Ben Mickle Releases Zip86
Posted by Nick on 10 November 1999, 16:45 GMT
Ben Mickle released a wonderful utility for the 86 recently called Zip86. It's used for compressing both assembly and basic programs on the calculator so you can fit more on. After they're compressed, you can run them like you would run any normal program. For those of you who don't understand the value of this, the 86's large amount of memory is effectively made much, much larger with the use of this program :).
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Re: Ben Mickle Releases Zip86
Besides being the first comment (as far as my browser tells me) I want to congratulate Ben for his wonderful utility. Great work, ben!
10 November 1999, 17:03 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Zip86
cyder stopar
I haven't tried this yet but i will asap. Does anyone know the "percentage" of compression this utility does on the 86. On another note, i wish you could even compress levels and what not and use them too.
great idea though, stupendous.
10 November 1999, 18:07 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Zip86
This sounds like a great idea. But does it lose some information everytime the programs are compressed and uncompressed? This is a problem with some computer compression utilities.
10 November 1999, 19:44 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Zip86
Patrick Wilson
(Web Page)
Hrmm, I tried the program, and depending on how correct my assumptions were, when I compressed about 40k of programs on my calculator, Zip86 only saved me about 6k or at most 7k. Nice, but not great :/
10 November 1999, 20:59 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Zip86
It says not to zip programs that are run from other programs. Does this mean that shells cannot be used?
10 November 1999, 22:06 GMT

Re: Re: Ben Mickle Releases Zip86
Ben Mickle
(Web Page)
It might be safer not to run a compressed program from a shell, depending on the program. However, that was intended to mean that you shouldn't compress modules. An example would be that you shouldn't compress bloat, then run a program that uses bloat. Too many programs may become 'imbedded.' Also, I would NOT recommend running YAS from Rascall, then MSE from YAS, then ASE from MSE, then running a compressed program (especially if all those shells are compressed!). With certain programs, 'imbedding' programs like that may cause a crash. If you are just running a compressed program from a shell, that should be safe.
10 November 1999, 22:22 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Zip86
Robert Maresh
(Web Page)
This sounds like the beginning of a great era! I do not own a TI-86. However, a compression utility like this would be GREAT for the TI-83 plus, with the FLASH rom capabilities. If someone could make a program that compresses the program data (BASIC AND ASM) and store it on the FLASH rom, then the shell could decompress the programs to ram to execute them. It would allow for some really great games for the TI-83 Plus! Someone who is an expert in data compression and assembly programming (Maybe Ben Mickle or someone else) make a program like this. Congratulations, Ben, for your work for the TI-86!!!!
10 November 1999, 22:12 GMT
Re: Ben Mickle Releases Zip86
Ben Mickle
(Web Page)
I'd like to point out something about the usage of Zip86:
You need to leave some free memory in order for things to decompress properly. If a program is compressed by 1k, and you only have .5k free, that program cannot decompress properly because there is not enough memory. This is the most common cause of crashes when using Zip86.
10 November 1999, 22:40 GMT
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