Edit3D v0.96 Released
Posted by Michael on 18 March 2003, 04:18 GMT
David Coz has updated an excellent and long-overlooked program, Edit3D. Available for the 89, 92+, and Voyage 200, it is a full-featured graphics editing package. People with artistic skills (news editor excluded) can draw intricate 3-D designs in both wire-frame and solid modes. There is also texture support and the ever-impressive real time rotation. Update (Joey): /asm/graphics/edit3d folders have been added for the 89, 92+, and V200. However, they will be kept out of ranking.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Edit3D v0.96 Released
Barrett Anderson
(Web Page)
long overlooked...?
APP contest WINNER!!?!?!
Nice program Davey
18 March 2003, 04:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Edit3D v0.96 Released
Nick Disabato
(Web Page)
Fun story-
I was being interviewed by 12 people, give or take, for a job at my college's IT department. The first question I get asked:
"I know this doesn't have much to do with the interview, but a few of us are curious. We've been visiting ticalc.org for... quite a few years now... and were just wondering what your involvement was like there? Do you do anything now?"
So I told them everything.
"By the way, we're pretty big fans of your work."
Then, after about a solid hour of grilling on various computer networking issues, customer service, dah dah dah... the last question:
"By the way, I'm just wondering. Which one... is your favorite?"
"Which wha...oh."
Unzipped my backpack, pulled out my 89.
Uproar in the room.
It's the only calculator I will ever need. Forever. _Period_. I mean that. If you legitimately think the 83 is better, either you are in finance or you suck. I'm sorry. You can't sway my opinion on this. I've had the 89 for four years now, and I love it more than my own pee-pee. It is so worth the purchase that any other TI calculator short of the Voyage 200 at this point seems like a waste of money.
My girlfriend hates her 89. I have no idea how I manage to continue dating her with this knowledge.
20 March 2003, 22:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Edit3D v0.96 Released
(Web Page)
Working at ticalc probably helped with that. It makes you famous :) lol
Yes, and the TI-89 is the best, except, if you don't have the list APP, doing regressions, stat plots... anything involving lists, it really can stink. But, the TI-89 can do just about anything. It simplifies square roots, it does all that calc stuff (that I won't use for a few years), the pretty print feature is r0x0r, and there's a lot of other cool shtuff.
There is one thing... if you do make a regression, how the stink do you get it into a Y= statement? It just does "Done" when you do the regression. You can view it with ShowStat, but... what then? That was all stinky for me when I had to use that in a math problem we did.
21 March 2003, 01:39 GMT
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