TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
Posted by Michael on 6 March 2003, 01:07 GMT
TI Connect v1.2.1 has been released. The key update is that TI-GRAPH LINK now works with the black serial cable on Windows XP and 2000, through the use of a service. Also, the TI-73 Explorer now lives. It's just a rename of the TI-73, but remember, more letters make it better!
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Re: TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
First of all, I want to say that I am only commenting on the TI-73.
I personally feel that it is really not necessary for TI to make calculators that are not as advanced. Maybe the price concern will bring some people to buy it, but, I think TI-83+ is really a good choice for high school students, and TI-89/92 pretty good for college-level course. I know because I am a high schooler taking college-level course.
On the link for the 73 Explorer, TI said it is aimed for grades 4-7, I might be not fitting in to the world situation, but back in my country, Taiwan, people does not use calculators when they are that small, but still excel in math nevertheless. After I moved to America, I discovered many of my America-educated schoolmates are relying TOO much on calculators. I personally feel this is not the best trend to follow. (I mean 7*3-2 should be EASILY done in the head.)
I think TI should focus more on getting advanced calculators that is really needed, like to subsitute for a Computer Algebra System. We know that some things are just way too complicated for normal students or even professors to do it by hand, that is the point of calculators, in my oppinion, to give quick approximations to functions not integrable using elementary functions, etc. It is not just to help people think less.
Just my oppinions.
6 March 2003, 01:23 GMT
Re: Re: Re: TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
(Web Page)
I totally agree, in grades 4-7, the only math you have to do is basic arthmetic (which a US$1 pocket calc will do) with perhaps a bit of algebra, which the students are just learning and shouldn't have a calc for (and the 73 can't do the problems anyway) The 73, by the description on the site, is a 4-function calc with a few scientific functions, a grapher, and a command line interface. While the interface is easier to use than a pocket calc, it really isn't worth carrying the huge, battery-eating calc.
6 March 2003, 02:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
(Web Page)
I did a lot of pre-alg in grades 4-7. Like everybody else has been saying... you can do the work yourself, but using the calcualtor is easy.
What I do, if I want to learn a specfic approach or equation, formula, method, blah blah, etc. then I wrote a program. I did this for completing squares, quadratic forumla, completing the square, simplfying roots, and I was going to do one for systems of equations, but I was too lazy :) All the stuff above is simple, but it takes a while to do. That's why the calc comes in handy. To write the program earns finishing a 100 problem worksheet in a minute using your prorgram.
7 March 2003, 00:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
(Web Page)
I think you misconstrued my post (or maybe I wasn't clear enough)
In my opinion, TI should never have made the 83+ in the first place. If I remember my calculator history correctly, the 86 combined features from the 85 and the 83, as well as adding more features to make it more powerful. But then TI released the 83+, which, although it was an upgrade to the 83 (and about the only thing different was the Flash ROM), was essentially a downgrade to the 86 (except for the Flash). So, pretty much using your own argument, why get an 83+ when you can get an 86? And I wouldn't exactly call the 86 a marginal upgrade to the 83+. Sure, there are some similarities between the 83+ and the 86 (remember, both share features with the 83), but all of the Z80 calculators share features. But the 86 is many times more powerful than the 83+. Why else would TI say that the 83+ is for high school math while the 86 is for college and engineering?
9 March 2003, 07:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
While we are on the subject on how we should teach the next generation in mathematics without the need of a calculator, I'd like to add my 10b cents:
First off, we should NOT be teaching children that the first 10 numbers (traditional Arabic-based numbers) are 1-10. The first 10 numbers are 0-9; 10 is merely a repetition of the pattern. I know someone (actually, my mom knows him) who has created a mental algrithm to solve extremely large sums and products, as well as differences and quotients, faster than an accountant can type the values into a calculator. He holds the world record for mental number-crunching. If we refined our teaching methods, there would be less of a need for four-function or scientific calculators, and more of a need for graphing calculators.
Also, with this algrithm, children will not need to ever memorize a single multiplication table. I forget how the algrithm works, but I can find it out if anyone is curious.
11 March 2003, 06:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
I don't see a problem in what TI is doing--it's only business to sell whatever you can for a profit. The problem is the people using (demanding) them. Everyone want to do the least amount of work in the least amount of time. Pretty soon, people no longer learn the Pythagorean therom, such a basic mathematical thereom, and end up only knowing that you input A and B, and get C. What happens if you are given B and C, "Sorry, out of luck."?
As I recall, the majority of K-6 math work I did would be problems like 3+7*6-5, or simpler, or maybe 7/pi, convert 22/9 to a mixed number/decimal/percent. Then math got harder with exponents and radicals, etc, point-slope, slope-intercept, etc. (I'm still not seeng the grapher)
If I were teaching a 4-6 grade math class, my students would have a a four function arithmatic calculator, and nothing more. I would NOT buy any 73 Explorer, and if my students needed to make pie graphs, line graphs, etc, they would have something calc graphing paper, not graphing calculator. Students need to learn to do the math before they learn the shortcuts, that will teach them to apply themselves when they have A and C instead fo A and B.
6 March 2003, 06:21 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
For many, many functions, students shouldn't need a grapher to graph them. Low order polynomials can be factored, even with complex roots, e^x and trigonometric functions are basic forms that can be shifted and stretched, etc. Even for basic integrations and derivatives, you can check by algebra, not graphing. If you take the derivative of your integral, you had better get your original function. Thus, especially for children so young, such a calculator is unnecessary, maybe even harmful. Multiplication tables!
6 March 2003, 11:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
To give another perspective on the whole issue:
To do something on pencil and paper teaches you to do the math,
To do something on the calc teaches you to use a tool which will be very common more-or-less depending on what career you choose
If you do all your math by pencil and paper, you'll not learn how to use a very important tool,
If you do all your math by calculator, you will not only miss important lessons of basic mathematics, but you will also miss out on a lot of logical reasoning skills
So, what you oght to do is just what was stated, do it on pencil and paper, then check it on the calculator. One of my former teachers allowed us to do only the first problem written out and then calculate the rest after the chapter on that section was completed. This made sense since in the following chapters that's not what was expected to be learned, and what we learned often integrates previous chapters.
7 March 2003, 01:32 GMT
Re: Re: TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
Frank A. Nothaft
Yeah. I'll agree that stuff like 7*3-2 should definatley be done in the head or on paper. If someone responds after looking and seeing that I have a TI-92 Plus, I have a compulsive attraction to the most powerful thing, and it was/is the most powerful (the Voyage 200 is just exactly the same if I am correct, but with some crap for other subjects, which, let's all admit, noone really needs). I use a calculator for Trig, graphing tedious stuff, speed math, calculus functions, games, random fractions like 123.5/237, and the occasional use of typing an english paper in class(we're not permitted laptops).
The TI-73 Explorer, is less a real entity, then a missing peice of the portfolio. I think that it will fail miserably, as it is probably at a similar price as the TI-83+, but offers less features (to my impressions). I also do not see a market for it. No person in my middle school uses anything less than a TI-83/82.
In grades 1-1st half of 7, I never used a calculator, as all math could easily be done in the head, or on paper. I don't frequlently use it even in 8th grade. I think that the greatest part of calculators is definatley their use as a shortcut. I was recently taking a math contest (VML for the 8th grade) on which I used my calculator, and one of my school's math teachers remarked that me using it was "like swatting flies with a sledgehammer". Nuff' Said.
6 March 2003, 02:19 GMT
Re: Re: TI Connect v1.2.1 and 73 Explorer
(Web Page)
Well, the point of taking math in school is to learn how to do the problem. The calculator is for assisting you in the problem, or in some cases, doing the whole thing for you. But, that's not a problem, in my opinion. In a real-life situation, you wouldn't do it all on pencil & paper. You'd use a calculator. I agree that it's a good skill to know how to do the math without the calculator, but if you needed to find a median-median line for a set of 10 data points with lots of decimals (and you needed a close-to-exact answer as you could get), would you use pencil and paper, or a calculator? And then there's the solve function... you should know how to solve the equation yourself, but it's there to make you life easier. Outside of math class, pencil and paper work is mostly irrelevant, though you should know how to approach a problem that way to know exactly what the equation means or for other reasons.
The TI-73 is for middle school kids, mostly. To us, it's annoying to have to go to a TEXT menu to print a single character variable to the screen, but for younger kids, that's probably an easier approach, since some kids might be confused by all the different modes (2nd, alpha, diamond, shift...). The only thing that really stands out that might make the TI-73 easier to use to a middle school student is their way of using fractions. You don't have to type 1+(3/4) or 7/4 to get 1.75, you could use their fraction special keys that do that for you, which to me, is a pain, but to middle schoolers, it might make a problem easier to type in and that might give them a less chance of mistyping a problem, leading to an incorrect answer.
And, I agree, if you can't do 7*3-2 in your head, you should really review the math you did 6-8 years ago (more, for some of us).
I talk a lot sometimes, don't I? ;-)
7 March 2003, 00:52 GMT
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