Lotus Turbo Challenge, Teos v1.02, Bomberman 89
Posted by Nick on 15 April 2000, 22:47 GMT
Uh... go Wildcats. Or something. With that in mind, I have an obligation to give my mad props to what we in the TI calculator biz would call "God's God": Rusty Wagner has ported the notoriously amazing racing game Lotus Turbo Challenge to the 86. Great work. No visible differences from the original. The original author, Badja, has his home page here. Jonah Cohen pestered me after TI Extended Operating System (Teos) v1.02 came out, so here I am. Bugfixes and added hardware 2.00/1.00 support comes with this version. This looks like it has a great deal of potential, so keep an eye on it. Paul Boswell (email address? anyone?) and Elliot Olney have released a clone of Bomberman for the 89. I know this is my third Bomberman reference in just over a week, but hey - it's BOMBERMAN! :)
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Lotus Turbo Challenge, Teos v1.02, Bomberman 89
Juan Corral
(Web Page)
I have one single comment, TEOS is quickly going to make DoorsOS look real bad.
It will soon have a "shell" that will make Doors look really lame, and TEOS's features are just so cool.
And then TEOS has the one thing that Doors has always lacked, it OPEN SOURCE, the way *ALL* programs should be.
15 April 2000, 23:56 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Lotus Turbo Challenge, Teos v1.02, Bomberman 89
Juan Corral
(Web Page)
DoorsOS isn't THAT bad (c'mon Mac bad, nothing is that bad*)
I exclusively used DoorsOS even when it sucked (ie, when PlusShell was kicking ass!), cause I liked using the command line. But then the Doors-Explorer came out, and that just changed everything :)
So, as soon as TEOS gets a more "advanced" shell than Doors, it will be unstoppable.
*Macs sucking is my sole opinion, based on heavy usage at school and work
16 April 2000, 04:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Lotus Turbo Challenge, Teos v1.02, Bomberman 89
Clinton Ebadi
(Web Page)
hmmmmm.....porting linux to a ti-calc. It's almost fasible on the 89 and 92/+. But, linux is a 32-bit OS, and they are only 16-bit. So, that would mean: (a)reqrite of the entire kernel, (b)No apps that would run for it. If ti only made a calc with a 32-bit processor...I want my 900Mhz crusoe based graphing calculator! Graphs so fast you can't even see them! and, TI needs ot make ones with nice color displays and more RAM (4 MB is good for me), and a nice 10Megs of flash space, but not like their existing flash -- I'm talking like a hardrive flash where you put all fo your apps. Then, the RAM would be used as swap space. Then, I could port linux to it. And if it had twice the RAM and flash....say hello to X-windows! Not just any X-windows, but mentalUNIX 3rd generation display layer X (of course it would be much smaller, and have crappy graphics). I am offtopic. I realize that this will probab;ly be deleted. oh well. at laeast one person has read this. and, if you want ot see linux on every device ever made, join mentalunix (http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/mentalunix ). after we are done our distro....say hello to a TI-3000plus port...heh
20 April 2000, 23:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lotus Turbo Challenge, Teos v1.02, Bomberman 89
Kenneth Arnold
Linux is a 32-bit OS. But there's already a port for M68k (M68020 and up). So that's not an issue.
Actually I've thought quite a bit about this. I do think it _is_ possible, just somebody's gotta do it (I would ask Xavier Vassor, whom I talk to a lot, but he doesn't do Linux -- know anybody who knows both Linux and M68k ASM?)
A few things you'd need:
* since the LCD is a mem-mapped region, framebuffer would make that a piece of cake.
* anybody know about the protected mode support on the M68000? is it enforcable? kernel/user mode? i know that there is some form of protected memory, but judging by the stability of many ASM programs, not much.
* virtual memory is out of the question, unless by some round of sheer luck someone could convince the M68k that (a) a Flash ROM is a "hard disk" (not hard) and (b) there exist things called pages that you're supposed to keep track of.
* Flash ROM, link port, framebuffer, FP EMU, keypad, and linkport (networking?) is just about all the extras the kernel should need.
* Maybe a cash incentive would make this a more fruitful course to pursue? I'd contribute some.
Seriously, if only for the sheer heck of it, let's see if we can get bash running on the TI-89. That would be fun, and man I would have something to show my friends!
Kenneth (pretty-please-with-a-cherry-on-top look)
24 April 2000, 22:28 GMT
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