Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
Posted by Niklas on 23 March 2002, 16:22 GMT
For all you RPG fans out there, Thomas Williamson has released v1.1 of his clone of the NES game Dragon Warrior. Dragon Warrior 86 features every function found in the original (!), grayscale graphics, and hours of gameplay. It also comes with a complete walkthrough for those of us without patience. :)
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Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
Merlijn den Boer
(Web Page)
Yey a RPG!!!!!!! but I like adventures more :(
23 March 2002, 16:40 GMT
Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
joe kooky
(Web Page)
Now That is awesome! It promises to be as good as the original! WHOO!
23 March 2002, 17:26 GMT
Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
(Web Page)
Hey, the game isn't green, like all the "featured games". It's still red, which represents a non-animated screenshot. Shouldn't they change it?
23 March 2002, 17:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
I learned a lot about Z80 and 68k assembly (in fact, also 8051, 8088, and 6800 assembly) in a book that my electronics teacher in high school gave to me. It was a book the school was trying out but didn't need. Its title is "Microprocessor design and application". It shows the instruction sets, but some instructions didn't appear to have a use until I've used the languages. That's the difference between knowing it and knowing how to program in it.
Actually, that same teacher also gave me at least four other books on both AC/DC and digital electronics. I think I was the "teacher's pet" that year. He also let me do some extra credit, stuff like constructing truth tables for the given logic circuit. We didn't cover that kind of stuff that year, but it was easy for me anyway.
I like Z80 and 68k assembly for two different reasons, as you might find for yourself. I like Z80 because it's simple and somewhat more of a challenge to use it in a high-level manner. I like 68k because it's very orthogonal (almost every instruction has the same syntax), and accessing memory, like variables, is much easier and allows for high-level applications with fewer instructions. 68k also corresponds more closely to HLL's, such as C.
There's my $0.02's worth.
27 March 2002, 18:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
Yun Zhou
No, actually, the assembly is different between the two calcuators, and C is not really avaliable for the 86. The 86 uses the Zilog Z80 processor operating at 6 mhz, while the of the 89 uses a Motorola M68K processor. These two processors are very different. The Z80 is similar the Intel 8086, which has the same underlying arctecture as the Pentium class processors. The M68k is different, and is used mainly in small computers, such as the Amiga (??) and the SNES (I think).
Overall, because the Z80 is rather 'unorthodox' and minimally used (except in the gameboy), in many respects, it has recieved little attention from developers, and no C compiler has been created, and no LibC, like the one written by Zjieko Juric (I'm sorry if I spelled your name wrong) for the 89 and 92plus, which gives the calculators a much easier language to work with, similar to ANSI C.
There is also a project by Patrick Davidson (I think it got discontinued) called SouceGuru, and it is designed to be a static recompilation emulator to run 86 software on the 89. It has not worked for me, but I have heard claims that it works with some 86 titles like Galaxian.
24 March 2002, 06:54 GMT

Re: Z80 c compiler.
A version of Small C has been ported for the 83, 85, and 86 ( or in DOS/asm). Small C is a subset of C, which means it can't handle structs, unions, and other things like that, but it's powerful enough that it can compile itself (the compiler, that is). It's open source, but it produces terrible assembly code for the calculators. That's probably because it promotes everything to int (16 bits), even when it doesn't really need to.
I've used a combination of C and asm in some programs to get the best of both worlds. I used C for the overall structure of the program and asm for the fast low-level functions. I think it's a good compromise, and I think that Small C is good for programmers who aren't very fluent in asm but would like to make fast programs and possibly move more towards assembly.
25 March 2002, 18:37 GMT
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