One Million for Patrick Davidson
Posted by Eric on 5 May 2002, 01:01 GMT
We're happy to announce that Patrick Davidson, #2 on our list of busiest authors, has passed the six-digit mark in total downloads. With 1,001,456 all-time downloads, Patrick is well in the lead as our most-downloaded author. Congratulations, and thanks for sucking up so much of our bandwidth :)!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
Josh Gentry
(Web Page)
Alright Pat! Great Job, I hope you continue programming awesome calculator games, it will be a very sad day when you leave us.
-- Josh Gentry
"Efficiency is just an advanced form of laziness."
5 May 2002, 01:17 GMT
Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
I was browsing through the author lists a few weeks ago, and I saw that he was pretty close. Now it has happened. Congrats Patrick!
5 May 2002, 01:22 GMT
Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
Barrett Anderson
(Web Page)
how much do you guys spend on this site per month on average?
5 May 2002, 01:35 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
That was a very sensible response, without a reverse flame, which makes me feel guilty about my mislead comment. I wasn't tring to diss the 86, as it is an aknoledgable calculator, I was just trying to point out to you the way a person COULD compare an 83+ to an 86, which you enquired about earlier. I know for a fact that the 86 is a better calc (than an 83+). And thank you for not trying to argue the superiority of either the 89 or 86. btw, responding to a previous 89 comment, I only have to replace the batteries on my 89 about once ever 3 months, and I play it at leat once in every one of my 5 (senior :) classes. Perhaps you are using a cheap battery brand? I use duracell and I have found that if I use duracell ultra's, The last an extra month or so (I still dont spend that extra $1 though).
8 May 2002, 18:58 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
But the nice thing about flash is, you can use it as an archive for your programs. If the RAM is reset, you still have your stuff in the archive. The 86 is all RAM & if it's reset, than goodbye drugwars. Still, it can do a lot of MATH (AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!) stuff quite well and is hard for teachers to reset. But the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition has 1.5 mb of archive, so it doesn't matter about the size. MirageOS is a FlashApp shell that unarchives programs & re-archives them after the task is ended (plus, it can block the memory menu from access). In the TI Student Center, the TI-86 is described as "no flash memory, but not too shabby." But I think TI should make a TI-86 Plus. I'm going to now buy every calculator half priced on the earth off of eBay.
PS: Wouldn't it be wierd if there was a TI-80 Plus or a TI-81 Plus? There's no linkport, so no upgrades, But I think you could hand type in the Intel Hex Code for Apps. w00t!
9 May 2002, 05:51 GMT
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