Status update
Posted by on 2 November 2001, 21:21 GMT
Here is an update of the current status of our archives screening: We are continuing work on the screening of our archives, but considering that there are more than 15,000 files in them, this will take a while longer. We are always looking at options to shorten this time. We are also going to be working with the authors of some of the popular programs that are in danger of being rejected in an attempt to resolv any issues and make it possible for the programs to remain in our archives. Based upon the comments to the last news article, we would like to reiterate the fact that decision to temporarily close our archives was made by the staff, and we received no demands or threats about this issue. At least one user has asked what will happen to the deleted files in case the only copy was on To resolve this situation, we will keep the rejected files available for a period of time, during which the author can contact us to receive it. Call for help In our screening process, we would now like to ask for the help of our users. If you know of any file in the archives (wether it was on the CD or not is not an issue) that is in violation of our site policies (such as pornographic content or racist slandering), please let us know as soon as possible. Send a mail to If you still know it, let us know the filename and full path of the file. If this is not available (and we know it can be hard, since the archives are still down), please include the calculator model, whether it's basic or assembly, and wether it's a game or a program. Your help in doing this will hopefully make our screening process faster.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Status update
jeff verkoeyen
(Web Page)
hey everyone out there, this is me(programmer of Raging Flame)
I would just like to say that i truly respect the work of the staff at
I would like to congratulate you on being able to keep up a site like this one for millions of people to come to every day. I understand (as a fellow programmer) how it must be to have to go through all of your sites because of the badly made games.
yet again, i would like to thank all of the people working out there to keep this site going!
-Jeff Verkoeyen, programmer of Raging Flame(ti83+)
3 November 2001, 06:35 GMT
Re: Status update
I would like to do my part by having a complete listing of all the programs on ticalc's archives. I have a lot of spare time to look at the files and decide whether or not its appropriate. This is just my idea of how to move faster with this and contribute to the cause. comments?
3 November 2001, 07:27 GMT
Re: Status update
Did anyone consider that none of this screening would happen if TI hadn't complained about the content on their CD? I can see why they are worried, I mean, they're a big company and they have to cover their butts a lot, but I think at the heart of the matter, everyone knows censorship is wrong. This is why games such as Drug Wars have remained in the archives for so long. If you didn't want to be "exposed" to the "dangerous messages" in the games, you didn't download them. No one was, is, or will be forcing you to. Also, I think parents need to realize that their kids probably know about all this stuff anyway. Heck, they teach it in 7th grade at my school, which is the soonest anyone would need a TI graphing calculator. And just because someone plays a game about selling drugs doesn't mean they are going to become a drug dealer. And I can't picture any drug dealers playing games that involve selling drugs, either.
In conclusion, since this site isn't run by me, I don't get to decide what is and isn't allowed to be hosted on it. But the fact that only *now* are the archives starting to be cleaned up seems a little odd to me.
3 November 2001, 16:30 GMT

Re: Re: Status update
David Ortiz
Yes, playing a game isn't going to turn you into a hooker, or prostitute, but that doesn't mean that we have to encourage such things by making them more available, especially on a supposedly trustworthy site. True, making a game available isn't gonna' make a kid play the game, and just not making a game available isn't gonna keep a kid from playing it. But having a "bad" game out there will make a kid, particularily a young impressionable kid, more susceptable to things of this nature. It will also increase the pressure to play these games.
Now, I didn't mean to come out here and preachat all of you, but I wanted to clear my mind, and state some of the principles that I believe in on these issues.
On a different note, couldn't you guys at Ticalc figure out if a game was "bad" by seeing a title like Drug Wars, or Beerhunt? I'm not trying to point any fingers, (well actually, maybe I am) but, give me a break! You could take a look at the games before you put them online.
Honestly, do (or did), you screen your games before putting them online?
4 November 2001, 03:43 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Status update
(Web Page)
I agree with removing the questionable content from the CD, but do you HAVE to remove it all from your archives? Some of us are adults that enjoy the more PG-13 or R rated games, and I would like to be more of a COMPLETE archive, rather than a filtered one. Here's a few ideas I have:
1. Leave all the content there, but flag it with a rating pertinent to what it contains. G, PG, PG-13, R...something similar to that, or similar to the ESRB ratings.
2. Flag all content thats questionable with a "Mature" flag, and then make the default archive viewing level "General Audiences"...but then put a button on there where we can choose to browse at the "Mature" level if we wish.
I REALLY do NOT want these games to go away, because I enjoy playing these kinds of games, and for the older teens/adults, they enjoy them as well. Please consider this, and I really hope you are reading these comments. Thank you.
4 November 2001, 19:36 GMT
Re: Status update
I cannot believe this!
I've been inactive for about 3 months since my calculator broke while uploading a game to release to this site, and I just now decided to attempt it again, to find out that is now enforcing censorship???
I cannot believe this! Now im reading that some of the programs that contain innapropriate material (f words, sexual references and the like I am assuming) will be removed.
Wow! That's horrible. I mean, why is suddenly turning g-rated? I'm shocked...
- <^Q^>
4 November 2001, 08:06 GMT
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