Sock It To 'Em: New TI-OS?
Posted by Nick on 13 June 2000, 03:47 GMT
Alright... many (many) people have presented this idea on our comment boards, on our email lists, on IRC, in emails to me, as news items on here, and a partridge in a pear tree. Now, it looks as if a group of people are going to make a serious, gung-ho attempt at it. François Goldgewicht, Jean Canazzi (the author of Bigdyna), and Niklas Brunlid (former staff and the author of Prosit) are looking for assistance in the development of a new TI-OS for the 89 and possibly even the 92 Plus. Below, you will find an ICQ chat I had with François today - it addresses some initial questions I had. My only concern is TI adapting their hardware to not accept such a ROM, but ... yeah. Email François if you're a skilled 68K ASM programmer and you'd like to join the project. Trollou 6/12/200 1:44 PM hi i have something to ask u :) BlueCalx 6/12/200 1:44 PM shoot Trollou 6/12/200 1:46 PM i have a project : i would like to make a rom. i already studied this and i am sure that's possible. this would be in open source, etc. i would like to create a programers group, international coders so i just would like u to post a news in order to help me :) BlueCalx 6/12/200 1:47 PM hrm.. impressive :-) Trollou 6/12/200 1:50 PM it's simple... every coder of the ti-fr group is ready (almost :) ) the project is xplained on ti-fr home page (use babelfish to transalte :) ) the mail is : (name : François Goldgewicht) thx Trollou 6/12/200 1:52 PM u can put the name "jean canazzi" (author of bigdyna) BlueCalx 6/12/200 1:53 PM ok Trollou 6/12/200 1:58 PM other name : niklas brunlid BlueCalx 6/12/200 1:58 PM wow... is this intended for math and stuff too, or just gaming compatibility? Trollou 6/12/200 2:05 PM everything : it will replace the tios :) BlueCalx 6/12/200 2:08 PM okay.... if you make it so the math functions are just as madly elite, then i'll definitely post :) (me being the math geek that i am) Trollou 6/12/200 2:09 PM :) Trollou 6/12/200 2:13 PM at a fisrt time it would be just a big program who stands with the tios... in oder to have maths functions etc. but after we could make uour own types (stack...) BlueCalx 6/12/200 2:14 PM yeah.... i'll be back later, i'm going to take a shower. Trollou 6/12/200 3:06 PM look at ti-fr and go to the comments : u'll see the enthousiasm of the frenchies :)
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Sock It To 'Em: New TI-OS?
Juan Corral
(Web Page)
Okay, here are my "requests"
1. Minimalistic. I don't want a bunch of crap, unless you make it run super fast! I want to do math and play games, FAST!
2. Speed. And lots of it, I want you guys to suck every clock cycle out of the feable M68k.
3. Optimization. I'm sick of TI's crappy coding skillz, I want my 3D graphs to fly!
4. No More Kernels/Libraries. Bah, these just clutter up my folders!
6. A REAL Directroy Structure. With a pretty file manager (Tex is open source...), and nested folders!
7. A CLI. Sure we all want a nice GUI, but c'mon everyone knows that a CLI will make for greater speed.
This is what I could come up with in the few minutes I've had to think about it...
13 June 2000, 04:31 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sock It To 'Em: New TI-OS?
(Web Page)
as an owner of the following TIs: 83, 85, 86, & 89,i have used a number of shells over the years, and Zshell and Ashell are the best two, as far as games compatibility and widespread usage are concerned. I also believe that ashell would be the better model, and that (WARNING: possible pipe dream) this os, if developed, should include emulation for all linkable z80 calcs, if possible.
14 June 2000, 00:52 GMT
Re: Re: Sock It To 'Em: New TI-OS?
The new AMS was supposed to do most of your requests *cough*demands*cough cough*. routines were optimized, third-party asm funtions asm functions were reduced, and through all of that, they found out that they could use some of the space that held ams on the old version as flash. If they can crack in, then they can easily do another "reaportioning" of the flash, allowing for built in librariesreader programs, or even shells. Imagine, pick your FlashROM, Doors, TEOS, or other shells (those were all I could think of). and if the TI routines are anything like the 86 (that's the only calc I've learned to program), they all need some serious optimization.
But on to the real issue. I think they should release workable patches that fix problems (this patch speeds up the 3d graphs, this one speeds up the 2d graphs, etc.) Kinda a "Counter-Strike" way of doing things, but it would keep the coders from feeling like nobody cares, and it would give a true status update
on the patch (anyone can lie about how much they've done)
well, ok, there's my rant. Anyone else?
14 June 2000, 17:51 GMT
Re: Sock It To 'Em: New TI-OS?
(Web Page)
There goes that RED type again!
13 June 2000, 04:35 GMT
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