One Million for Patrick Davidson
Posted by Eric on 5 May 2002, 01:01 GMT
We're happy to announce that Patrick Davidson, #2 on our list of busiest authors, has passed the six-digit mark in total downloads. With 1,001,456 all-time downloads, Patrick is well in the lead as our most-downloaded author. Congratulations, and thanks for sucking up so much of our bandwidth :)!
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Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
wow how much bandwidth does the whole site transfer monthly?
what's cheap is that the number one on the busiest list has all basic progs whereas patrick d has all asm, though for each of his games there are multiple versions for different calcs so thats a little helpful.
i think this might be first post i never thought i;d get one
5 May 2002, 01:14 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mulanda Kamba" <>
> To: "Gary Sparkes" <>
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 11:23 AM
> Subject: Re: OS Development
> Thank you for contacting Texas Instruments, an Educational Technology
> Company.
> We post all the information for developers on the web site below:
> /83/getstart/ getstart.html
> If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at your
> convenience. Copy this message in your response and send it directly to
> Sincerely,
> Mulanda Kamba
> -- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------------------- ---------------
> Texas Instruments
> An Educational Technology Company
> E-mail:
> General Information: (800) 842-2737
> Technical Support: (972) 917-8324
------------- -------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ------
> -- ------------------
> Heard about the TI-83 Plus and the TI-GRAPH LINK (tm) cable?
> Get them both in the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition -- All the power of the
> TI-83 Plus with more memory, faster processing, and a personal
> organizer, all in a brand-new translucent case.
> Check it out at
> =========== ============== ORIGINAL MESSAGE ============== ============
> [ "Gary Sparkes" <> on 5/3/2002 6:03:32 PM ]
> Hello, I would like to make a operating system for the TI-83+ SE
> calculator. Could you give me directions on how to do this? Thank you.
9 May 2002, 21:36 GMT
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