h4X0r Announces Gooey 89 and GIDE
Posted by Nick on 29 December 1999, 01:59 GMT
h4X0r, in a newly revamped home page, has announced the pending release of Gooey 89 and GIDE. I'll let quotes from the page speak for themselves: "I have created the first hacked freeware Flash Application, Gooey 89, as well as GIDE, also known as Gooey Integrated Development Envirnoment. "The two programs work together to make a lethal programming nightmare for TI's SDK, which costs $300 USD! My two programs make TI-89 assembly programming easy! It offers everything [that] DoorsOS offers without the mess of libraries as all the usefull routines are built in! I have included all the possible documentation humanly possible, to allow a quick uptime for new and seasoned programmers. Not only that but if you ever have questions, I have setup a message board to ask questions and get answers! No longer will you have [to] plead with TI's incompetence." A screenshot is available to the right; just click on the thumbnail. Versions of Gooey 89 and GIDE should (hopefully) be released soon. Update (Nick): h4X0r has released a second screenshot of GIDE. Update (Nick): h4X0r has updated his page again. Those of you who bothered to read this news item for this long, get ready for a treat. h4X0r has added animated screenshots to his Gooey 89 page. Enjoy! h4X0r says Gooey 89 and GIDE will be released shortly after Y2K. He's working on it as fast as he can, so sit tight. More to come from us soon.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: h4X0r Announces Gooey 89 and GIDE
wow, sounds cool
29 December 1999, 02:05 GMT
Re: h4X0r Announces Gooey 89 and GIDE
So where can we download this "Gooey" at?
and will it run all the other programs that were designed for doors, like tetris, nibbles, phoenix etc.
and because it doesn't have libs will it take up less space?
and is it good only for your HW2.00 or also HW1.00(the original)?
29 December 1999, 02:13 GMT

Re: Re: h4X0r Announces Gooey 89 and GIDE
(Web Page)
You can't download Gooey, yet :(
I will try to have most of ticalc.org's TI-89 ASM archives converted by the time I release GIDE!
About the space, it depends. Currently it is a 40k FlashApp. So that is probably about as big as Doors and the libraries for your favorite games. However when you compile using GIDE, it will only link to gooey's routines, and then when you execute your program it will activate only the routines you are using, and then let the program takeover. That, currently, only requires about 2k or RAM free. However this changes depending on what your program is doing :( I'll try to make it only use 2k or RAM always.
It was designed with TI-89 HW 2 in mind, but it will also work with HW 1 TI-89s. It will not however be compatible with the TI-92+, sorry 92+ owners :(
29 December 1999, 05:06 GMT
Re: h4X0r Announces Gooey 89 and GIDE
is anyone else planning on releasing this for the 92 plus. The two calculators are so similar that it should be pretty easy to make a similar program for it too especially if h4X0r releases the source.
oh one more thing how do you pronounce h4X0r?
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Ozzy Osbourne
29 December 1999, 02:41 GMT
Re: h4X0r Announces Gooey 89 and GIDE
it sounds so good ....
so good...
hmmm .... maybe it's a joke :-(
C'est trop beau pour être vrai !
29 December 1999, 03:27 GMT
Re: h4X0r Announces Gooey 89 and GIDE
(Web Page)
This sounds great but how do you manage to bypass the security system. Did you crack TI's code or do you use the HW1 bug. I was planning to include support for archive applications (programs that are executed while staying in archive; I have already included support for archive libraries and it works well) in the next release of LexOS but it seems to be unnecessary now.
29 December 1999, 03:49 GMT
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