you like 3D programming. It is a blast!


     18 November 2003, 21:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Alternative To Rewriting Code
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

I love OpenGL. And yes, I am one of those special people that can work on multiple projects, and in different languages. I'm currently working on:
- A highly advanced graphics editor for Linux [possibly commercial] (Java based)
- 3D Roller Coaster Simulation (FLASH APP C)
- Radial Pong [I started last night] (TIGCC)
- Advanced Geometry "Sketchpad" program (TIGCC)
- And any programs for my Software Design class, which includes a visible representation of an assembly language interpreter (a computer)

     19 November 2003, 18:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Alternative To Rewriting Code
benryves  Account Info
(Web Page)

DirectX is THE 3D API!
OK, it just works well in VB6 :)
If you see ^^my site^^, click on OpenWorld. That's In VB6 and DX8.

     26 November 2003, 13:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Alternative To Rewriting Code
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't know if anyone is still listening to this thread, but oh well. The 3D Roller Coaster Program (codename "Motion Sickness") and Radial Pong have had considerable amount of progress done on them. With Motion Sickness, the entire environment and 3D engine have been created. With radial pong, a complete menu system is done, as well as the first stages to the actual game (you can move a paddle around a circle).

     24 November 2003, 00:58 GMT

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