Ben Mickle Releases Super Mario 86 v0.95
Posted by Nick on 11 December 1999, 19:54 GMT
Ben Mickle has released an update to Super Mario 86 recently with his Super Mario 86 v0.95. A level editor is also available. New features include a host of bug fixes, a level editor *g*, Bowser, more graphics and animation, improved jumping, and of course the support of external worlds. Congratulations to Ben on all the great improvements he's made to an already wonderful game!
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Re: Ben Mickle Releases Super Mario 86 v0.95
Mike Palmer
I don't have an 86, but this game looks sweet....
--1st comment!
11 December 1999, 20:03 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Super Mario 86 v0.95
(Web Page)
Finally, a level editor! I was gettinf tired of playing the one that it came with last time.
Good job Ben, keep up the good work.
11 December 1999, 20:45 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Super Mario 86 v0.95
(Web Page)
Is ticalc gonna open a seperate dir for mario levels?
11 December 1999, 21:16 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Super Mario 86 v0.95
Great game, Ben!!
also Randy Gluvna is not the author to the Level editor, Ben Mickle is. This should be corrected.
11 December 1999, 21:30 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Super Mario 86 v0.95
The best has become even better. Excellent job, Ben, keep up the good work!
11 December 1999, 22:07 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Super Mario 86 v0.95
math boy
Could somebody please port this to the 83+? I would really like to see Super Mario added to Ion. There is no game like Mario for the 83+. :(
12 December 1999, 00:19 GMT

(Web Page)
I agree that it is annoying when people ask for ports too often, but they have to because not many people create programs for the 'not-so-popular' calculators. Also, I think that when most people ask for a port, they just want a game simmilar to it. Someone needs to make a "Dummy's Guide to TI Calc Assembly Programming" so that all the people out there that want games can make them. I know that there are millions of docs out there for every calc, but usually they are in lessions and were never completed, or are cryptic. Someone (that has plenty of spare time/no life) needs to find all these docs and make a complete guide to not only assembly programing, but how to use it to create different types of programs. Maybe include examples from FULL assembly programs, instead of just a program that moves a block around or draws bars in grayscale... If I have time, I'll email the authors of the docs and ask for permision to use them to make a doc like that for every calculator(I only own an 82 and 92+, but I can try to make one for other calcs)...
12 December 1999, 02:37 GMT
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