BomberBoy v1.0 Released
Posted by Eric on 21 February 2000, 23:00 GMT
Grent Jones has released the new version of BomberBoy, his popular TI-89 BomberMan clone. Some of the new features include new intelligent enemies, new worlds and levels, improved sprites, etc. You can download BomberBoy here.
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Re: BomberBoy v1.0 Released
Glad to find something that works on 2.03. While we're on that subject... anyone know what rom is required to get Street Fighter 2 working?
22 February 2000, 03:13 GMT
Re: BomberBoy v1.0 Released
math boy
Would someone please do me a favor and answer these questions!!! Does bomberboy work under hardware version 2.00 and AMS version 1.05? Does it work under universal os for hardware 2?
22 February 2000, 04:20 GMT
Re: BomberBoy v1.0 Released
I've been meaning to mention this for awhile now. I see Grent Jones himself in here interacting with users of his program. It's such a great way for the author to get feedback and for users to get support. It simply enhances the experiences of both sides. But this isn't possible with every program that is released. Maybe it would become too crowded, or take too much disk space, but it would sure be a nice feature to have a discussion area for each file that TICALC archives. They could put a link in that info screen of each program when you click on the little file icon.
22 February 2000, 10:09 GMT
Zeljko Juric
(Web Page)
I know that this is out of topic, but I don't know where to put this, and it is important. My theory about HW2/AMS2.03 is proven as true from various sources. HW2 calculators really have built-in a hardware device which does not allow that ASM programs longer than 8K may be executed in RAM. This device is turned on somewhere in AMS2.xx (that's why the protection don't work on AMS1.05), and in according to experiments, it seems that it can't be turned off (without removing batteries) after turned on once.
But... it seems that this sad story will have a fortune end. Probably no protection is perfect. The protection device really can't be switched off, but Julien Muchembled (author of Universal OS) points to me that using one nasty trick it can be bypassed!!!
Engineers from TI forgot to implement something, and this fact allows bypassing the protection!
Currently, I KNOW how to made arbitrary long ASM program which works on damned HW2/AMS2.03 combination. You want a proof? I just uploaded on ticalc release 1.1 of my ScottFree driver for adventure games (archived in "", TI-89 Assembly games) which
in 14K long and works on HW2/AMS2.03 (it will be available in the archive in a next few days).
As I told, I know how to made arbitrary long asm program by myself, but it is still the problem of executing EXISTING programs without serious modifications of themselves (the programs themselves are not so problematic to modify, but libraries ARE problematic). The problem of making a shell (like UniOS, Doors etc.) which will be STABLE, and which CAN execute EXISTING ASM programs on AMS2.03/HW2 is still open, because the nasty protection device can crash calculator on such terrible way that system recover is possible only by removing batteries (this happens when protection device detects "illegal" behaviour of the program). It seems that making "universal" shell is an amazingly hard task, but not impossible! Note that both Julien and Xavier works intensively on this problem!!!
22 February 2000, 11:43 GMT

Zeljko Juric
(Web Page)
I really can't think that TI would want that limit, but I must point that this 384K limit is also mysterious. AMS2.03 checks whether the calc is HW2 calc, and if it is not, it does not allow archiving below certain address. But, it seems that the program CAN be archived below this address if this check is by-passed. So, I want to say that it seems that this is a software limit. Again, I really can't think about any reason that TI would want that limit, but it seems that they also implemented this limit by themselves??? But, this is a hyphotesis: maybe I am wrong. Or, maybe TI want to "prove" that HW2 calcs are better than HW1, with a goal to force buying HW2 calcs which have built-in various devil protection mechanisms...
25 February 2000, 10:46 GMT
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