Noshell Released
Posted by Michael on 21 June 2007, 21:56 GMT
Brandon Wilson has released a revolutionary new flash shell for the 83+ series called Noshell (pronounced nosh-ell). Simply stated, Noshell runs anything. Regardless of whether a program is ASM or BASIC, archived or in RAM, for MirageOS or for ION, Noshell will execute anything from the homescreen in the conventional prgmNAME syntax. Furthermore, it optionally allows for writeback, ensuring that high scores in games are saved.
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Re: Noshell Released
(Web Page)
I'm not trying to sound cynical or anything, but running programs from the home screen is a bit archaic if you ask me.. I like to see my programs in a GUI as in MirageOS. The PRGM menu looks horrid. Also, MirageOS hides all the subprograms and stuff like that, so you don't have to scroll through as much. MirageOS, though, should add some way to scroll more easily. If you want a program that starts with Z, and, like me, you have around 90 programs on your calc, it can take a while to get to the bottom of the list...
I vote GUI over home screen, but that's just my opinion.
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22 June 2007, 22:53 GMT
(Web Page)
Yeah I know, Chocolate is the perfect flavor. I mean, who doesn't like chocolate? Why did they een make vanilla!
or more realiztically, we will make enough money if we do not sell any in (my) size; sure, some people would like that, but most would not even know.
haha, just kidding. Yeah, everybody is entitled to their opinion. The problem with text though is that people put a face to words that is not there. It's like a car horn; how do you tell an angry beep from an impatient beep? I think they ought to make 2 car horns: an obviously "oh, sorry" horn, and an obviously "hey, you jerk!" horn.
You know, there are alot o simple things that have not been invented, like pushing the floor-button in an elevator a second time to deselect it, or a dictionary full of words that people do NOT already know?
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23 June 2007, 00:56 GMT
Re: Noshell Released
Adam Stein
(Web Page)
I know it's an impressive innovation, but it still needs some work... Some MirageOS programs display TI-OS characters when you exit them (Pheonix) and some don't even close whatsoever (Barrels). I also would like to see this program work without messing up Omnicalc. Besides that, it's an amazing program. I hope this helps!
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24 June 2007, 23:25 GMT
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