Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
Posted by Niklas on 23 March 2002, 16:22 GMT
For all you RPG fans out there, Thomas Williamson has released v1.1 of his clone of the NES game Dragon Warrior. Dragon Warrior 86 features every function found in the original (!), grayscale graphics, and hours of gameplay. It also comes with a complete walkthrough for those of us without patience. :)
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Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
Paul Joyner
(Web Page)
Does anyone know of any good C tutorials for the 83+?
26 March 2002, 21:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
I've found several compilers, only one of which I've used a lot. It's Small C ( in DOS/asm). I don't know if it'll work well for the TI-83+. I only know that it produces HUGE code for Z80 (about 3 times the size of the same program written by a decent asm programmer). For one thing, it promotes all data types to 16-bit ints, even when it doesn't need to.
I actually learned a lot by studying assembly programs made by the compiler, and now I am much more comfortable with asm than I ever was before. I suggest you do the same if you have the will and determination.
Instead of using a compiler, you can "compile" the program yourself into assembly. It's not very difficult, except for complicated expressions. In fact, there's a nearly direct relationship between C and asm. I did this for my set of multithreading functions ( in TI-86/asm/source). I included the C source file and commented the asm source with the corresponding C expressions for easy comparison (the line of C usually matches up when the assembly has already performed the action).
I could probably write a whole tutorial on what I know, and that's what I might do sometime (read: maybe never :-). In the meantime, I can still help you with some specifics, though you should look for the answers on your own first.
26 March 2002, 23:51 GMT
Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
(Web Page)
Did anyone take the AIME today?
26 March 2002, 22:56 GMT
Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
Hey guys, 'sup? I looked at some of these comments and it seems that this is a great game, but I don't have an 86 to try it on. :( Anyway, I plan on saving and buying a calc this summer (I already have an 89) but I'm going to highschool next year, they put 9th grade with 7th and 8th, and I wanna be a game vender kinda thing or something. Enough talking and down to the point. I need an opinion from "experts" such as yourselves if I should get an 86 or an 83+. Leave comments here please, I almost never check my e-mail.
27 March 2002, 04:11 GMT
Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
Kris Kringle
Wow, I'm amazed. I bought Visual Studio .NET today for $100 (good old academic discounts). Anyway, it's technically the full PROFESSIONAL version, but the catch is that I only have a legal license to make programs for academic purposes (I can't sell them or use them for profit). Not that I ever *would*, really.
OK, major complaint time:
1. VB6:
Load frmMain
Unload frMMain
allowed you to load and unload forms. I have NO IDEA how to do this in VB .NET. It's all funky.
2. TOTAL JAVA RIPOFF. Every single language has become JAVA, even VB. All the forms are defined as classes now. GRR.
27 March 2002, 07:47 GMT
Re: Thomas Williamson releases Dragon Warrior 86 v1.1
Kris Kringle
Sorry about the long posts, but this really irks me and I have nowhere else to spout my anti-M$ anger. They totally COPY-AND-PASTED Java...
27 March 2002, 07:53 GMT
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