Happy Pi Day!
Posted by Joey on 14 March 2003, 01:00 GMT
In honor of this most nerdy of holidays, I am typing this article on my TI-89 with the assistance of my TI-Keyboard. There are a few pi-related things worth mentioning... - If you haven't already, go out and rent the movie Pi. Although it is rated R [in the USA -- Henrik], I saw it when I was 15 and received no ill effects. It is absolutely worth plunking down a few bucks for, unless you have some strange aversion to power drills. (Shhh... don't ruin it!)
- Since last Pi Day, the record for the most digits of pi calculated was broken. A super-computer cluster in Japan calculated a whopping 1.2411 trillion digits of pi. (Of course, my cluster of Beowulf TI-81's will beat that some day.)
- Although it has been available since 1999, it's worth mentioning Andreas Wahlin's Pi Training for the TI-89. By using it, I have managed to memorize 133 digits of pi.
- 99% of girls and English teachers do not care at ALL about Pi Day, and will look upon you unfavorably if you mention it. General rule of thumb: Do not mention Pi Day to anyone unless you wouldn't feel silly telling them that "all your base are belong to us."
- Nerd holidays are excellent excuses for postponing tests and eating pie during class. At the time of this posting, it isn't yet Pi Day in the U.S., so you've still got plenty of time to run out and buy pies for your math class. DOITGORIGHTNOW!
- At 1:59PM (and 26 seconds, if you feel the need to be precise), it is advisable to spontaineously recite all of your memorized digits of pi aloud. Do this even if you think pi = 3.1416.
- Instead of sleeping, spend all night wondering why ln(-1)/i = 4*(.5!)^2 = pi.
- Keep in mind that being a nerd is a great gift, and that it will pay off in the long run. Word.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Happy Pi Day!
YES!!! I just spent 3 minutes programming a C++ program to calculate an approximation to Pi given a limit for the maximum value of the denominator!! With a maximum value of 1,000,000 for the denominator, the best fraction is 3126535/995207 (that's an error of approximately 8/(7 E-12)) That only took a second to calculate!!! For 1,000,000,000 as the maximum...calculated in a whopping 15 minutes ;( ...
245850922/78256779 (this is an error of 7.8179 E-17, though a calculator may say it is exact because of round off error...when in approx mode on my 89, it says true, but when in exact it says false...)
15 March 2003, 23:22 GMT
For lack of a better place to put this...
(Web Page)
Way to go archivers!!! I uploaded 2 files, and the first one was posted by the time I was done uploading the second one (over 56k)!!! Then the second one was posted 7 minutes after the first one!!! I hope it can always be like this (during reasonable hours of course)!!!
One note: Could you please remove Learn Pi! from the TI-83 BASIC Math Programs directory (http://www.ticalc.org/archives/ files/fileinfo/274/27450.html) because it uses Archive/Unarchive and I stupidly put it in the regular 83's folder (I didn't remember it at the time).
The Web Site link is my author information page, whoo hoo!
16 March 2003, 04:47 GMT

Thanks. And yeah, I'll help ya do screenshots. Outlook Express is hanging when I try to reply in it, so I'm going to Hotmail in Internet Exploder (not a typo) to reply to you.
I'm reinstalling my programs soon so I'll have my good image editor, but in the meantime, I already got a VTI capturer that gets GIFs (that's how I got them in the last uploads). However, I am on 56k, so it'll take a while to download a lot, but I already have I dunno, 50 or so (and I only have 6 on my calc - go figure). I don't have school tomorow (jeez, I just forgot how to spell that), but I have to look for a job and get my hair cut, but I'll tell my computer to download all the allfiles.zip before I leave... Hopefully I'll be able to get at least 20 done for ya when I get back.
Something so simple, yet I ramble again... *grr*
17 March 2003, 01:52 GMT
Re: Happy Pi Day!
HEY! The files don't have weekly ratings! What happened?! I had a good rating on my fraction program earlier to day too!!!
18 March 2003, 01:05 GMT
Re: Happy Pi Day!
Geoffrey Fairchild
(Web Page)
this is the sweetest site....(it's not mine...i wish....)
http://3.141592653589793 2384626433832795028841971693 993751058209.maxg.org/pi
i had to space it twice because it's so long (the space isn't really there
18 March 2003, 06:41 GMT
Re: Happy Pi Day!
Ben Axelrod
(Web Page)
Here are my two Pi programs. The first displays Pi on the graph screen, and the second approximates it.
http://www.ticalc.org/ archives/files/fileinfo/ 196/19685.html
http://www.ticalc.org/ archives/files/fileinfo/ 175/17598.html
20 March 2003, 00:19 GMT
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