Universal OS v1.10, Julien Muchembled Defeats HW2 Limit
Posted by Nick on 27 February 2000, 21:48 GMT
Imagine the euphoric shock I received when I got an ICQ from Francois Goldgewicht telling me that a new version of Universal OS had been released by Julien Muchembled. Now multiply that by several googols and you have the ultimate pleasure overload that I experienced when I found out that a patch had been written by the same person to fix the 8 KB limit on assembly programs on Hardware v2.00 calculators running AMS v2.03. That's right, folks. Now time for some documentation quoting: If you have: - a TI89 Hardware 2 and AMS 2.03: launch "ti89_203" - a TI92 Plus Hardware 2 and AMS 2.03: launch "ti92p203" The TI92 Plus version has not yet been tested. If people can confirm that it works, email me. After that, the 8 KB limit should still be there. If you install DoorsOS II or Universal OS, though, things will be just hunky-dory. Use this at your own risk. If you have any successes, email me. Good luck! :) Update (Nick): Belated props to Ti.Fr for breaking this and posting the files. I've been busy with lots of real life stuff lately, so sorry for the late update, Francois :)
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Re: Universal OS v1.10, Julien Muchembled Defeats HW2 Limit
wha? this means hw2 calcs on AMS 2.03 can play games now?
27 February 2000, 21:53 GMT
Re: Re: Universal OS v1.10, Julien Muchembled Defeats HW2 Limit
I have been testing different things to try and make this work right for about and hour now, I'll tell you what I have come up with: (I have a TI89 HW2 AMS 2.03)
**Put the patch file on calc and run it, you dont need to keep it on the calc**
**Install DoorsOS II v.93, you dont need to keep that file either**
Heres the libs I used:
filelib, hexlib, ziplib, userlib- came with DoorsOS
graphlib, hufflib- downloaded the HW2 versions
gray4lib, util- used from Tetris89 AMS 2.xx version
Now the games:
Phoenix- only works with the AMS 2.xx version
Frogger- works fine and dandy
Tetris89- will only work with AMS 2.xx version and with the libs it provides (anyone know what launch is for?)
Jezzball- must use 2.xx version
SMQ- said Memory Violation and then srewed up my calc, took me 10 minutes to finally reset it
Exploding Tic Tac Toe- must take out batteries to fix
Thats it for now, please contact me with your findings!
28 February 2000, 02:13 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Universal OS v1.10, Julien Muchembled Defeats HW2 Limit
Brian Stockman
I don't know about anybody else... but I have a ti89 and have the new 2.03 flash rom installed, have this new universal OS: I then try to play tetris, an the game functions fine, except everytime i try to enter in a name for a high score in tetris, It records the points but not the name, this gets quite agrivating, esp. bc this was one of my favorite pastimes. ie. competing with my friends for the high score..
If anyone else has encountered this problem, and knows how to fix this so that it doesn't happen
or maybe if anyone could just tell me why it happens, id be grateful
Thankyou Shockyr@aol.com
1 March 2000, 06:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Universal OS v1.10, Julien Muchembled Defeats HW2 Limit
right now it looks like any file that says it is 2.xx, it is eactly that, any other version will not work for a HW2 AMS 2.03...makes sense, but for you people that dont feel like testing to see what games work, I'll list what asm games I have on my calc (They all work of course): NOTE: any basic game still works fine! dstar, falldown, jezzball, nibbles, phoenix, tetris..anyone know any other asm games that will work?
1 March 2000, 08:09 GMT
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