Xeontech Beta 1 Released
Posted by Eric on 28 December 2001, 21:03 GMT
Macross has released the first beta of Xeontech, their flagship Action-RPG game engine for the TI-89. Users can create their own RPGs that Xeontech then runs (read the documentation for more). Go download it.
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Re: Xeontech Beta 1 Released
(Web Page)
Sounds like an TI-89 version of ARPG to me, and we all know how that turned out...course, this is on an 89 which is far superior...course, there are way too many damn buttons and commands...but, that's just an 83+ programmers opinion
28 December 2001, 23:18 GMT
Re: Xeontech Beta 1 Released
(Web Page)
while i was out shoveling the snow from my my driveway (Finally, snow!)i thought about this a little more. Maybe instead of 150 suckey rpgs(im not saying this is one, but it could produce some),we need to have one good one. now look at mario for the 83+. it is one good game, with tens of thousands of user made levels. now what if for an rpg, we had one game with one outerworld, and then the users could make different quests for the game. Think of the origanal zelda for NES. It was basically 2 games in one. once you beat the first quest, the there was the brand new 2nd quest, with the dungeons in different locations. I think that the 89 could accomplish this.
So what you say? Now invision this. when a user made level (levelset, quest, set of dungeons, whatever) is created(probally in asm, or could be made with a pc program), it is sent to a central location where it could be compiled and rated, and put into the archives.
when someone plays and beats the level set their character gains strength based on the rating. this would be cool.
..but im not done also there could be multiplayer where
1) you can fight against another person via link where the characters could be re-rated in a system not unlike internet games
2)or you cold fight with someone against special multi-player levels playing coopertivly via link and be rated by how well you do (kind of like 2 player Contra on the NES or the original Mario Bros. on, once again, NES(not super mario bros.).
This is what we really need. not an ARPG for the 89.
(my fingertips hurt from typing so much)
29 December 2001, 00:56 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Xeontech Beta 1 Released
Gergely Patai
I fully agree with you. Creating a game engine sounds so good in theory, but I don't think it would work out well. Why? Does anyone remember Shoot'em Up Toolkit for the C64? It was an actually excellent game-making program with lots of features built in. However, the games created with it were too much the same, despite the great number of features available to exploit. Okay, scripting is possible in Xeontech, but I doubt that it can make a real difference. You know, I can't believe that people without programming experience are able to make good games, so I wouldn't help them in it. I don't agree with those who say that designing games has nothing to do with programming! Creating the plot is also programming. However, when you're really able to make your own programs, you shouldn't rely on others' engines... You may come out with a crappier one, but for hell's sake: it will be DIFFERENT! And you can always improve, optimise it.
I see two possibilities regarding these engines:
1. They're too much specialised: the games created with them are well optimised, but very much the same. Changing the sprites doesn't make a new game.
2. They have a large bunch of features: the games are quite different, but they are inefficient. (Just recall Click&Play...) Then the best "engine" is the one provided by the CPU itself.
Just to close this: although it would seem so based on my comment so far, I would never say that Xeontech sucks. It's an excellent program. My greatest respect goes to the coders of Macross. I see the good will behind the project, and I hope that my pessimistic predictions won't come true.
30 December 2001, 20:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Xeontech Beta 1 Released
Ummm the FAT engine is 3D, you said that youself...
Also can you compare a First Person Shooter to an RPG?
Look at a game like Mario, chage the lvl and you make a new challenge, take a first person shootr change that maps and you sill have the same game (i myself only play 2 FPS-Tribes and Goldeneye). The sucess of the lvl's for mario is not in the engine but is inherent to the nature of the game.
Also, if we are worried that they will be too similer, why do i enjoy playing the same RPG multiple times? I usally try to beat it the first time (no cheats), the second time i go for speed (see how fast i can beat that game, again no cheats), then i go for completelness (i try to get every item/charater and learn all plot details, takes roughly 10 times longer than my first run). Fourth time, I just have fun and cheat :-) I have beat the game, multiple time and have gotten every item and seen every secret...
I myself have logged in well over 1000 hours on Final Fantasy Seven, I have a game where a i haev every item, (99, if you can get multiple of them) the best equip and a perfect materia combo (allows all chars to have all summons/skills/spells). I have logged over 400 hours on that one game.
And for the record (If i may brag/gloat) i haev beaten FF for NES (3 times), FF4 (twice), FF6 (once), FF7 (about 8 times), FF8 (twice), and FF9 (once), FFT (5 times), FF Legend 2 & 3 (2-4 times, 3 twice), and Chronotrigger (3 times, the latter 2 being NewGame +).
FF5, FF Legend's 1 and Mistic Quest i have played but not beaten.
I can beat the origanal Zelda in well under 6 hours.
And if i had the time i would play any one of them again... I to me they don't become boring, every time i play i notice some little thing i didn't see before.
I always look forward to a new RPG, i am not a fan of the ARPGs because they lack a discernable plot (RPG w/o story = Complet Bull $#!^). The quality of the games will be up to the scripter more than the creater of the engine.
Well i think i'm done ranting... The past few days have been less-the-good to me; So plese cut me some slack.
1 January 2002, 18:27 GMT
Re: Xeontech Beta 1 Released
A beta! ... Not too suprising. 50-to-1 odds say that that's as far as it gets, like all other RPGs and impressive games. But if it's ever finished, it seems to be good.
29 December 2001, 02:31 GMT
Re: Xeontech Beta 1 Released
I don't think this will be like ARPGs, just be looking over the features i can see lots of very promising additions. Consider that you can with this beta, make a RPG that not only looks better (More detaled sprites, ovelaping sprites and grayscale; and yes the fact that it is on the 89 does have something to do with it), it also has more gameplay featues (real NPCs, Enimies, intractive terrain (eg: choppable bushes, holes to fall in, ect.), the items are much more adaptable (and look a hell og a lot better), and a decent HUD. I myself am now considering a RPG project (dosen't mean i'm making one!!!!!) and probably will start when/if i get enough time/ideas.
(I'm thinking about a more FF-like as opposed to Zelda-like)
Only time will tell if this is just another ARPG system or if this can (and will) make some FUN and FINISHED RPGs.
29 December 2001, 03:36 GMT
C++ Compiler
(Web Page)
I know this is a bit off topic, but I was wondering if anyone here knew of a good ISO/ANSI standard c++ (Standard C++) compiler that is free to download. I have tried about 10 but they all weren't quite what I expected.
I hate high school,
"Who says Penguins can't fly? I threw one yesterday and he flew for 20 feet."
29 December 2001, 05:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: C++ Compiler
(Web Page)
Thanks you two.
Happy New Years,
No joke today. :-(
But here's an interesting fact:
If you are using Windows XP (grr..) Micro$oft can track down and make your computer stop working if you change anything, or even download cracks or warez.
PS: This is totally true, and for the warez and cracks, they usually don't stop you unless you are downoading Windows (grr...) or Micro$oft products.
Just playing, here's the jokes:
"Windows for dummies", another term of "this sentence no verb"
if you don't get that,
"Microsoft broke Volkswagen's world record: Volkswagen only made 22 million bugs!"
here's more:
"OS/2 VirusScan -- "Windows found: Remove it? [Y,Y]"
this goes with the last;
"Windows the most popular virus on the market today."
What, what, that's all... go home... :-)
Alright one more, but this is only for New Years, don't expect this all the time.
"McAfee-Question: Is Windows a virus?
No, Windows is not a virus. Here's what viruses do:
They replicate quickly - okay, Windows does that.
Viruses use up valuable system resources, slowing down the system as they do so - okay, Windows does that.
Viruses will, from time to time, trash your hard disk - okay, Windows does that too.
Viruses are usually carried, unknown to the user, along with valuable programs and systems. Sigh... Windows does that, too.
Viruses will occasionally make the user suspect their system is too slow (see 2.) and the user will buy new hardware. Yup, that's with Windows, too.
Until now it seems Windows is a virus but there are fundamental differences:
Viruses are well supported by their authors, are running on most systems, their program code is fast, compact and efficient and they tend to become more sophisticated as they mature.
So Windows is not a virus. It's a bug."
1 January 2002, 00:00 GMT
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