Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
Posted by Michael on 18 January 2003, 22:24 GMT
TI has released the Advanced Finance flash application for the TI-83 Plus. It costs $19.99 and is downloadable from TI's Online Store. Interestingly enough, the price is half of TI's dedicated financial calculator, the BA II Plus, and it includes most if not all BA II features, such as depreciation worksheets and cash flow analysis. Furthermore, Advanced Finance takes advantage of the 83+'s screen to allow graphing of financial functions. Business types will want to take a look at this.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
(Web Page)
Who wrote it?
19 January 2003, 01:05 GMT
Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
Nathan Crank
(Web Page)
why would anyone pay for a flash app for a calculator...
19 January 2003, 01:33 GMT
Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
(Web Page)
For those saying "What's the point when you can get a BA II?", what's the use of people who port programs?
The answer is so that you can use the functions on what you have. It's also a marketing strategy, which appears to make the App more 'handy' by letting users 'upgrade' their 83+ with the special functions instead of buying a BA II.
This is just another point to ponder.
19 January 2003, 04:30 GMT
Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
alright, i was going to remain silent on this issue till someone brought it to my attention. GIVE MICHEAL VINECENT A CHANCE!
this is to be included in a petitiononline petition by rctparothead
"Recently, Michael Vincent was hired at , a large and very popular calculator site, as a news editor. There were a few people who disagreed with this, and posted a protest on the message boards. These posts shorly afterwards deleted by Michael Vincent. If you read the posting rules at, nowhere does it say that you can't protest something. Granted, the post was a bit disrespectful. But Mr. Vincent considered it to be off-topic and deleted it. This is considered biased and tyrannical by many people. If you go to his personal site, and browse around a bit, he has said that he has recently lost interest in calculators, he calls holidays an evil of society that distracts lazy people from doing their work, and has even called girls evil by using algebra. We feel that this sexist, biased, emotionless tyrant has abused his power enough in two days of being "in office" and should not be allowed to be a moderator/news editor at"
19 January 2003, 19:59 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
(Web Page)
The problem with what Michael did is that it is a really bad sign for the future. He deleted those posts within only a couple hours of them being posted. I'm sure that mose people here would agree with me that even if a post is off-topic, they should have a chance to see what it says before it is deleted. I didn't. I wasn't able to read the posts because I had a class to go to. All I knew is that by the time I got back, the post count on the front page went down by 13 or 14. I was, to say the least, a little shocked by this. Maybe if Michael uses more moderation - for example, give a post at least a day on the site before you delete it - I wouldn't find this decision to be so rash. However, if this is indicative of future moderating trends, then I'd have to agree that it was a bit abusive to delete something so quickly. Besides, from the one post I did see, the only 'abusive' thing that broke any rules was the phease "WTF MAN U SUCK", which was a repetition of what someone said earlier.
19 January 2003, 20:11 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
Magnus Hagander
(Web Page)
While I cannot speak for Nick, and can't remember who exactly did it, there certianly have been controversy regarding deletion of comments on these boards before. There have been discussions for months about that. In the end, we came up with what was a working level. It certainly takes a while to get a good grasp of that level. Before we all did that, there were daily complaints about either too much being deleted, or not enough being deleted.
It may or may not have been incorrect to remove that comment. I don't know exactly, because I don't remember what it said. I do remember reacting to that it was off-topic, and basically shrugging it off with a "lots of posts nowadays are off-topic". But please try to remember that so far this is a fairly isolated incident. Instead of just complaning, how about being constructive? I'm sure Michael is capable of changing the level of moderation in order to suit the community.
I agree with those before who have said give hime some time to get settled in. If you have specific, constructive, comments on the level of moderation or other such things, is the address to contact. That goes to Michael, but also to others not-so-active news editors (for example Nickd).
19 January 2003, 20:35 GMT
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