Happy Pi Day!
Posted by Joey on 14 March 2003, 01:00 GMT
In honor of this most nerdy of holidays, I am typing this article on my TI-89 with the assistance of my TI-Keyboard. There are a few pi-related things worth mentioning... - If you haven't already, go out and rent the movie Pi. Although it is rated R [in the USA -- Henrik], I saw it when I was 15 and received no ill effects. It is absolutely worth plunking down a few bucks for, unless you have some strange aversion to power drills. (Shhh... don't ruin it!)
- Since last Pi Day, the record for the most digits of pi calculated was broken. A super-computer cluster in Japan calculated a whopping 1.2411 trillion digits of pi. (Of course, my cluster of Beowulf TI-81's will beat that some day.)
- Although it has been available since 1999, it's worth mentioning Andreas Wahlin's Pi Training for the TI-89. By using it, I have managed to memorize 133 digits of pi.
- 99% of girls and English teachers do not care at ALL about Pi Day, and will look upon you unfavorably if you mention it. General rule of thumb: Do not mention Pi Day to anyone unless you wouldn't feel silly telling them that "all your base are belong to us."
- Nerd holidays are excellent excuses for postponing tests and eating pie during class. At the time of this posting, it isn't yet Pi Day in the U.S., so you've still got plenty of time to run out and buy pies for your math class. DOITGORIGHTNOW!
- At 1:59PM (and 26 seconds, if you feel the need to be precise), it is advisable to spontaineously recite all of your memorized digits of pi aloud. Do this even if you think pi = 3.1416.
- Instead of sleeping, spend all night wondering why ln(-1)/i = 4*(.5!)^2 = pi.
- Keep in mind that being a nerd is a great gift, and that it will pay off in the long run. Word.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
No Coincidence
Did You Know?
It's Einstein's birthday... on 3/14
Every say happy bday to Albert!
It's not a coincidence...Einstein must have know what pi was to INF decimal places...it's a secret message...
So...who's interested in joining this new occult?
15 March 2003, 02:59 GMT
Guess what we have to memorize now!
The next official nerd holiday is...... e DAY!!! Whoo Hoo!!! Someone check me, I worked it out to be April 12 (71st day of February if February had that many days, but on a leap year it would be April 11 :p ) Unfortunately, April 12 is a Saturday...
The official time is 12 April 2003, 08:28:18 GMT. Unfortunately, that is 3:30 AM here, but since it IS a weekend, I might be able to stay up. :p
Where can we find e to 200 decimal places, and I don't mean approximating with Y1=(1+1/X)^X...
You can never start preparing too early. :p
15 March 2003, 03:24 GMT
Re: Guess what we have to memorize now!
(Web Page)
The URL above has 100,000 >:)
This URL is the "Top ln(e^10) Reasons e is Better then pi" according to the author... (same site as above):
This is e to 2 million:
This is the Google search I used to find this useless (NOT!) junk:
It's time to start cramming and making study programs for this!!!
BTW, is there a constant 'd'? If there is, there can be a d*i*e = die day... <scary music>Who wants to come to my DIE Day party?</scary music> Actually, for it to be possible, it has to be d*i^2*e or it would be an ERR:UNREAL ANS, and you can't have an unreal date, but then that (d*i^2*e) would be negative (unless d is negative), so i would have to be d*i^4*e, but then to make it DIE day, it would need to be (die)^4, but that might be a number that is too large to correlate to a calendar... Sigh... Make it "(die)^4 Hour" or something. :p
15 March 2003, 03:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guess what we have to memorize now!
(Web Page)
LOL on the 82 you have to type the exponent. Another weird thing about 82 vs. 83/+... in the sequential graphing, the 82 only supports U(n-1). For the TI-83+, you can get any subtext in there that you want. At least it's less typing on the 82. Another weird thing... to do a regression and store it to a Y= value, on the 83+ you do <regression name> [<list>,<list>[,<function>]]
On the 82, you do <regression name> <list>,<list> then goto Y=, scroll to the function you want, and do [VARS] [5] [->] [->] [7]. *cry*
16 March 2003, 17:56 GMT
Re: Happy Pi Day!
(Web Page)
I'd just like to point out that the 99% of girls only applies to non-nerds.
As to the reciting Pi, it would take me more than a minute (way more then a second), and would be right in the middle of English class, the Nerdsum of English class=1.
So um yeah. And happy Pi day.
15 March 2003, 19:00 GMT
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