Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
Posted by Michael on 18 January 2003, 22:24 GMT
TI has released the Advanced Finance flash application for the TI-83 Plus. It costs $19.99 and is downloadable from TI's Online Store. Interestingly enough, the price is half of TI's dedicated financial calculator, the BA II Plus, and it includes most if not all BA II features, such as depreciation worksheets and cash flow analysis. Furthermore, Advanced Finance takes advantage of the 83+'s screen to allow graphing of financial functions. Business types will want to take a look at this.
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Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
Joseph Brown
Yay, first post!
I wonder how many people actually buy TI apps.
18 January 2003, 22:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
Rob van Wijk
AFAIK, there are two kinds of apps, the free ones, and the ones that you have to pay for. The ones you have to pay for can only be run on one specific calculator, thanks to a unique calc ID. It is possible (and illegal, immoral, unethical, ...) to take such an application (for instance, from one of your friends) and modify it, such that the calc believes it's a freeware app (and will run on any calc).
21 January 2003, 14:29 GMT
Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
(Web Page)
Um... I thought they already had a Finance APP for the TI-83+... am I wrong?
18 January 2003, 22:46 GMT
Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
(Web Page)
You know, you guys are not paid to advertise stuff.. just so that you know.
Ok, the ti-83 Plus, aimed at students correct?
who would ever need this app?
18 January 2003, 23:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Advanced Finance Released For 83 Plus
(Web Page)
>>Anyway, it's also interesting to note that this is
>>the highest priced app yet
Not completely true -- possibly for the *3 series (73/83+/se), but not for the 68k series. There, they have $49.50 apps, EE*Pro and ME*Pro, as well as $29.95 apps (Geometer's Sketchpad and Cabri Geometry). So, that's not completely true. Myself, the only boughten app I have is CellSheet, and even then, I only got it for free in the "Euro" offer in the summer.
19 January 2003, 03:48 GMT
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