Status update
Posted by on 2 November 2001, 21:21 GMT
Here is an update of the current status of our archives screening: We are continuing work on the screening of our archives, but considering that there are more than 15,000 files in them, this will take a while longer. We are always looking at options to shorten this time. We are also going to be working with the authors of some of the popular programs that are in danger of being rejected in an attempt to resolv any issues and make it possible for the programs to remain in our archives. Based upon the comments to the last news article, we would like to reiterate the fact that decision to temporarily close our archives was made by the staff, and we received no demands or threats about this issue. At least one user has asked what will happen to the deleted files in case the only copy was on To resolve this situation, we will keep the rejected files available for a period of time, during which the author can contact us to receive it. Call for help In our screening process, we would now like to ask for the help of our users. If you know of any file in the archives (wether it was on the CD or not is not an issue) that is in violation of our site policies (such as pornographic content or racist slandering), please let us know as soon as possible. Send a mail to If you still know it, let us know the filename and full path of the file. If this is not available (and we know it can be hard, since the archives are still down), please include the calculator model, whether it's basic or assembly, and wether it's a game or a program. Your help in doing this will hopefully make our screening process faster.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
FC: Re: Status update
Daniel Bishop
(Web Page)
Are you going to make any changes to the upload process, to prevent these files from entering the archives in the first place?
2 November 2001, 21:32 GMT

Changing the upload process: Authors should inform us of content, TI Calc can take approriate steps
In response to your question about the upload process, I think we could ammend the upload process and the user profile to protect the young ones from inappropriate content. Read on:
Woah, Woah, WOAH! I've been away from the community for a few weeks, and look what happens! Lets not go off the deep end here with this censorship thing! We (most of us, I think) live in AMERICA, land of the free, and we have something called "FREE SPEECH". We also have something called "FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION." This means we should NOT be censoring things. I think you should not delete any material from the archives. How are you going to define something as "bad", anyway? What if there is a genuinely good game, a RPG, that in one scene shows women's breasts? Would you take away the entire game just for one small image?And what about the E-Books? There are some classic novels in there. What if someone wanted to put 'to kill a mockingbird' in the archives? Would it be disallowed because of some light language? 'The grapes of wrath' has racial slurs referring to African americans, as does 'Of mice and men'. Besides, what is inappropriate in one country may be acceptable in another. I dont know the exact nature of the content, but destroying things like drugwars is crazy! Why would you do such a thing? These works, beleive it or not, are ART. They are independant works, pieces, and ideas meant for sharing. Students sharing with other students. I dont think anyone over 20 or not in school comes to this site anyway. If you dont like it, dont d/l it!
Here's my solution: You should just sift out the 'inconsistant with our values' stuff into seperate folers, and to access the files ,you had to be a registered user of a certain age. You could set up an age thing in the user profile, and if you were under X years old, you could not access the folder. Just put everything objectionable in a seperate folder with lots of RED WARNINGS & DISCLAIMERS at the top. You could have BOLD RED TEXT saying: Everything in this folder is inconsistent with our values, we reccommend you do not download, bla bla bla... but still allow users to download those files anyway. I say just put some things in seperate folders, and when authors upload stuff, if it doesnt meet value requirements x, y, and z, they would be required to mention that it should go in those folders or else. Or else what is up to you. So, if i wanted to upload a game that in one scene had nudity, I would have to mention that nudity in my upload request, and if I failed to, you could issue me a 'warning'. Any user who wanted that file would have to have an account and would have to have an age entry in thier profile that was appropriate to even access the folder it was in.
Besides, sometimes people might write their first program, and it is more of a test, and sometimes people use other people's work for thier own research or experimentation. (Source code, etc)
I just dont think that deleting our past is appropriate at all. TI CALC:DONT DELETE ANYTHING, PLEASE!
5 November 2001, 18:48 GMT
Re: Status update
Magnus Hagander
(Web Page)
And on another note, for those asking for a new survey. As you no doubt realise, we are extremely busy right now. If you have any good ideas for a survey, plase send them to, and we will attempt to put something up.
If you sent there before, please do so again - there may have been some problems with that mailbox.
2 November 2001, 21:35 GMT
Re: Status update
Nick Johnston
(Web Page)
Can you reopen a section of your archives at a time. Like go over all 82 stuff and then reopen, 83, 83+, Win, etc. etc. so at least TICalc can be partly operational. 99% of the people come here for games and they can't access a single 1.
TI Transferred Material on Internet Chart
Before Shutdown |***********************************|
After Shutdown |**** |
Get the picture?
2 November 2001, 22:49 GMT
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