Wolfenstein83 Released
Posted by Michael on 22 March 2003, 22:55 GMT
Peter Bucher has released Wolfenstein83, a raycaster game for the 83 and 83+ with remarkable graphics. In fact, the graphics are some of the best you will ever see on the 83+. Gameplay is slick as well, and there's an on-calc map editor. There are nine included maps, so you will have plenty of material to play with. This is definitely worth checking out if you have a 83-series calculator.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Wolfenstein83 Released
Sweet, this looks very cool. I am going to download it right away. It bears a striking resemblance to Gemeni, though (At least by the screenshot). It looks like a good program! The on-calc editor is a nice touch too. Now to download it...
22 March 2003, 23:06 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Wolfenstein83 Released
Pedro Silva
(Web Page)
Well I think TI83+SE shouldn't be so compatible with the TI83+ in basic, I hate basic, it's slow, I think they should give me the plus 128 KB of RAM and run asm at the same speed, SE is not iqual to the + the plus rans slowly than an SE that's why I loose so much in Phantom, also the archive memory is soo big but after a few programs in the archive the RAM gets smaller because, I believe, it has to map all the programs, so after a few dozens of programs in the archive I can't play Gemini anymore, it hasn't memory enough for unarchive, so I have to go and delete a few prgms in archive so RAM can run the Gemini.
TI OS should enable greyscale, watch and bigger memory all things that hardware supports and TI wouldn't allow because the so talked retrocompatibility with TI83 and TI83+, aghhhhhh...
Ok... I'm Ok now :P
25 March 2003, 23:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wolfenstein83 Released
Pedro Silva
(Web Page)
yes, he cartridge usually has aditional chips, like S-RAM for saving the game, internal clock, and even flash chips (In GameBoy Camera), but what I like to see is the SNES chips, from the Super FX chip (a 8 bits chip running at 10 MHz, passing trough the Super FX2 at 20 MHz, to the SD1 chip, no mencioning the DD1 and the descompression packs of Street Fighter II alpha and the Star ocean, awesome console, and awesome games, ahhh, good old times
29 March 2003, 21:27 GMT

(Web Page)
SOMEONE had to gripe about this game. I guess it's my job.
Anyway, at first, it looked pretty nice. I noticed that it was a bit slow(even on my SE), but I figured that was by choice of programmer or because of the contrast effect, so I overlooked this. However, the transparancies annoyed me to no ends. Such as, you could hardly tell one object from the wall behind it: e.g. you can't tell what an object is (I'm guessing it's a well like in Wolf3D), because the wall appears through it. Also, you can hardly tell one object from the next. You can't discern a man from a dog from a weed from a flag. And even if it is an enemy, you can't tell it's attacking you, unless you're actually watching your health. Otherwise, it's quite a good game, a very nice port of Wolf3D. I like the light/dark rooms effect, even if it sacrifices a bit of processor speed. Thank you for this game.
28 March 2003, 21:03 GMT

Re: Gripes
Pedro Silva
(Web Page)
I don't think it's slow, the hero is walking not running, the thing about the enemyes is true, but I can see the diference between a dog and a soldier, and sometimes its hard to see at distance, but what did you want, that's hardware limitations of the TI83+, I'd like to see a special edition for SE, with greyscale, but I know that gives too much work to someone who already spent almost a year making a program, this program kicks ass, I wish there was more programs with the quality of this
28 March 2003, 21:29 GMT
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